Testosterone Enanthate only cycle - 1st in 14 years of training on/off

What was the average body weight gain on 1st cycle? [All AAS are qualified for poll]

  • 10-19 pounds

    Votes: 43 53.1%
  • 20-24 pounds

    Votes: 24 29.6%
  • 25-29 pounds

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • 30-34 pounds

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • 35-39 pounds

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • 40-44l pounds

    Votes: 3 3.7%

  • Total voters
More vascularity in forearms and bi's w/ or w/out workout.

Should have also noted. Most of what is back (i.e. veins) is what i would see off cycle. If i start seeing it more in the bi's, then definitely Anavar kicking things up a noche or two.
Interesting log.

All the pains you're describing, back, legs, etc. can be caused by dehydration. Are you getting enough water? You can't just drink when you're thirsty, as I'm sure you know. Maybe try upping your intake.

"Interesting log" :smoker:

Keeping it detailed for my own benefit, and hopefully newbies that decide to do their first cycle in the future, as i found none w/ as much detail. I like to be able to assess the T/E effects, as well the lifts/lifting that went along w/ it, hence the details to gauge performance.

"Are you getting enough water?"
During the day average is 4-8 cups (workout days), including the shakes/milk before evening workouts. 8-12 cups on off days.

Most of the water intake occurs during workouts. About 8-14 cups (2-3.5liters) in addition to what is consumed during the day.

"try upping your intake"
I think still not nearly enough. Tx for tip Stox.
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13 weeks T/E completed Feb 24, 2011 & 1wk anavar Feb 22, 2011

Wed Feb 23, 2011
Trained Back/Tri's

20m Elliptical - no problems from levels 1-8.

Tried going w/ only 1000mg Taurine starting Wednesday. Went in for a leg day, but started feeling the back tense up quickly following 20m elliptical - decided to do back instead of legs, alongside Tri's as usual.

Wasn't really feeling it - just went through the motions.:sulk:

Wide grip behind the neck pull downs (supersetted w/ cable EZ-curl bar push-downs)
5sets*210lb>130 *7-15 reps
Did drop sets to finish off 1/2 the original weight

Cable rows (wider than shoulder grip)[Supersetted w/ overhead cable pushs']
4*120-210lb *7-12 reps
Did drop sets

Dumbbell rows
3*105lb * 8 10 10 reps (losing grip - not done to full intensity)
1*80lb *12 reps

Pull-ups (not weighted)
2* 6 & 8 reps

Cable Ez-curl bar push-downs
5*140-50lb *8-15

V-bar overhead pushs
4*140-70lb *7-12 reps

No abs

Felt a little bloated around abdominal area & face Thursday. Hasn't happened for weeks now. Must have been diet.

Haven't had much acne last 12 weeks on 500mg T/E every 8 days. In 1 week of 20mg Anavar ED had more Acne than the entire 12 weeks. Nothing bad or anything. The last remnants are gone on forehead - 1 popped up on left cheekbone yesterday morning (white head). Latter gone overnight w/ topical Vit-A application.
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23rd shot

Right glute
completed Feb 27, 2011 (3:29AM)

6th instance of 5th day injection. Was supposed to be completed at least Friday night for 4th day interval. To up wkly average dosage, as i had speculated in previous logs shot should have been on Thursday.

Failed to change needle on syringe after filling from vial. :Pokeowned A little painful upon initial insertion and still sore nearly 24 hours later. While the needle was in - felt like a little tingling - may have also injected to close too the top of the glute.

Other than that no problems.
Haven't had much acne last 12 weeks on 500mg T/E every 8 days. In 1 week of 20mg Anavar ED had more Acne than the entire 12 weeks.

The acne factor may also be due to diet lately other than supra-physiological increase in total test levels with the addition of 20mg Anavar ED, cheated more than a few times.
"Interesting log" :smoker:

Keeping it detailed for my own benefit, and hopefully newbies that decide to do their first cycle in the future, as i found none w/ as much detail. I like to be able to assess the T/E effects, as well the lifts/lifting that went along w/ it, hence the details to gauge performance.

