Test E/EQ Spring Cycle

Damn Milk I like the vein running threw your trap you don't see that to often. Arms look hard too. Heavy squats superset with Heavy DB pullover will help bring that chest out and expand the ribcage a good bit. You are off to really building something here youngin, lol. Neck like a damn linebacker too I like it thats one of my strong points as well, neck/traps.

Did you wrestle or play baseball?
did ur bodyfat remain low or did u lose some bf during ur cycle, im thinkin of runnin a similar cycle in the future..

I definitely lost a little bit of bf this cycle. Honestly though, I noticed soo much more running the Anavar with the Test rather than the EQ and the Test. I was under impressed with EQ.
Damn Milk I like the vein running threw your trap you don't see that to often. Arms look hard too. Heavy squats superset with Heavy DB pullover will help bring that chest out and expand the ribcage a good bit. You are off to really building something here youngin, lol. Neck like a damn linebacker too I like it thats one of my strong points as well, neck/traps.

Did you wrestle or play baseball?

Thanks man, I appreciate the compliments. The arms could grow a little bit and if they would catch up to my back and shoulders, I'd be right where I want to be. You are right though, I have a lot of time to develop.

Baseball was my sport. I was good too lol.
Damn - i thought you were 6-3 - you grow an inch too? - LOL

It's funny you ask about the height thing. I always called myself 6'3" because that's how tall I was in high school. Recently I was standing next to a friend of mine who is a legit 6'6" and I wasn't 3" shorter than him. So the next day my buddy measured me against a door frame with a tape measure and what do you know, I was 6'4". Go figure. I guess in the last 4+ years, I've grown a full inch.
PCT Days 7 and 8

PCT Day 7
20mg Nolva
1 scoop EndoAmp
1 scoop Toco8
NO Sustain Alpha
2 pumps DermaTherm Target
75mcg Clen


PCT Day 8
20mg Nolva
1 scoop EndoAmp
1 scoop Toco8
6 pumps Sustain Alpha
2 pumps DermaTherm Target
75mcg Clen


*Took 2 days off from the gym and plan on hitting the Back and Bicep workout real hard tomorrow...
*Have only dropped a few pounds so far this PCT, which I contribute simply to water weight being as I was closing the cycle with 200-225mg of Test Prop EOD.
*Feel great and I'm AMAZED that recovery has been going this well so far... I'd be interested in seeing what my Test levels are right now, I wouldn't be suprised if they were close to completely recovered.
PCT Day 9

PCT Day 9
20mg Nolva
1 scoop EndoAmp
1 scoop Toco8
6 pumps Sustain Alpha
2 pumps DermaTherm Target
75mcg Clen

Day B25: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts 315/5, 405/3, 455/3*
Pull Ups bw/10, bw/10
Supinated Lat Pull 210/8, 180/10
One Arm Rows 105's/10, 115's/10

Hammer Curls 50's/10, 55's/8
HS Preacher Curls 75/12, 85/9

20 minutes on Elliptical... ~150bpm

*Felt pretty good but a little bit low energy... I didn't take in enough calories from the time I woke up until I got in the gym
*Only used wrist straps for the last set of deadlifts. I think I could have gone heavier without much of an issue, but as I'm recovering from a back injury, I didn't want to mess with anything too crazy.
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nickd84... From a previous post:

1-Tren (September 15th, 2009)
Days 1-50: 5 pumps 1-T Tren ED

Days 51-70: 5 pumps Sustain Alpha ED
Days 51-70: 20mg Nolva ED

This "cycle" is going to be to break up the long time I plan on being OFF gear. I figure by this time I'll be itching to use something and I'll be recovered and ready. I'm going to give the 1-T Tren a solo run and let everyone know what I think about it as a compound by itself.

5th Cycle: Test/NPP (January 15th, 2009)
Day 1: 450mg Test Prop
Days 2-60: 150mg Test Prop EOD (525mg/wk)
Days 1-60: 130mg NPP EOD (455mg/wk
Training Days Only: 40mg DBol (20mg AM, 20mg Pre-Workout)
*Aromasin, AIFM, B6 on hand just in case (I will more than likely use Aromasin to keep some bloat down). Hopefully with the duration of the cycle being short, I can get away with not using HCG. If not, I'm going to use 250iu's 2x/wk at the signs of testicular atrophy.

Days 63-83: 50mg Clomid ED
Days 63-83: 20mg Nolva ED
OFF for 50 days

I've never used a Nandrolone before, so I figured this will give me a good feel for it. The NPP will be used at ~2mg/lb of body weight, which is supposed to be optimal. I'm not all that worried about bloat or a little bit of fat gain because this is going to be a winter cycle, so the shirt will be staying on most of the time anyway.

