Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) user....explain this????????


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TRT user....explain this????????

Been taking 100mg of cyp per week via injection. Been on a low carb diet for approx 4 weeks now and wow does it make workouts tough. Okay,,,,,,so for the past 4 weeks, ive been gaining 2 pounds a week. Took some time off gym but now been hitting it hard for approx 8 weeks and feeling good.......so why would i be gaining 2 pounds a week on a low carb diet and increasing lean protein, no sweets, no fried foods??????? I figured if i was on 600 or 800 mg of test i would see this, but not 100mg a week.......any ideas????
Been taking 100mg of cyp per week via injection. Been on a low carb diet for approx 4 weeks now and wow does it make workouts tough. Okay,,,,,,so for the past 4 weeks, ive been gaining 2 pounds a week. Took some time off gym but now been hitting it hard for approx 8 weeks and feeling good.......so why would i be gaining 2 pounds a week on a low carb diet and increasing lean protein, no sweets, no fried foods??????? I figured if i was on 600 or 800 mg of test i would see this, but not 100mg a week.......any ideas????

If you gained weight, you ate more calories than your body can burn, its a simple concept.
And gaining 2 pounds a week???? hope its muscle!!! I think its all the sex that may be buildin muscle....LOL
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