Texas Pharmaceuticals


New member
Shown are their Super TestEn (250mg/ml, 15ml), Super Deca (250mg/ml, 15ml) and Super Winstrol (winny) Caps (50mg each). Good stuff IMO.
Ill have to bump this for more info....Never heard of them but would like to see some opinions...Ive heard that good things come from Texas!!
Spacedet01 said:
Ill have to bump this for more info....Never heard of them but would like to see some opinions...Ive heard that good things come from Texas!!

What makes you think they actually come from Texas? Perutech doesn't come from Peru...

Is this another Canadian UG lab?

Its canadian, they make some good products for sure. I have triend and am currently using their deca and test and am very happy with the results. I know many others form around my parts that have used them with great results as well. I have yet to try the Winstrol (winny) caps.

And before someone starts busting my ass claiming I am with the comp or something many know me from being a MOD over at RC and being around these boards for a while so i am not trying just pump the company. If I try something good i will chime in.
Darko said:
Its canadian, they make some good products for sure.

God bless you Canadians, you guys have an embarrassment of riches with all those great UG labs up there.

As many of you have either guessed (or knew), Texas Pharmaceuticals is a Canadian based operation. So far they've produced some very good gear that's quite potent. They're also very good at listening to their customers' opinions and suggestions. I've heard that their next releases will be a 100mg/ml, 10ml tren, and 25mg dbol capsules.
On Super Deca and Super Test by Texas Pharm

Now let me all tell you this is my 1st time ever doing juice..... im on my 7th week and started off with only taking 1 cc a week .. inject of the Super Deca ... did that for 5 weeks ... then started doing 2cc a week.. ive done 3 2cc's so far and i just started my Super Test ... ive done 2 1cc of it so far.... since starting the SuperTest... ive noticed massive gains in strength .... and my sexdrive is starting to go through the roof ... (good thing) .... anyways ... i didnt do much research on this product or anything .... i just saw the results it was giving my friends ... and said "fuck it .... it has to be real Juice if there gaining 20 pds in a month" ... so i decided to start the injections ... im getting my friend to inject me in both triceps ... i find it quite hard to inject myself ..... because i havent done it myself b4 .... tried it once in my shoulder but saw blood so got timid .... and chilled .... anyways ... just telling every 1 my story and what ive been doing ... if u have any good info for me on what i should be doing or anything .... let me know .... thx ~JaKKeD~

P.S. The Super Deca and Super Test are working ..... quite well .... im excited to take my month off .... but my deca is almost done and i just went out and bought a full bottle of Test .... so im thinking i might have to do 2cc a week of test .. and 1 cc a week of deca.... because i prob have 5-6 shots left... anyways .. srry for being so long ... lol pz ....
ive seen the stuff around my parts as well.......havent tried it but seems to be working for people.I only got one complaint that keeps me from tring it,and that is the label.Looks like Bull's eye BBQ sauce to me.I think if they try a little harder they could make a better label.And before you guys give me shit and say its whats in the bottle that counts,that true.But with a low quality label im thinking they may not put that much care in how their Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is made as well.Thats just my opinion,im only one man.
Hell, I think the labels look pretty cool! Alot better than many UG Labs! But of course like you said it's what's inside the bottle that counts!!!
does any one know if this stuff is available in the u.s. not asking for a source just curious