Test E only - First cycle - Let's get it on!

well bro I took a good look at both the start and now and your chest is alot fuller and arms an shoulders look like they have gained some size. What week are you on again, I ask cause I am basically doing the same cycle an this coming week is week 4 and have seen a very good size increase, not criticizing Im just saying theres no question in my case while I am holding a bit of water my lean mass has gone up 12 pounds in 3 weeks and total weight gained is 16 pounds. my arms have gained alot as well as my back shoulders and chest. My legs seem to be responding well to all the excersing and cardio. But keep up the good work and hope it keeps working well for you cheers
Well I am starting week 4 tomorrow. I should be bigger but as stated in an earlier post, I missed an entire week of eating and training because I spent the entire week moving into a new place.

I am back on track and we should see some major improvement within the next week or so, I will keep my weight and changes posted.

I know I messed up but there's nothing I can do about it now, but I can say that all my gains so far are definitely muscle, I really don't think I have any water gains as I am still very lean.
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yeah I would have to agree your gains are looking solid boss nice work and dont stress the little mess ups we all do it. I just have always been an easy gainer just wanted to do this to see what I could get out of a cycle.
been following for a while, just reg tho, ur chest is coming on nice. try to pull same pose in pics makes it easier to distinguish gains
With my early injections, I have now realized that I was doing them wrong, and I did not get as much in the syringe as I should have. The mistake I was making was I drew it wrong. There would be a huge air bubble in it, and it messed up the amount, I was dumb and didn't know how to fix it and I just let it get away.

To fix it, I now know that I have to draw in a little bit of oil into the syringe and push it back out, then draw, what this does is gives a tiny bubble of air, not a huge bubble, after drawing in all of the oil, it makes for much more accurate dosing.

Learning this has made me able to draw correctly for the rest of my cycle, I wish I had learned this beforehand though. I guess you can't learn everything just from reading about it, you have to do it for yourself...
Try upping the reps a bit to 10 to 12 reps for 4 sets I was doing all heavy 6 for 6 and did make some good gains but made huge strides when I switched up heres what I do and it kicks my arse

4x10 to 12 reps incline bench med grip, med to heavy weight
8x10 to 12 reps flat bench wide grip, med to heavy weight
4x12 flat DB flies med weight
4x12 incline DB flies med weight
6x10 DB flat elbows close in bench with heavy weight
4x12 cable flies low to high pull
3x12 weighted dips
3x20 incline extra extention pushups
Try upping the reps a bit to 10 to 12 reps for 4 sets I was doing all heavy 6 for 6 and did make some good gains but made huge strides when I switched up heres what I do and it kicks my arse

4x10 to 12 reps incline bench med grip, med to heavy weight
8x10 to 12 reps flat bench wide grip, med to heavy weight
4x12 flat DB flies med weight
4x12 incline DB flies med weight
6x10 DB flat elbows close in bench with heavy weight
4x12 cable flies low to high pull
3x12 weighted dips
3x20 incline extra extention pushups

Cool suggestion, I am currently running the 5x5 routine so I don't want to switch it up right now because I am still adding weight just about every week or every other week, but I will definitely think it through when changing up my routine in a few months.

Looks like the high reps would be good for cutting after my cycle, come to think of it.
have you considered chucking in some close grip bench, incline and normal bench?

I wish I could but my gym is a shit hole and they dont have a free weight bench press, but its 2 blocks from my house so it's really convenient to go there.
Just took a post workout pic to show what I look like after my workout, I did arms today. Kind of looks like I'm holding some water but it goes down. I get some crazy pumps, people are starting to stare at me at the gym, not quite sure what that means...
bro is there another gym near by so you can get a bench that would really help out. And the starring means it's working ha keep it up
Weigh in today at 160.6 lbs.

I've been cooking like a chef, making the most amazing food lately, my appetite has gone through the roof. Some food I've been experimenting with lately is different variations of chicken and brown rice, turkey chili, and stuffed hamburgers.

Haven't taken a decent shit in a couple weeks, I don't know if it's from the test, or just me.

Intensity is still up at the gym, adding weight every week, sometimes I feel I can do more, but I want to stay true to the 5x5 and only increment a little each week so I can keep adding weight every time I go.
Kind of a shitty update, so I've realized that I'm depressed and it's putting a damper on my diet. Sadly, I've lost motivation to eat big. I don't have crazy anxiety or anything, I'm just depressed, it's a little hard to explain because I'm not necessarily sad, just a little lonely.

Mid cycle, obviously the increase in libido makes you want some ass. Well, since I have no girl, it's starting to bother me; plus, I got rejected from this girl I work with.

What I promise to myself right now is to suck it up and use my desire for women as my motivation to do what I have to do to make this cycle count, then, as said before, they will come looking for me.

I am officially getting my head out of my ass, damn it! :flamingma
Dude, everyone gets down...take it in and use that in the gym, your training, everything. You aren't alone man, just come out with full intensity and pull through....it'll be worth it in the end...
number 1 rule, don't bang your co-workers lol

that can come back to you big time..

plus, head up brother! you already have good gains, keep eating big and train hard. just stuff it in till you almost throw up. thats how i have to do it lol.. the only time i was hungry all the time was on dbol..
we all go thru similiar shit. if u cant eat big some days try a decent carb/pro shake to make up lost numbers
Ok everyone, I've been on a rollercoaster with this thing and I really wish my mind was stronger to deal with the depression that sort of incapacitated me for a couple weeks. I am glad to say that the depression is over, I joined some online dating thing and got a couple dates, and finally got laid by this amazingly hot tattooed chick.

I am in week 5 and still at 160 lbs, but my appetite is back up and I am not missing anymore meals.

I know I've said this before, but I am not going to make this cycle go to waste, I mean it, back on track for the rest of the cycle.

Luckily, I am still having no sides as of now...