Test/Deca cycle new member

249.5 lbs. I may have eaten too much yesterday haha. Enjoyed the day, needed a rest day also. Today going to hit heavy. I'm wondering if the sust has anything to do with that super quick jump in weight... a month back when my guy fucked my order up and I ended up pinning that sust once I think I remember I jumped up a couple lbs real quick. Or maybe I'm trippin. Well it's sust/Deca for the rest of the cycle so we shall see...

the faster acting esters in sustanon,, more test in your blood, you could of gotten a bit of a spike in estrogen and water weight (not a bad thing for a bulk)
That's it lifting is the only thing that stops me from sitting in the shed and smoking bongs all night and drinking half a bottle of burbon every night

I get the occasional person asking me why i dont go to aa meeting and the like ( the people that know I'm an ex addict/alcoholic), I just tell them that the gym is all the aa/ counseling I need. Mentally theroputic as any recovery meeting out there imo. Iron keeps me sane baby!! ( and sober for that matter) . Just saying:-)
For sure bro same here. Had 2 slip ups in the last year but nothing major. I'll go to a certain AA meeting on the beach 1-2 times a month, it helps keep my priorities in check and remember how much better my life is without alchohol.
I get the occasional person asking me why i dont go to aa meeting and the like ( the people that know I'm an ex addict/alcoholic), I just tell them that the gym is all the aa/ counseling I need. Mentally theroputic as any recovery meeting out there imo. Iron keeps me sane baby!! ( and sober for that matter) . Just saying:-)

Fantastic ^^^^ as I get it myself. I don't go to AA meetings much at all anymore. But with or without my old meetings , the gym is the best therapy. For my body and my mind. Pretty simple.!
Hit chest/biceps/abs... strong as a fuckin ox today goddamn! Good shit. Thought more of you guys would like that Kratos gym, I thought it was badass, hmph, whatever haha. Now time to feed the beast!
Hit chest/biceps/abs... strong as a fuckin ox today goddamn! Good shit. Thought more of you guys would like that Kratos gym, I thought it was badass, hmph, whatever haha. Now time to feed the beast!

Ay, I been living under a rock for several years. What is it exactly and who goes there. Like Arnie back in the day or some??? Lol. Idk.
I see it in a lot of different YouTube vids. Always in the strength Cartel vids. Big boy deadlifting 800 lbs benching 600. Cool layout in there, love the art in the walls and metal weights
246 lbs. As suggested it was most likely a quick fluctuation in water weight. Ate a lot of breads on Thanksgiving and I never eat bread because it boats me. I think when I eat bread I hold onto more water weight.
Big boy is strong as fuck. His overhead barbell press is terrible though haha. He was with rich piana before moving on to do his own thing. I've heard their pre-workout is the shit but very expensive.
Yeah all Pre workouts are getting expensive
Try curse its my go to yea that big boy fella is going to have some major arthritis soon lol one day he's going to jump out of bed and his knees and elbows are going to turn to dust haha
Did you see the video with CT and strength cartel big rob looked pissed that he wasn't the strongest guy there that day