"Are you getting enough water?"
During the day average is 4-8 cups (workout days), including the shakes/milk before evening workouts. 8-12 cups on off days.

Most of the water intake occurs on workout days 8-14 cups (2-3.5liters) in addition to what is consumed during the day.

"try upping your intake"
I think still not nearly enough. Tx for tip Stox.

Another detail i forgot to mention Stox as previously noted in posts above is low THS levels, that may adding to the pumps/pains. I've done everything on my part adding Taurine/Potassium, and lots of water as you suggest.

Going for blood test sometime this week.

Want to see if can start a 10-30mg synthroid dosage ED, before i go see a endocrinologist.
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Poll Results: What was the average body weight gain on 1st cycle?

Interesting poll results so far. 66.67% of respondents on average gained 10-19lb on their first cycle. Figured average would be a little higher. Higher average is a co-dependent factor on diet & training experience, as well as physiological limitations.

I quickly went from 214lb to 242 in about 4-5 wks and haven't budged since then. Average body weight has been 235-241 the last 7-8 wks, while strength continues to climb, w/ the exception of bench press.

As we have more individuals report on their first time experience, we should have more consensus. Nevertheless, expectations are for a fall to mean reversion.
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Test enanthate changed to Cypionate

Right glute
completed Feb 27, 2011 (3:29AM)

6th instance of 5th day injection. Was supposed to be completed at least Friday night for 4th day interval. To up wkly average dosage, as i had speculated in previous logs shot should have been on Thursday.

Failed to change needle on syringe after filling from vial. :Pokeowned A little painful upon initial insertion and still sore nearly 24 hours later. While the needle was in - felt like a little tingling - may have also injected to close too the top of the glute.

Other than that no problems.

For 23rd shot forgot to mention changed from T/E to Test cypionate(1st).

A little welt still present in place of shot early Sunday morning - w/ mild dull pain persistent. I know i caused quite a bit of muscle trauma by not changing needle - it was painful on way in and when in momentarily.
Friday Feb 25, 2011
Trained Legs only

No cardio

Smith machine squats
All sets/reps completed Olympic style
1*195*10 reps
2* 285lb * 10 10 reps
1*335lb *6 (used belt)
Stopped short of further sets - was having problems w/ pump/pain in lower back all day and during squats, which only exacerbated it.

Left leg hip area down to middle of quad - what seems like a muscle spasm has been there for 10wks + 24/7 now. Have done extensive stretching - different techniques, nothing has got rid of it yet. This came upon only during during cycle, not a problem before. I can feel it w/ any type of sitting down and standing up movements.

Calves (sitting down)
3*3 45s * 8 reps (facing heels out) 6 reps feet parallel then 6 facing heels in - i count that as 1 set
1*4 45s similar repetitions to above

Leg Extensions
5sets* 190-210lb for initial set 10-12 reps then followed by 1-2 drop sets w/ 50% of the weight
Done nice and slowly for burn, followed by 1-2 minutes of extensive stretching on the leg extension machine. Stretching done w/ all of the body weight - really opens up & stretches out the fascia tissue.

Leg curls (lying down)
2*130lb*8 -10 reps followed by drops sets
2*110* 10-12 reps w/ consecutive drop sets

Straight leg raises
2*25 & 20 reps
consecutively following w/ 45 bent raises after 10-15 second rest

45 degree bent leg raises
2* 15 * 10 reps

Continuing to get stronger overall (except bench due to pain in elbows/shoulders) and leaner in the abdominal region. I have cut down shakes further on workout days and off days. Since initial start, first 5-6 weeks on - i have cut average 1000-1200 calories on workout days & 500-1000 thousand on off days. I am still maintaining weight from 235-240lb average. While supplement calories have been cut back, they have been replaced w/ an equal amount of real food.