6th Cycle: Test Prop/Masteron/Anavar (May 25th, 2009)
Day 1: 450mg Test Prop
Days 2-60: 150mg Test Prop EOD (525mg/wk)
Days 1-60: 125mg Masteron EOD (437.5mg/wk)
Days 1-60: 60mg Anavar ED (420mg/wk
*Aromasin, AIFM, B6 on hand just in case. Hopefully with the duration of the cycle being short, I can get away with not using HCG. If not, I'm going to use 250iu's 2x/wk at the signs of testicular atrophy.

Days 63-83: 50mg Clomid ED
Days 63-83: 20mg Nolva ED
OFF for 50 days

This cycle is going to be a straight cutter. I'm looking to get the body fat really low for the summer and hope to hold minimal water running the Masteron/Var combo.

7th Cycle: Test Prop/Winny (October 10th, 2009)
Days 1-45: 150mg Test Prop ED (1,050mg/wk)
Days 1-45: 50mg Oral Winstrol (winny) ED (350mg/wk)
Days 1-45: 12.5-25mg Aromasin ED

Days 46-67: 50mg Clomid ED
Days 46-67: 20mg Nolva ED
OFF for 30 days

The plan for this cycle is to see what a gram of Test a week will do for me. I have wanted to try it out for a while now and I figured this is a good time. Looking to lean bulk for the 7+ weeks and gain as much strength as possible. I'm going to throw the Winstrol (winny) in there to keep some water off and add a little bit of strength.

These dates aren't EXACT but are pretty close to when I plan on running each cycle.

A couple of the compounds may change (ie. Tren instead of Masteron in the 6th cycle or Winstrol (winny) instead of Anavar or vise versa) but I plan on sticking to these compounds.

I consider half of my post cycle therapy (pct) to be OFF cycle, so each of these cycles will be time on=time off, give or take a week.

Although I am going to be running some compounds for the first time (Masteron and NPP), I'm not introducing two new compounds at once in any cycle.
Days 10 and 11

PCT Day 10
20mg Nolva
1 scoop EndoAmp
1 scoop Toco8
6 pumps Sustain Alpha
2 pumps DermaTherm Target
75mcg Clen


PCT Day 11
20mg Nolva
1 scoop EndoAmp
1 scoop Toco8
6 pumps Sustain Alpha
2 pumps DermaTherm Target

Day C25: Legs and an arm pump

Squat Lunges 135/10, 155/10, 185/10 (5 each leg)
Leg Press 6plates/12, 8plates/10, 10plates/8
Stiff Leg DB Deads on 14" box 75's/10, 75's/10
Seated Calf Raises 90/25, 90/20, 90/6RP

DB JM Presses 35's/10, 35's/10
superset w/
Barbell Curls 80/10, 80/10

*Had a really long day, didn't eat enough, and wasn't properly hydrated so I kept the workout short and efficient
*Felt pretty good during the training so I can't complain...
*Body weight is down about 5-7 pounds which was expected because of the water I was holding... overall very happy thus far
Shit looks like youre all booked up for 2010 lol! I like your style!!!!!!!

*sorry my lazy ass didnt reread through the thread to find the answer*
Shit looks like youre all booked up for 2010 lol! I like your style!!!!!!!

*sorry my lazy ass didnt reread through the thread to find the answer*

lol... I just looked back and all those cycles (5th, 6th, and 7th) are actually going to take place in 2010... For some reason I put 2009, but you clearly got the idea.

I think come 2011 I'm going to run Test E/Tren E/Anavar and do it real big. We'll see though.
Days 12 and 13

PCT Day 12
20mg Nolva
1 scoop EndoAmp
1 scoop Toco8
6 pumps Sustain Alpha
2 pumps DermaTherm Target


PCT Day 13
20mg Nolva
1 scoop EndoAmp
1 scoop Toco8
NO Sustain Alpha
2 pumps DermaTherm Target

Day A26: Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Incline Bench 185/5, 225/2, 225/12*failure
Shoulder DB Press 75's/10, 80's/7, 80's/7
Dips bw/12, bw/12, bw/10
One Arm Rope Pushdowns 40/15, 40/13, 40/12

Roman Chair Leg Raises 3 x 15

20 minutes on Treadmill... ~140bpm

*felt pretty good in the gym and the strength was there for the most part... only probably was that I took NO Explode pre-workout and my stomach felt all messed up... I love the pump but I hate the gut rot
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*9-10oz chicken tenderloins w/ a little bit of BBQ sauce
*2 baked potatoes w/ a TBSP of Olivio in each potato
*Chef's Salad (one of those pre-made one's you can get from the grocery store that s WAY too expensive ...my mom left it after visiting) w/ a little bit of Ranch dressing... had an egg and some ham and turkey in it (label said 22g of protein total)
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