Not sure if anyone is still reading this but I'll keep posting, we're almost done here anyhow
Lately I've mostly been looking back and analyzing the cycle, diet, execution, prep, organisation and well everything.
And what I've think has been the most valueable lessons will follow below:
* Cycle
Will never pin ed/eod again, at least not for any considerable amount of time... Its getting hard to even pin everyday... Its not worth sucks..
Doubt I'll ever run tren again, the sides are just not worth it, specially not in correlation with health and gains. Sleep is so valueable, bathing in sweat sucks, but the nightmares and the disconnection from reality is so mindfucking as the months go on... Almost hard to tell whats real and whats not at times...
Still interested in more natural approaches and cruise doses. Depending on how pct/recovery goes, I might be a trt patient anyhow...
* Diet.
Holy fuck this shit is expensive lol...
I need to be more consistent and prepare/organize the food plan week to week.
Big batches of food is not for me, its worth spending that extra 30 minutes everyday making the food unique and fresh every day. Its the only way for me to have appetite but also wanting to eat.
I cant eat the same food several days in a row, at least not when eating it several times a day.
Spend the extra buck and some added calories on proper flavoring of protein shakes. After 12 kilos of same brand whey, I almost puke just preparing the shake...
Basically, keep focus on diet but not to such extremes that I become lazy and/or simply dont want to eat and fail to execute it. Flavor is very important.
* Training / Gym.
I really need a PT for training, its not that I cant train myself, its that I dont have enough discipline if i'm not actively loosing something (read money) by not training.
So easy to convince myself to skip a day for pretty much any reason.
Also need to train at a real bodybuilder gym, its such an extreme night and day experience. I just cant get comfortable in other gyms. Plus I hate the equipment and specially lack of.
Next cycle I will have regular time each week with chiropractor and a full body deep tissue massage. The injuries this cycle could have been prevented with preventive care.
Other than that i'm pretty happy. Again, I failed to live up to my own expectations but I would not label this cycle as a failure like my first.
I do feel the knowledge and experience gained this cycle is and will be invaluable going forward.
You know what they say...thirds the charm