Over the last week or so, the joint pain(s) in the elbows/shoulders is felt on the off days as well. Been off since Friday getting extra rest - certainly feeling it to a degree. As i am looking into joint pain problem further, some interesting facts are revealed.Test is a killer on collagen synthesis, hence the problems in my opinion. T/E T/C causes a reduction in collagen synthesis, w/ a rate up to %80. Henceforth, joint pain and problems are a given. Further research also reveals the best compounds to mitigates or keep collagen synthesis in check. It is primarily done w/ the addition of Anavar, Deca-Durabolin, Equipoise, & 1 additional compound. Hopefully, the current administration of 20mg Anavar ED aids in my dilemma. There is a article written on this i will post it once i find it.
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Over the last week or so, the joint pain(s) in the elbows/shoulders is felt on the off days as well. Been off since Friday getting extra rest - certainly feeling it to a degree. As i am looking into joint pain problem further, some interesting facts are revealed.Test is a killer on collagen synthesis, hence the problems in my opinion. T/E T/C causes a reduction in collagen synthesis, w/ a rate up to %80. Henceforth, joint pain and problems are a given. Further research also reveals the best compounds to mitigates or keep collagen synthesis in check. It is primarily done w/ the addition of Anavar, Deca-Durabolin, Equipoise, & 1 additional compound. Hopefully, the current administration of 20mg Anavar ED aids in my dilemma. There is a article written on this i will post it once i find it.

While injecting test increases Protein synthesis by roughly 50 times, depending on dose and time, most bodybuilders forget that it will reduce collagen synthesis by more than 50% -- more like 80%, giving you the collagen synthesis rate of a senior citizen. Since collagen makes up tendons, bros are very prone to injury if they continue to lift very heavy, unless they cycle off T and let their collagen synthesis get back to normal. It's like having the skeletal muscle of a gorilla with the tendons of a very old man.

winstrol increases collagen synthesis. It will give you bigger tendons. However, your body compensates for this by making them more brittle, weaker, and more prone to injury. I can't tell you how many bros work out anaerobically and become injured while on winstrol. Guys who lift in the 1-5 rep range while on winstrol, to baseball players who sprint all out from a stationary position -- winstrol should be the LAST drug they choose. Most of them like winstrol because they don't get the weight gain from it but it is very detrimental to bros who train for any sport anaerobically. tendons tear easily on it.

Also, the drugs I mention increase collagen synthesis while also increasing collagen cross-linking integrity, making for a much stronger tendon.

winstrol, on the other hand, will dramatically increase collagen syn, but ironically it decreases collagen cross-linking integrity, thus making a much weaker tendon.

You can plan a cycle of anabolic steroids which will increase collagen synthesis and skeletal muscle growth at the same time. The key is the drug(s) you choose.

deca, Equipoise, anavar, and primobolan will ALL increase skeletal muscle while at the same time dramatically increase collagen syn and bone mass and density, leaving you with a substantially reduced chance of becoming injured than if you choose to use anabolic steroids like sus, testosterone cypionate, or testosterone enanthate.

While testosterone will increase bone mass and density, even at supra-physiological levels, the result is weaker tendons due to inhibition of collagen syn.

To plan a cycle where the goal is to increase skeletal muscle mass/strength while at the same time increase Joint/tendon/ligament strength, enough to keep up with the dramatic increase in skeletal muscle, you must choose drugs like eq, deca, anavar, or primo as the base of your cycle. testosterone and its esters can be added to your cycle to keep levels within a 'normal' physiological range (ie, 100-200 mg/wk) but must not go above this. Since drugs like eq, deca, anavar and primo will reduce endogenous, natural levels of test, these levels may be maintained with exogenous test in the 100-200 mg/wk range. Test at this dose will not inhibit collagen syn, but paradoxically, will help increase it. It is when exogenous testosterone is used > 200 mg/wk that collagen syn is inhibited.

deca @ 3 mg/kg a week(about 270 mg/wk for a 200 lb male) will increase procollagen III levels by 270% by week 2. Procollagen III is a primary indicator used to determine the rate of collagen syn. As you can see, deca is a very good drug at giving you everything you want -- an increase in collagen syn, an increase in skeletal muscle, and increases in bone mass and density. The one thing it does not give you is wood

primobolan, @ 5 mg/kg, will increase collagen synthesis by roughly 180% -- less than deca and equipoise but still substantial.

