TEST E/DBOL cycle log


****** from Europe
2x250mg test enth per week
25mg DBOL per day

PCT: tamoxifen , HCG
Arimidex on hand

Stats: 80kg 178cm hieght 23 years old


Quads: 20.5 Inch
Biceps: 14inch
Chest : 39inch


Training 85%-100% of 1RM 4 times per week
Squat: 160kg
Bench: 75kg

Day 3: Dont feel any different. Dead lifts today at 115kg to failure. looking forward to doing lats and traps tommorow. Dont think the dbol has kicked in yet. not felt any unreal back pumps.
You should feel the dbol almost immediately and I usually feel test e after a week or so, most people say 3 but it seems to hit me almost straight away, good luck with it
Judging form those photos I would say you shouldnt even be on a cycle man. You could make a lot of natural gains still.
CNDguy, I agree i could make lots of natural gains. but im choosing to use steroids to reach my ideal body faster.
going to make a slight change to the DBOL: Instead of taking 25mg for 50 days i am going to to 50mg for 25days. should be easier on the liver
2nd pin today. got a bit of soreness that onset on saturday and got a bit worried incase it was an abcess.

Symptoms for other people worried about this.

Tenderness to touch
small hard area around injection site

This can happen after your first few pins and is common when the alcohol content is high. can also be crystalisation left behing after the most of the substance has been involved and the muscle tissue can knot. Also when you inject the needle does shear tissue and soreness and deep pain can be felt until you get used to it. if this doesnt die down after a few days then see a doctor.


other than that i am getting frequent random erections and there is no reason why. feels like puberty again
i am feeling it the respect that i am able to increase the weight and keep lifting heavey for over 6 sets. I did my 1 rep maxes last week before i started day 1 and im now doing that on my working sets and going 5kg above it before i fail. so yeah i am starting to feel it.
good luck mate,im running the same starting in 2 or 3 week just need my post cycle therapy (pct) sorted then im good to go,thinkin of running the test 500mg wk for 10wk dbol wk1-5 30/30/30/40/40 also thinking of doing a vlog with it,anyways all the best and keep us updated brother!!!!
hi prof gray. goood luck with your cycle. For a pct Im going to do a 10 day blast of hcg at 500iu a day starting the last injection day and 2 weeks after last injection i will do a 4 week tamoxifen 40-40-20-20 ed. I am infact doing 12 weeks for test and i would reccomend increasing it for 2 weeks to get a better result. The first 2 weeks of a test cycle is just waiting for the ester to let go of the test so its a wasted 2 weeks of progress.
Quads: 22.25 Inch -- +2.25inch
Biceps: 14.7inch --- +0.7 inch
Chest : 40 inch---- + 1 inch

Very happy with the measurements after 1 week. got some optimum nutrition Serious mass today which brings back some memories. Ravo will know what im on about here. 1250 calories per serving and 250g carbs so that will get my carb intake up as was struggling with carbs.

Recipe for power smoothie.

1 Scoop Serious Mass whey
1/2 cup Oats
250ml Milk
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
3 egg whites
1 banana
nice to see the gains are starting to come bro, looking forward to see how this goes for you. think im going to take your advice and run the test for 12week instead of 10, still contemplating what to run for post cycle therapy (pct) the arimidex aint the cheapest so im going to have to look about!!! have you seen any gains in the gym yet pal?? are you taking any other supps, cycle assist pre workouts??
Hi Prof Gray,

Good decision. you will see the benefits at the end. post cycle therapy (pct) is one of them subjects where there is no 1 way that is gospel. People will have different ideas about what to use for post cycle therapy (pct). As for arimidex, at 500mg a week were not destined for that severe side effects. There was a study done where 13 men took 600mg test a week and they experienced acne. If our bodies do react badly to the aromatisation and start to see begining signs of gyno. I will pop 80mg nolva that day and 40 for a week and 20 daily thereafter and run that straight into a post cycle therapy (pct) aswell.

for a standard post cycle therapy (pct) given our relatively low dose in comparison. assuming our testicular shrinkage is minimal.

If test atrohpy minimal:
10 day blast of 500IU HCG starting day of last pin.

If sensing testicular atrophy during cycle(weekly checks nessessary)

Start 500IU HCG every Pin day and carry on for the duration of cycle and stretch until 2 weeks after last pin.

S.E.R.M post cycle therapy (pct): Regardless of the above. 2 weeks after last pin take 80mg nolva, 40mg every day for a week and 20mg per day for the next 3 weeks.

am gona start a cycle of test p and dbol but i recently sprain my ankle real bad so now awaiting recovery
too bad flexone hope you recover ok. let me know if you need any advice il be happy to help.
DAY 10----------------------
Today I did deadlifts 5kg heavier than last week and got the biggest back pump ever. ive been waiting to feel the dbol and today I did. I had planned to do squats and deadlifts today but couldnt pull through the pain. so from now on im going to do deadlifts on a sunday on thier own.

People are starting to notice a size gain and my gf has reported her mother mentioning how big I have got in the past week. this is only 10 days in so hoping they dont suspect im on gear.

find it funny how the young newbs at the gym watch my sets in awe. im only deadlifting 120kg most people on here do that for breakfast.

Got a bit of tenderness thats died down now from last pin. May have to change butcheeks this week which not to happy about because im rubbish with my left hand so will be shaking alot.