Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

funny how the world is going ape shit over some fools kicking a ball around a grass field. Give me American football, Rugby or hockey, a real mas sport anytime over some fools bouncing a ball off their heads.

I'm not a big sports guy but american handball is beyond boring. Like a 4.5 hour match that actually only plays like 20 min active time, give me a fucking break, pun intended lol...
I used to play hockey when I was a teenager, granted I played most sports but realized with old age that i'm not really a team player person, give me some golf where I can shine and not have to deal with slackers.
I'm not a big sports guy but american handball is beyond boring. Like a 4.5 hour match that actually only plays like 20 min active time, give me a fucking break, pun intended lol...
I used to play hockey when I was a teenager, granted I played most sports but realized with old age that i'm not really a team player person, give me some golf where I can shine and not have to deal with slackers.

man, what about cricket? does my head in how games last for days. dont Brits have enough with soccer?
man, what about cricket? does my head in how games last for days. dont Brits have enough with soccer?

Never seen a cricket match in my life outside some youtube clip or whatever.
I'm not British..so you would have to ask someone British for that confirmation bro ;)
And the sport is called football, soccer is the name given by the people who disregarded the most obvious name ever... Handball and went with Football because...fuck logic, thats why lol... (Yeh yeh, yeh i know the shitty thing is 1 foot long, no need to go apeshit, i've done my research, still sucks lol...)

Had a friend that was really into super bowl and made me match it... If it wasnt for all the dead time, it honestly wouldn't be so bad, actually think it could be quite good with some "consistent action" in it...but well, its not :(
My right forearm is seriously fucked... Was ok this morning so figured i'd do some easy foamroller on it...that...was...a big..big...mistake... Now a few hours later it hurts with just a kilo of pressure (lifting a package of milk, wiping your ass).
Couldn't train today. Did legs monday but i'll do legs again tomorrow and hope arm is ok by thursday...

The shoulder injury has also caused bad symmetri between both arms. My left arm has also become my dominant and stronger one.
Its barely visible, you'd have to have a really good eye or stand infront of the mirror half the day like I do... It is something that concerns me though...

Also starting to think if the pains lately is my bodys way of sayin...yo homie, you're killing me slowly, give me a fucking break, cant yo dumbass read between the lines ? Stop pushing me lol...
Or maybe thats just where i'm at mentally right now...
My right forearm is seriously fucked... Was ok this morning so figured i'd do some easy foamroller on it...that...was...a big..big...mistake... Now a few hours later it hurts with just a kilo of pressure (lifting a package of milk, wiping your ass).
Couldn't train today. .

sounds like a hairline fracture. Let it rest for 10 days. hang it up to rest.
Keep learning how to listen to your body as you have been. take up yoga to get more into the spiritual flow of things, and to see those hot girls in tight see through yoga pants...
Drink plenty of raw milk and stay off the soda pops.
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sounds like a hairline fracture. Let it rest for 10 days. hang it up to rest.
Keep learning how to listen to your body as you have been. take up yoga to get more into the spiritual flow of things, and to see those hot girls in tight see through yoga pants...
Drink plenty of raw milk and stay off the soda pops.

That doesn't sound to good but bro, I have similar pain on my left arm but no way near as bad. I did push the preacher bench too hard, or not even too hard, it was just the fucking position that sucked and I just couldn't get it right.
Also tried a new forearm exercise and ended up with multiple planks for minutes... So bit hard to pinpoint exactly what injury it is... But fracture should be doing quite a lot more pain ?
I've fractured my wrist and knuckles before so I know the pain and it doesn't feel half as bad but still very bad...

10 days rest and I might as well go on pct straight away. I mean, i've been thinking about it both yesterday and a lot today... Maybe its time but i'm not really there... I'm just starting to lean out, i need these last 3-4 weeks...
And thats not listening to my body at all and only my ego...fml...

I'm not really allowed milk by 3J but i have been sneaking some low fat milk in cuz its fucking delicious haha :D

But you're right though bro, i cant argue that. I've feelt for the past month that my body needs 7-10 days off, maybe 2 session of high intensity low weight full body workout...but yeh...
I had a sip of soda last week but that shit was so sugary I didn't even want it and the only reason I even had it to begin with, was that it came free with a business lunch...

Diet has been pretty steady last month, I'm not eating the full 3k calories and i even believe some days i'm calorie deficit by not such a good margin...but its getting easier and easier to eat the volumes of food.
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Been thinking... do you think low estrogen would fit into my arms and pain ?
I've been working weeks on getting e2 down and running both adex and asin at the same time but once I started to think about low estro, I also realized my sex drive has been pretty low, been lethargic and needing naps. I also lowered my asin dose to 5mg ed and the lethargic feelings faded a bit.

Gonna back off a bit and skip AI completely tomorrow and go back on 0.25mg adex eod for a week or so... See if it makes a difference or not.
I also feel my right arm is deflated, like, someone popped a ballon deflated... Its visually smaller then my left arm. Not scary but concerning for sure...

I remember reading someone saying this: "The signs were always there but I just didnt want to look at them..."
I dont mind quitting because my gut instinct tells me that I should...at the same time, I dont wanna pussy out for no reason... No pain, no gain right ?
Thoughts on this ?
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Been doing some backtracking on what actually happened this week and its twofold.
First, I've managed to crash my estro, I have most sides associated with low estro, this will be the easy fix. I wont take any AI for 48 hours and then only go back to 0.25mg adex eod. (Instead of 0.25mg adex ED and 10mg asin ED)
Second, I didnt realize it at the time, but I was actually going for personal best on preacher, doing 35kilos WITH both bad position and subpar form...no wonder it hurts...
Good news is that it hurts a little less today so I'm just gonna take the week off, i'll do legs on friday for the sake of it but pick up training on monday.