Equipoise @ 3 mg/kg will increase procollagen III by approximately 340% -- slightly better than deca.

Oxandrolone has over a hundred studies doenting its effectiveness at treating patients needing rapid increases in collagen syn to enhance healing.

These drugs have longer half-lives than most other anabolic steroids, so this should be considered when timing your post cycle Clomid use. Here they are:

deca: 15 days Equipoise: 14 days primobolan: 10.5 days

anavar has a half-life of only 8 hours so it should not pose a problem.

GH is probably the most remarkable drug at increasing collagen synthesis. It increases collagen syn in a dose dependant manner -- the more you use, the more you will increase collagen syn. It has also demonstrated this ability in short and long term studies. From what I've read, HGH at 6 iu/day increased the collagen deposition rate by around 250% in damaged collagen structures. This result indicates that the increased biomechanical strength of wounds to collagen structures treated with biosynthetic human growth hormone was produced by an increased deposition of collagen in the collagen structures.

eq, primo, anavar, and deca are all good -- they increase several biomakers of collagen syn -- ie, type III, II, I, procollagen markers. GH just seems to do so most dramatically.

Use of any of these drugs @ supra-physiological levels with a maintenance dose of test will increase collagen syn while at the same time increase skeletal muscle mass. Skeletal muscle mass gains will not be as dramatic as with large testosterone doses but you have to weigh the risk/reward basis for yourself. Also, these drugs do not satisfy the Libido like testosterone, but that is not the point of this thread. It is only to demonstrate that you can increase skeletal muscle and collagen syn at the same time with certain anabolic steroids, the decision is up to you.

Source unknown ...duplicates found all over the net
For 23rd shot forgot to mention changed from T/E to Test cypionate(1st).

A little welt still present in place of shot early Sunday morning - w/ mild dull pain persistent. I know i caused quite a bit of muscle trauma by not changing needle - it was painful on way in and when in momentarily.

From Sunday morning shot. Welt still present, pain nearly gone yesterday afternoon.:help: Welt not "small" either contrary to above statement. It is about the width of the 4 fingers.

Picked up some 25g pins BTW, going to try the quads after the next left glute shot tonight, see how that feels. So far have ONLY done left & right glute shots w/ 22g 1.5".

Moral of the story
Lesson learned the hard way on the very first shot injecting from vials by not being prepared and changing dull pin.:baby: I figured how bad could it be, hence i went forth for that reason. Some call it being a numb nut, i call it balls...:spit:
Anavar increasing pumps in lower back/legs

Started Feb 16, 2011
2 weeks on 20mg Anavar ED Mar 1, 2011

Not split up taken all at once.

Since Monday morning waking up with seriously pumped up back. Soon as i start walking around the pumps become painful. Hard to stand or walk around and doing basic tasks i.e. brushing.

The legs from the sides also get easily painful from walking up and down the stairs. Seems the Anavar is anteing up the already exacerbated effects of blood flow to the lower back causing pain/pumps from T/E, & has really kicked in 2nd week - now going 3rd wk as of today.

I was originally looking at a much higher dosage ED 80-120mg. Do to pump/pain issues i have foregone that approach. THS levels seem to be the primary culprit at this time, also noted above. I have looked at the research in medical journals. All point to the conclusion that, "Long term testosterone enanthate led to a decrease in integrated TSH secretion, showing that androgens may decrease the TSH response to TRH". http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6439771

For next cycle, i will be prepared in advance w/ Synthroid. Got T3 (Cytomel) on hand, doctor recommends T4 - so staying w/ that conclusion for the time being. Plus right now, i am still in the process re-doing blood test results and waiting to see a specialist.
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Haven't had much acne last 12 weeks on 500mg T/E every 8 days. In 1 week of 20mg Anavar ED had more Acne than the entire 12 weeks. Nothing bad or anything. The last remnants are gone on forehead - 1 popped up on left cheekbone yesterday morning (white head). Latter gone overnight w/ topical Vit-A application.

