Testosterone Unde

bmass said:
actually it says in the package insert that you should inject Nebido one amp 1000mg/4ml every 10-14days at least here in sweden and its got a very long halflife because first its the longest ester and second i think they use castor oil or was it ricine oil and its very thick

I looked up info on Nebido a long time ago. The problem was their was little to no information at all and most of it was on german websites.

They use castor oil with it, so I would be curious if someone made their own version and saw what their levels where at
It's in Sustanon (sust), so I ordered some once when I wanted to make some Swellanon. I believe it turned out around 330mg/ml with the right Sustanon (sust) ratios (pretty close anyway). I use 2/20 for everything, and this came out completely painless. If you want to mix up some high concentration Test U, try 2/20 and EO. It will hold alot more hormone that way.
jediclampet said:
That was probably the thread I was looking for. I had made a batch of test e with BB, then another without BB - all other parts of the recipie were exactly the same.
Oh, you haven't ever made test undecanoate, have you?

What PA needs to know is if BB is needed to hold test undecanoate in solution and if so, then how much.

If I don't need BB, then I don't use it.
bmass said:
actually it says in the package insert that you should inject Nebido one amp 1000mg/4ml every 10-14days at least here in sweden and its got a very long halflife because first its the longest ester and second i think they use castor oil or was it ricine oil and its very thick
Odd. The Nebido website states that as few as 4 injections/year are needed, which is certainly much different than q 10-14 days.
the melt point isn't in the info on any board i've been to.my guess would be that it is low enough to not use the bb.i would like to know just for the sake of knowing.
mranak said:
Odd. The Nebido website states that as few as 4 injections/year are needed, which is certainly much different than q 10-14 days.
they must have written it wrong because 4 injections per year sounds very little and i dubbelchecked the swedish nebido and yes it says 10-14days for every injection
Intramuscular testosterone undecanoate: pharmacokinetic aspects of a novel testosterone formulation during long-term treatment of men with hypogonadism.Schubert M, Minnemann T, Hubler D, Rouskova D, Christoph A, Oettel M, Ernst M, Mellinger U, Krone W, Jockenhovel F.
Klinik II und Poliklinik fur Innere Medizin der Universitat zu Koln, Germany.

In an open-label, randomized, prospective trial, we investigated pharmacokinetics and several efficacy and safety parameters of a novel, long-acting testosterone (T) undecanoate (TU) formulation in 40 hypogonadal men (serum testosterone concentrations < 5 nmol/liter). For the first 30 wk (comparative study), the patients were randomly assigned to receive either 10 x 250 mg T enanthate (TE) im every 3 wk (n = 20) or 3 x 1000 mg TU im every 6 wk (loading dose) followed by 1 x 1000 mg after an additional 9 wk (n = 20). In a follow-up study, observation continued in those patients who completed the comparative part and opted for TU treatment (8 x 1000 mg TU every 12 wk in former TU patients and 2 x 1000 mg TU every 8 wk plus 6 x 1000 mg every 12 wk in former TE patients) for an additional 20-21 months. Here we report only the pharmacokinetic aspects of the new TU formulation for the first approximately 2.5 yr of treatment. At baseline, serum T concentrations did not significantly differ between the two study groups. In the TE group, mean trough levels of serum T were always less than 10 nmol/liter before the next injection, whereas in the TU group, mean trough levels of serum T were 14.1 +/- 4.5 nmol/liter after the first two doses (6-wk intervals) and 16.3 +/- 5.7 nmol/liter after the 9-wk interval at wk 30. The mean serum levels of dihydrotestosterone and estradiol also increased in parallel to the serum T pattern and remained within the normal range. In the follow-up study, the former TU patients (n = 20) received eight TU injections at 12-wk intervals, and the TE patients (n = 16) switched to TU and initially received two TU injections at 8-wk intervals (loading) and continued with six TU injections at 12-wk intervals (maintenance). This regimen resulted in stable mean serum trough levels of T (ranging from 14.9 +/- 5.2 to 16.5 +/- 8.0 nmol/liter) and estradiol (ranging from 98.5 +/- 45.2 to 80.4 +/- 14.4 pmol/liter). The present study has shown that 1000 mg TU injected into male patients with hypogonadism at 12-wk intervals is well tolerated and leads to T levels within normal ranges, using four instead of 17 or more TE injections per year. An initial loading dose of either 3 x 1000 mg TU every 6 wk at the beginning of hormone substitution or 2 x 1000 mg TU every 8 wk after switching from the short-acting TE to TU were found to be a adequate dosing regimens for starting of treatment with the long-acting TU preparation.