If for some reason, i'm not fit for fight on monday, I'll have to reevaluate my situation. Probably I'll be starting my PCT.
First time ever that I've seen oil leaking out and was bit weird because I used 23g and my glutes, so its pretty long too...
Ive also increased my GH to 6iu ed, divided on 3 doses for now (started yesterday night...)
I know it will disrupt my natural production but its already lower...and I really want my arms to heal faster.
And like mentioned i've dropped my AI for next 48 hours and will drop aromasin.

Worst side effect of low estrogen is definetly food and appetite... Threw up earlier trying to force a shake down... Solid food is almost impossible.
Which only adds to my already lethargic feeling, no sex drive at all, mild headache but more like being dehydrated and bit confused...

Like everyone has mentioned...its not fun to crash your estrogen...Luckily I havent gotten any joint pains except my arm which seems to be getting better long as I dont strain it with any form of weight or pressure.
In a last minute realization / decision... of course I'm gonna drop adex and not aromasin...hopefully I'll get some estrogen rebound, that with a reset of doses should be the quickest way to bounce back, right ?
This cycle has ruined chicken and candy for me...
Everything is so so sweet i cant eat it anymore and chicken just feels like endless chewing on a shitty rope...
Since this cycle is coming to an end... I've thought about the next step...
Next cycle will start January.

Thinking of running 10-12 weeks.
wk 1-12. test e 500mg / wk
wk 1-10. Masteron e 450mg / wk
wk 1-6. anavar 80mg ed.
wk 6-12. winstrol injectable. Not sure about dose.

Yes...i might hate my liver and my liver might hate me lol..

Along this I'll be running the usual stuff but also been thinking about these peptides:
CJC-1295, IGF1-LR3, PEG-MGF, with a boost of pharma GH.
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Daaaamn booooy! Juicing serious blend mix there.

you must feel like those Indecent porn stars:wackit:
Daaaamn booooy! Juicing serious blend mix there.

you must feel like those Indecent porn stars:wackit:

Hahaha. Right now im "only" on test/tren/masteron and some GH.
But looking to build a shred me up cycle, dont really wanna increase weight that much...maybe 2-3 kilos more.

The cycle itself isn't too bad, i mean anavar and winstrol is probably not the best idea...but fairly short duration.
The peptides look like a lot but CJC is basically long acting GH, IGF1 is just to boost igf1 levels and PEG-MGF someone recommended too me so it stuck with me.
The pharma GH is just cuz its pharma and its available lol...
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I've decided to end this cycle next week.
I cant ignore my body and the signs its giving off... I need to recover in pretty much all aspects possible, from crashed e2, from injuries, liver values, LDL/HDL...pretty much nothing inside me feels good at the moment...
Now...thats not to say everything is bad...because its not.

Once again, my cycle was somewhat of a failure, while I'm pretty happy with the results, specially my bodyfat drop (cant stop looking at myself in the mirror lol...)
It wasn't what it should have been and not even close to what it could have been...

Due to injury and low e2, I've decided to keep pinning for about 7 days more (total of 10 days healing..) mostly to try and prevent muscle loss since I cant train at all but mostly I cant eat for shit right now... Puked twice the last 3 days...
I wouldn't say i'm shrinking...but i'm certainly not growing and i've lost a bit of "fullness" overall, which is pretty much my only concern now...

This is not really the time to let go... I need to push into maintenance phase and well...maintain my gains lol.. But at the same time... It is what it is. Can't really do that much about it except rest and hope it heals fast...
Some update...
My estrogen seem to have stabilized and climbed back up to "acceptable" levels because I woke up today and dont feel like utter shit :)
Most of my pain in forearm has subsided but pain has also shifted quite a lot during the past days.
Now i'm pretty certain its not a fracture because I only have joint/socket pain and its all concentrated around there and elbow.
Which means I need a visit to chiropractor for some manipulation and realignment before it can heal...but he has no times until wednesday....

So I will just have to deal and live with the pain over the weekend...like i mentioned before...it hurts just wiping my ass...
And no...it doesn't help one bit sitting infront of the computer, it actually makes it worse... So yeh.. :(
The forearm injury and pain is the worst i've ever experienced in my entire life...
It's not that it physically hurts that much, no, its even ok for the most part...but its so fucking crippling its silly, I can't do anything with my right arm...
Just simple shit as picking up the frying pan, using towel after showering and just about anything you can imagine that involves your arm and some form of pressure :(

Have booked time with chiropractor and asked for an emergency time on top of that, hopefully I wont have to wait until end of the week to get it fixed!
Last week was just a nightmare in every sense of the word, no training, couldn't eat, injury etc etc...
Think I've gained tiny bit fat and also looks like more water retention from the double dose of GH, all though my ankles are not bloated this time, but still doing 2 iu less so might just get stuck around my stomach.

Have lost some muscle as well, not much but mirror noticeable, probably more pump than anything but mentally its very hard on me.
Feels like everything just came crashing down and tripped me just on the motherfucking finish line...its so annoying and infuriating...

Thats life, focus will be fixing arm and getting back in the gym, even if its just ridiculous low weight, I need to find out if there's some exercises that my arm can manage. At the very worst I need to do legs and core workout and get back on the diet...