my doctor gave me demovate steroid ointment because i had some psoraisis on my leg , stupidly 1 evening i put some on my inner thighs both of them . and it has been 1 year and i realised my testicles have atrophied almost to the point where it looks like i have no balls whatso ever . i always have aches and pains ever since i applied the steroid ointment to my inner thigh , i thought it was subcutaneous fat loss on my inner thighs because i have some fat loss on my legs since i used that ointment . But about 1 week ago i shaved my private area fully and saw the horror of balls and knew this was where the pain was coming from all along .
I live in london , where and what type of place do i go to get the HCG shots with clomiphene , i read on this site your testies can regrow with this . i have had suicidle thoughts for the last 2 days and have never felt like this ever of ending my life . please help me
I live in london , where and what type of place do i go to get the HCG shots with clomiphene , i read on this site your testies can regrow with this . i have had suicidle thoughts for the last 2 days and have never felt like this ever of ending my life . please help me