Test/tren results. From bloated beast to tiny cut

nother from yesterday, def gotta get rid of the love handles, think besides that I'll look alright.

Thats a body to be proud off. Lots a hard work shown there.
Good symetry good lines.
Whats going on with the legs?
Get another inch on that back and you are good for summer!

Good work !
Thats a body to be proud off. Lots a hard work shown there.
Good symetry good lines.
Whats going on with the legs?
Get another inch on that back and you are good for summer!

Good work !

ill get a pic later of the legs, I took a couple pics but they dont show justice as in person theres really a difference from a while back.. Very thick and toned.. Not freaky, but respectable.

thanks for the compliment buddy
lookin good bro. very symmetrical and well built. you and i have similar builds, but you are far leaner than i am.. im cutting now, but in about 8 weeks im gonna hop on a drol/tren ace/test p cycle. what did your tren cycle look like? sorry if i missed it, dont think i saw it in this thread.

keep up the solid work man and as for arms, variety is key. i throw in a new exercise every few weeks and rotate one out and what not.
Wow numba1 your body is sick thats a pretty good build that I am trying to go for honestly I like it because it seems like a relatively easy body to obtain once you get it where you can slack off a tiny bit unlike some of the other ripped as shiit bodies where you gotta be hella strict. So you ate 3,000-3,500 calories during your cut ? Or is that what your eating right now to sustain your weight ?
you look awesome bro
i cant believe bros in his post are saying you need to lean out and that you look watery thats just ridiculous