The Arnold cycle


New member
Alright Ive put some thought into this one.. and I want to give it a go, heres what it will look like..

Primobolan Enanthate- weeks 1-12, 800mg/week
D-bol- weeks 1-12, 40mg/day
Testosterone Enanthate, weeks 1-12 500mg/week

This isnt what Arnold's cycle was, but its the modern day cycle of it.. and I know not many people will be too fond of using dbol for 12 weeks, but I think It can be done if I do it carefully.
I think 40mg a dbol ofr 12 weeks is no good. I allways run a 24 week cycle and lower my dosages. I take 25mg of dbol for 12 weeks and 500 test the entire 24. Of course I adjust 10 weeks before a show to reduce the ammount of estergin.
I agree with you that d-bols can be run for long periods of time, But i would not run 40mg ED IMO you should run lower dose 30mg training days 10mg off days and that will be much easyer on you liver, Make sure you get liver values checked every 4 weeks.
isnt this your first cycle??? cuz if i remember right you said you ran a test cycle with bunk gear and that was it...
Arnold also never used PCT... I said this isnt the exact cycle, but a modern day cycle.. and I wasnt going to run this cycle now.. I was thinking in future maybe after a couple of cycles..
DaddyD said:
Ive never seen any text that has ever showed what arnold took???

Ditto that!! ..I mean, I've read (hear say) articles that said Arnold like Primo and Deca.. and something somewhere that said he admitted to using Dbol but nothing real difinitive or reliable.
To my knowledge the only two Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Arnold has mentioned publically is Primo and Dbol.
800mg of primo a week ?? unless you got high mg UG stuff it only comes in 100mg /ml.... thats alot of oil your pinning there
theincredible1 said:
I know not many people will be too fond of using dbol for 12 weeks, but I think It can be done if I do it carefully.
how exactly are you going to "do it carefully?" 40mgs ED for 12 weeks cannot be done carefully
how exactly are you going to "do it carefully?" 40mgs ED for 12 weeks cannot be done carefully

LMAFO!!! Yeah, nothing careful about 12 weeks on an oral 17 AA. And 40mg ed isn't a low dose either, are you joking?
OMG.... its been quite a few years since the liver toxicity of 17aas have been debunked and people don't get it. You could take 40mg of dbol , most likely, without zero problems. Your cholesterol is more at risk than your liver. My training partner has been combining var with halo for quite some time now. He looks at his bloodwork and just laughs when the values come back perfect.
skarhead1 said:
OMG.... its been quite a few years since the liver toxicity of 17aas have been debunked and people don't get it. You could take 40mg of dbol , most likely, without zero problems. Your cholesterol is more at risk than your liver. My training partner has been combining var with halo for quite some time now. He looks at his bloodwork and just laughs when the values come back perfect.
and then there are others who have used 17-aas off and on and have had very significant liver problems. nothing has been debunked. some people can drink 10 beers and just get a buzz while others can have 1 beer and get drunk. comments like yours are very dangerous.