1-Tren (September 15th, 2009)
Days 1-50: 5 pumps 1-T Tren ED
Days 51-70: 5 pumps Sustain Alpha ED
Days 51-70: 20mg Nolva ED
This "cycle" is going to be to break up the long time I plan on being OFF gear. I figure by this time I'll be itching to use something and I'll be recovered and ready. I'm going to give the 1-T Tren a solo run and let everyone know what I think about it as a compound by itself.
5th Cycle: Test/NPP (January 15th, 2009)
Day 1: 450mg Test Prop
Days 2-60: 150mg Test Prop EOD (525mg/wk)
Days 1-60: 130mg NPP EOD (455mg/wk
Training Days Only: 40mg DBol (20mg AM, 20mg Pre-Workout)
*Aromasin, AIFM, B6 on hand just in case (I will more than likely use Aromasin to keep some bloat down). Hopefully with the duration of the cycle being short, I can get away with not using HCG. If not, I'm going to use 250iu's 2x/wk at the signs of testicular atrophy.
Days 63-83: 50mg Clomid ED
Days 63-83: 20mg Nolva ED
OFF for 50 days
I've never used a Nandrolone before, so I figured this will give me a good feel for it. The NPP will be used at ~2mg/lb of body weight, which is supposed to be optimal. I'm not all that worried about bloat or a little bit of fat gain because this is going to be a winter cycle, so the shirt will be staying on most of the time anyway.
6th Cycle: Test Prop/Masteron/Anavar (May 25th, 2009)
Day 1: 450mg Test Prop
Days 2-60: 150mg Test Prop EOD (525mg/wk)
Days 1-60: 125mg Masteron EOD (437.5mg/wk)
Days 1-60: 60mg Anavar ED (420mg/wk
*Aromasin, AIFM, B6 on hand just in case. Hopefully with the duration of the cycle being short, I can get away with not using HCG. If not, I'm going to use 250iu's 2x/wk at the signs of testicular atrophy.
Days 63-83: 50mg Clomid ED
Days 63-83: 20mg Nolva ED
OFF for 50 days
This cycle is going to be a straight cutter. I'm looking to get the body fat really low for the summer and hope to hold minimal water running the Masteron/Var combo.
7th Cycle: Test Prop/Winny (October 10th, 2009)
Days 1-45: 150mg Test Prop ED (1,050mg/wk)
Days 1-45: 50mg Oral Winstrol (winny) ED (350mg/wk)
Days 1-45: 12.5-25mg Aromasin ED
Days 46-67: 50mg Clomid ED
Days 46-67: 20mg Nolva ED
OFF for 30 days
The plan for this cycle is to see what a gram of Test a week will do for me. I have wanted to try it out for a while now and I figured this is a good time. Looking to lean bulk for the 7+ weeks and gain as much strength as possible. I'm going to throw the Winstrol (winny) in there to keep some water off and add a little bit of strength.
These dates aren't EXACT but are pretty close to when I plan on running each cycle.
A couple of the compounds may change (ie. Tren instead of Masteron in the 6th cycle or Winstrol (winny) instead of Anavar or vise versa) but I plan on sticking to these compounds.
I consider half of my post cycle therapy (pct) to be OFF cycle, so each of these cycles will be time on=time off, give or take a week.
Although I am going to be running some compounds for the first time (Masteron and NPP), I'm not introducing two new compounds at once in any cycle.