Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Ugh... I've bought so much OTC supplements im not even sure what or when to take everything :O

Started glukosamin and msm today, hopefully will make my joints feel better.
Dividing 1mg adex into 4 even quarters is pretty damn hard...
How big of an impact would it be if i eat during the week say... 0.15mg, 0.35mg, 0.20mg, 0.30mg (they're probably more even but just to give you an idea)
So i'm never doing delts again... Its just a pain and always get pip from it, probably due to fact im making slushy of my delt with the needle...ugh...
Instant pip and feels different from my other pip, maybe this is pip and my other "pip" is being a pussy lol...

Gonna stick to glute, ventroglute and quads.
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There ya' go, don't do quads and don't do glutes. Lots of folks do, and good for them. Doesn't work for me at all.

Adex dosage isn't that sensitive, it has a long half life so don't sweat it (meaning small variations) and just take once per day.
There ya' go, don't do quads and don't do glutes. Lots of folks do, and good for them. Doesn't work for me at all.

Adex dosage isn't that sensitive, it has a long half life so don't sweat it (meaning small variations) and just take once per day.

Just have to say how much i appreciate your advice and time. Always so straightforward and to the point. Helps me a lot to focus on the bigger picture stuff when I read your responses.

Wait, take adex ed ? Doubt i can split the pills that evenly.
What do you guys think about the pushup challange ?
I'm thinking of trying it.

Basically the goal is to be able to do 100 consecutive push-ups after a month.
You do max reps, 1-5 times per day.

I just did 39 (should have warmed up lol...) so I have 61 left today (so 2 more sets).
So basically it would take me about 10 minutes per day on top of regular workout.
Is your goal to increase your endurance? Bulk? Cut?

Why can't i have it all ? :(

Bulking now, then i'll cut a few weeks after pct ends. 3J will be the boss of it all.

My goal is about 70-72kg and around 9-10% bodyfat.
"Strength" goal would be a clean, level human flag for at least 5 seconds, so working on core a lot :)
I dont really like the bodybuilding look and prefer more "men's physique" look.
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Another weekend gone, yaaay for monday...
The only good thing with doing delt yesterday is how I'll never ever do them again but mostly its nice to know that my pip can be a lot worse then say...quads... :/
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How good/important is milkthistle ?
Because its tastes what I can only imagine dirty hooker booty tastes like... :(
Did 32 and 27 pushups today (leaving last set before bed).
Wasn't focused or motivated at all. Sunday is traditionally a day where I dont do jack shit besides relax and fun stuff :D
How good/important is milkthistle ?
Because its tastes what I can only imagine dirty hooker booty tastes like... :(

milk thistle is very important for liver maintance during a cycle and used by the masses. ive never tasted a dirty hookers booty so i cant compare.
Did guns and core today. Really nice workout today even though I felt both physically and mentally tired. Managed good focus and time flew past.
Had really nice pump for first time this cycle, forearms literally felt like they would explode at any second lol...

My PT has also done a new program for me and we're changing up the split, starting tomorrow.

Measurements and new pictures done today but he forgot caliper again...
I'll post them tomorrow with bodyfat, but weight is now 66.8kg (last week was 64.1kg).
Grown on average 1 cm across all muscles.

Diet was beyond horrible and not acceptable last week so thats the big focus this week :)
Will also go buy taurine since i've read here its supposed to alleviate some of the crazy pumps(borderline cramps)
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