Last remnants of ANY acne are gone as Saturday morning (Feb 26, 11). Initial shock and awe campaign completed for just over a week. 5 or 6 in small acne spots in total (2 out of 5/6 white heads).

Some people worry about loss of hair, others gyno etc. going on cycle, acne was my biggest worry going on T/E. I had it fairly bad during mid teens to early 20s, hence thought the same pattern would repeat. To treat -- nothing more than topical Vitamin A was used, w/ strengths ranging from 0.25-1%.
- Whole grain oatmeal (1/4 to 1/2 cup oatmeal in milk w/ 1 tbsp of brown sugar)
- 1 Banana
- Whey Protein Shake Isolate and concentrated mixed up from time to time with 1-2 cups of skim milk (30-40 Grams protein)
- Muffin occasionally

- FYI will start adding 1tbsp of flax seed oil in morning (130 Calories)
-Adding Muscle milk weight gainer this coming week to0 increase the calories/complex carbs/protein levels (4 scoops = 1050+ calories & 53 grams of protein)

Whole wheat sliced bread (4 pieces)
with white mozzarella Cheese (Low fat)/Avocados/Lettuce/Onion/Tomatoes/Low fat whip cream for taste
- Vegetable patties 1-2 (14 Gram protein)
- 1-2 Glasses of milk (8-16 grams protein)

- small handfuls of Almonds/Cashews (Typically repeated randomly all day when feeling hungry)
- A can of red kidney beans 500ml
- 1 & 1 Pears Apples Oranges (depending on season Mangoes/Peaches/Oranges/sweet potatoes and fruits are rotated)

- Fresh vegetables cooked ED or EOD such as Cauliflower (with potatoes), Lentils (of various origins - all high in fibre) Broccoil, Carrots (with potatoes), beets, green peas with home made cheese, brown peas with soybean chunks, tofu with peas/mushrooms & spices
- White rice (up to 2 times a week)
- 2-3 Naans white or brown(6-8 grams protein each)
- Home made yogurt from fresh skim milk (made 1-2 times a week--free of sugar)
- Red Kidney beans (fresh & canned) 1-2 cans 500ml each (14 Gram protein per can)

I get great high energy workouts post dinner (almost always train on a full stomach) with the high content of carbs in diet, which is atypical of my diet.

POST WORKOUT (around 12-1am)
- Protein shake
- Banana
- 1 Tbsp Flax seed oil
- 2-4 slices peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat)

On top of that additional Amino acids & Vitamins are supplements daily

- 1 Multi vitamin
- Fish oil capsules (going to replace this with Flax seed oil while on cycle for additional calories)
- 1 Vitamin C chewable
- 1 Vitamin B-12 Tabs 500mcg
- 1 Calcium tab with 1 Vitamin D tab for absorption
- Glutamine/creatine (unless already added to supplements)

Changing up fats ingested for a 4-6 weeks, from "organic Flax seed oil" to "Extra Virgin Olive oil".

1 TBSP olive oil = 80 calories and 9g of fat

As noted earlier (above) also changed up the number of weight gainers shakes taken during on/off days.

Little changes go a long way in my opinion, as you would by changing training regimen.

My first 5-6 weeks were low reps w/ sets ranging from 4-6.:dance2:

The last 4-6 weeks started mixing it up w/ low and high reps, and also to partially accommodate the pain in joints.

Now w/ higher reps reducing sets to 3, otherwise 4 (all detailed in 3-4 wkly logs).
Swelling again?

