I am banned!
244 lbs. Had to take yesterday off, worked 20 hrs straight got off at 4 am... chest/traps today... was feeling strong as fuck, fell victim to mirin myself in the mirror a few too many times lol.
244 lbs. Had to take yesterday off, worked 20 hrs straight got off at 4 am... chest/traps today... was feeling strong as fuck, fell victim to mirin myself in the mirror a few too many times lol.
244 lbs. Had to take yesterday off, worked 20 hrs straight got off at 4 am... chest/traps today... was feeling strong as fuck, fell victim to mirin myself in the mirror a few too many times lol.
Thanks brother! Will do on upping the carbs and heavy sets. Currently what I do most the time is do a few light high resets working up to what I can do in the 3-5 rep range. Hit that for 3 sets then drop down to what I can do 10-12 reps for 3 sets last set dropset. Either that or I pyramid up to what I can hit 3-5 reps and back down. What is your take on that type of training?
couple simple pointers to add that 10 extra pounds of body weight by the end of your cycle.
- up your carbs
- add very heavy strength based training sets to yours workouts. if you been training in say the 8-15 rep range, keep doing that but add several heavy sets to your workouts too. try a set of 3-5, for multiple sets. the heavy work load will not give you the greatest pump in the gym , but it will break down and create micro tears in the muscle fibers. these tears stimulate fluid/water retention at the site. which will then make your muscle hold more water and look fuller and thus put on more body weight .
and the added carbs will help with this as well. you'll get bigger, fuller, and stronger.
note: this is not 'bad' water weight . the muscles are made up of 70% water to begin with . the more water and glycogen you can force into the muscle the bigger , fuller and stronger you will be.
note: ^ this is the exact opposite advice i would give if you were prepping for a show and needing to be hard and dry,, but for putting on 10 pounds of weight and more fullness it works.
Well done OP.... a well planned cycle, and hopefully you have tweaked it following good advice above.
I'd personally run the Deca a touch higher than 400mg and MOST DEFINITELY either have Prami on hand - or even better take it at a low dose throughout the cycle.
Once you get Deca dick - it takes a little while to get that Prolactin down again.
Why don't you post up your revised cycle with adjustments made re: advice - and we can give a final critique before you get the ball rolling.
Welcome to the boards buddy, reps to you for a sensible plan.![]()
Ur like the kid that doesn't look at the sticky Mike. Lol jk bro...
34 years old, started cycle at 230, currently 245. Ran a cycle of test e 500/wk 2 years ago, decent gains, didn't know shit lol. Currently running 300 test e/300 deca e3d. .25 prami ed, .25 dex eod. Cals are around 4300, 35/35/30. Cycle goals are to put on lmm of course and increase strength. So far so good. Finishing up week 9 of 16. Will be switching to sustanon next Thursday and dropping deca after week 14, and possibly running winny last 4 weeks. Have caber and nolvadex on hand for pct. Just got my hcg as well so I'll blast that in the end. I will look up info on how to go about that before I bug you guys lol. That good enough? Think I covered it all...
Oh don't think I mentioned I'm 6'4" if I had to guess somewhere around 14.79 % body fat. Ok I have no idea. But I'm not fat so fuckoff