What would you recommend I take as pct? Clomid and nolvadex?what If I took only sus for five weeks of 500mg would that be ok to get the libido back and after do pct? Is it even worth doing sus alone for 5 weeks or better to lower the dose and extend the usage period or just stop completely and start pct? Please advice. Thanks.
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What would you recommend I take as pct? Clomid and nolvadex?what If I took only sus for five weeks of 500mg would that be ok to get the libido back and after do pct? Is it even worth doing sus alone for 5 weeks or better to lower the dose and extend the usage period or just stop completely and start pct? Please advice. Thanks.

sust in 5 weeks will do shit for you,why do u wanna stop?clomid nolva is standard pct.you got run sust or ant long ester for atleast 12 weeks please dont tell me u dont have enough gear and u already started.
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Your probably right on not knowing what i am doing, but the plan was to do Anavar and Test as a cycle and get advice from my bro. Also need those female hormones so your pecks dont get big.

What? No you want drugs that LOWER (or block with tamox but you should use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin) the female horomones so you DONT get female breast gland development (GYNO)

Your learning and asking questions and LISTINING! THAT is a good thing.
Feel free to PM me down the line if you have any questions/ :-)
sust in 5 weeks will do shit for you,why do u wanna stop?clomid nolva is standard pct.you got run sust or ant long ester for atleast 12 weeks please dont tell me u dont have enough gear and u already started.
Agreed, it takes WEEKS to notice any gains at all. stopping at wk5 means it was all for nothing. but at same tiem you should nto have been doign this cycle because you have alot to learn BEFORE hand, and you didnt do that and now are paying for it.
What would you recommend I take as pct? Clomid and nolvadex?what If I took only sus for five weeks of 500mg would that be ok to get the libido back and after do pct? Is it even worth doing sus alone for 5 weeks or better to lower the dose and extend the usage period or just stop completely and start pct? Please advice. Thanks.

5 weeks of sust or any other injectable is a dumb move that only some one with no exp or knowledge would think of doing and acually do it and put there body through a horomonal roallercoaster for nothing and waste money...

next time go for 14 weeks 12 MIN with ANY steroid other than liver toxic orals ( i rec 4-8wks for them)

yes take nolva or clomi for 3 or so weekd clomi 25-50mg ed and or 20mg nolva/tamox ed... if you need to stop.
Any chance some can give me a list of items I would need for my first testsustanon cycle? Want to put an order in for July holiday sale. I know each cycle is different but what do you recommend for a first cycle
Any chance some can give me a list of items I would need for my first testsustanon cycle? Want to put an order in for July holiday sale. I know each cycle is different but what do you recommend for a first cycle

Ok scagnetti Ill help just cause I love that movie..12 weeks test c or e 500 mg splitt in two shots monday-thursday.For estro control get aromasin or arimidex.for your post cycle therapy (pct) get nolvadex and clomid.Aromasin is dosed everyday at 6mg to 12mg.Arimidex is every other day .25 or .5, dose the clomid at 50mg everyday for 4 weeks nolva at 40 for the first two weeks then tapper it to 20 for the next two weeks.Start your post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after your last pinn.There you have it a first cycle..Do yourself a favor and study this bro good luck
Ok scagnetti Ill help just cause I love that movie..12 weeks test c or e 500 mg splitt in two shots monday-thursday.For estro control get aromasin or arimidex.for your pct get nolvadex and clomid.Aromasin is dosed everyday at 6mg to 12mg.Arimidex is every other day .25 or .5, dose the clomid at 50mg everyday for 4 weeks nolva at 40 for the first two weeks then tapper it to 20 for the next two weeks.Start your pct 2 weeks after your last pinn.There you have it a first cycle..Do yourself a favor and study this bro good luck

Hey Bro Bundy was to much as a good friend and menthor here for you, BB such a nice advice. You really in a very good mood at this moment right lol...
okay ill give it a try. Do you know of the best place for supplies? Also instructional video's would be good too.

I go to Walgreens , if anyone says anything just say your on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or hormone replacement therapy . I get a 100 case of B-D (the best) 23 x 1" ga syringes for $12 plus some 18ga pins for pulling oil . Add in some alcohol swabs and some bandaids and your GTG . Youtube will show you how to pin , in a month you"ll be a pro .....~Bo