Feb 28, 2011 trained Shoulders/Bi's
14th wk on T/E-T/C and 2nd on Anavar


No cardio

Warmed up w/ light sets of
Behind the neck Pulldowns
Cable Rows
for 20ms.

Clean & Presses
3*135lb * 8 reps
Mixed it up in the following manner, w/ 1 Clean and press movement followed by 1 clean. Much more intense & exhausting completing 3-4reps+ full movements, than clean and press for multiple reps (6-10) done consecutively.
2*185*4 reps
Still feeling the workout 2 days later. Initial night of training had to take 2 ASA to just lie down. Extremely painful, did not get more than one or two 30m quick naps all night due to pain and exhaustion in shoulders/elbows. Shoulders were also popping like the hulk the next 2 days.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
4*50lb * 10reps

Dumbbell Lateral raises
4*45lb 40 35 30 * 6-10 reps each

Dumbbell front raises
4*50lb 45lb 40lb 35 * 6-10 reps each

Machine rear delts
4*90-110 * 10-15 reps

2*3 45s each * 8-10 reps both ways = 1 set
2*4 45s 6-8 reps both ways = 1 set
Lighter weight, however done much slower trying to hold anywhere from 4-8 seconds at the top of the movement.

Pullups (not weighted)
4*10-12 (easily) However elbow pain(s) stops me from doing further

Dumbbell curls
4*35lbs *7-10 reps each

Cable Ez-Curl bar
3sets *60-100lb*6-10 reps
followed by forearms on same bar
3 sets 60-140*5-10 reps

No abs

As of yesterday evening family member noted ankle swelling. Left ankle is notably more swollen then right ankle. Lower legs are also swollen along w/ ankles. Causing severe pumps/pain walking up/down stairs.
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Bodyweight breaking old highs

Initially peaked at 242lb 6-7 weeks ago.

Today weighed in 244lb (w/ T-shirt/Track pants 6:30pm).

Must be the Anavar kicking it up a noche or/and T-Cypionate from T-Enanthate injected until last Tuesday Feb 22?

In the preceding weeks, I have also reduced much of the supplement calories. Although, i've replaced much of it w/ real food, i am not necessarily eating more.

Anyways lets see how the strength goes, i don't care much for the weight. But if the additional body weight is what breaks the plateau - then be it.

So far the majors lifts are as follows:

Barbell Bench Press = 295lb * 1Rep Max
Plateau primarily due to pain in elbows/shoulders ongoing last 5-6 weeks IMO.

Deadlift = 425lb * 1RM (due to unbearable pain/pumps on lower back at times, i do dead-lifts sparingly lately. I think i can push 450-475lb on a good day)

Smith Machine squats = 395lb *5 reps at parallel or below. Use standard deviation for this +-25-30lb, that is my advantage w/ smith machine over barbell squats.
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Got to do a follow up blood test for TSH (Thyroid levels)- very low as noted in one of the above logs. Plus also free testosterone, FSH-LH, T3, and T4 checked off on requisition form pending endocrinologist appointment.

Went in this afternoon for blood test. Results should be in a day or two.
As of yesterday evening family member noted ankle swelling. Left ankle is notably more swollen then right ankle. Lower legs are also swollen along w/ ankles. Causing severe pumps/pain walking up/down stairs.

That was Tuesday night. Yesterday (Wednesday) quite noticeable swelling of ankles and lower legs as well, somewhat lowered this morning (Thursday). However, more of the swelling is on the right ankle now.

A case of Edema?
"is an abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin or in one or more cavities of the body" Edema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes. Not extreme, but present. Skin does not bounce back up right away after hard pressing especially on the front bone of the lower, 4-5" of the lower leg to below the ankle. The pitting when pressed takes about 15-25 seconds to normalize. Other than the lower legs/ankles no swelling is present anywhere else on the body.

Should i be worried:rolleyes2?
24th IMI shot (left glute) was due yesterday on 4th day interval. In this instance, i extended it 1 day due to several factors.

1] wanted to due blood test today Thursday (Done!). Plus wanted somewhat lower test levels to show up on tests, if that is possible.:worried:

2] Reduce fluid build up/swelling in lower body since the first cyp shot Sunday morning, by extending days in between shots.:sadwavey:

3] Extreme painful cramping yesterday during legs/chest workout & doing minor tasks all over the body from neck to shoulders/chest & hamstrings.

Shot due tonight, 6th instance of 5th day interval.
Painful cramping all over the body during and post workout

Wednesday March 3, 2011 trained Chest/Legs

1 hour prior took
1 325mg Aspirin
1 200mg Caffeine
1 8mg Ephedrine HCL

No cardio

In order of completion

Barbell Bench Press
1set*185lb *10reps
2*225lb 12 & 10s
2*245lb 7 & 5 reps
2*275lb* 2 + 1 assisted reps, then 3 reps + 2 assisted. Had serious cramp in right hamstring, had to stop first set half-way.

Decline Barbell Bench Press
4*225lb*8 10 9 & 8 reps
Normally repping it out w/ 245lb for 8-10 reps, was having difficult time post flat bench routine, and due to cramping felt in both hamstrings & abs.

Cybex Machine squat (Shoulder wide stance)
1*12 45lb plates * 10 easy
2*18 45lb plates * 8 easy
2*22 45lb plates * 6 & 7 reps
All sets touching metal to metal. Max plates i can put on 13 each side, will try that next time. Should be able to do it for 4-6 reps w/ some extra effort.
Getting stomach cramps while completing movement. Hence, stopped short of hurting myself by limiting weight at 11 45lb plates each side.

Incline Dumbbell press
2*65* 10-12 reps
2*80lb * 10 & 10 reps

Leg extension (supersetted w/ dips)
4*190lb *10-12 reps done slowly
By this time quads are feeling full & round, like they are about to pop.:chomp:

Dips (not weighted)
4*10-14 reps
Really only 3 sets completed. On first set had some serious painful cramps in left shoulder and back of the neck, still present in the neck this morning.

Leg curls
4*110-90lb*10-14 reps
Followed by drop set w/ 40-50% of the weight

Standing calves
2*140-110lb *6-8 reps
Had to stop short due to cramps in lower legs, left shoulder, & neck

No abs


Ankle & lower leg swelling as noted in log above = minor to intermediate case of edema.

Severe cramping present all over the body. This is the first instance of cramps being this bad. Post workout had cramps in left shoulder/pec while washing hands. Due to the severity of the cramp had to stand around for a few minutes just to be able to move after. Completely locked up in a painful type of spasm/cramp. The pain simultaneously was also running diagonally across the top of the left pec when the cramp occurred, thought it was the heart for a second.

Cramps on the bottom of feet even as i lie down to sleep. This has happened on/off more than a few times before. Today happened multiple times, where the feet suddenly lock up.

The pain/pumps in lower back has been inhibiting workouts done at full intensity and capacity. Hopefully these cramps don't make a habit like the painful pumps. Up until now cramps have happened sparingly, most notably in the abdominal region. If i cannot do the workouts the way i want, its more like time wasted.

1 small zit on left cheek bone back in business, that i thought was gone :soap:

Vascularity has definitely kicked up noche w/ Anavar. Yesterday, saw thick veins running throughout the arms, especially top of the forearms. Normally, i have veins showing but the thickness and fullness NO.

Most interestingly a running theme has been the shoulder & elbow pain. None experienced yesterday other than cramping. Except interestingly enough soon as i picked up 45lb EZ curl bar and did about 8-10 reps, i started feeling it in the shoulders & elbows. I figured stay warm while stretching and walking around between sets by doing a light set. Since i got the elbow/shoulder pain easily w/ light weights wanted to confirm hypothesis that bi days are whats killing the elbows. On preacher curl tried 25lb for 10-12 reps then w/ 50lb - certainly felt that. Going to have to change the methodology their on the bi workouts days towards the end of the routine, so that i can push to the max elsewhere.
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