The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

Ups and downs this last week with both diet and home drama.

I didn't eat all my meals Sat/Sun. That sucked. I gotta get the drama finished.

I went shopping today for some clothes for the functions I have coming up. I was especially surprised that I was asking for smaller and smaller sizes going into the shop. I kept grabbing the biggest sizes they had AND putting them back getting the smaller sizes. That was AWESOME! I haven't bought any clothes since my journey started. I didn't buy a lot because I hope to lose much more.

Let's see what I can get done this week.
Ups and downs this last week with both diet and home drama.

I didn't eat all my meals Sat/Sun. That sucked. I gotta get the drama finished.

I went shopping today for some clothes for the functions I have coming up. I was especially surprised that I was asking for smaller and smaller sizes going into the shop. I kept grabbing the biggest sizes they had AND putting them back getting the smaller sizes. That was AWESOME! I haven't bought any clothes since my journey started. I didn't buy a lot because I hope to lose much more.

Let's see what I can get done this week.

what did you expect???

actually, you should expect to have to reup your whole closet a number of times through this process... be ready to give away alot of cloths!
I held onto my clothes as long as possible - but then I started looking terrible in them so I had to break down and buy new ones. :)
when i go from powerlifting season to cutting season my cloths change dramatically.. so i always keep my bigger cloths for just in case when i have to really put the weight on..

ive been know to go from 285lbs at 27% bodyfat to 230lbs lol.. so yea its a big big difference..

though my powerlifting days are over, i still havn't gotten rid of my cloths.. sitting at a comfortable 240 right now
Did shoulders today.

My shoulders are a weak point. I get a great pump at the end but they are still small and not very strong.

Time to recover and get ready for the BBQ dinner I have with business tonight. Lots of protein and veggies.

My digital scale just went bonkers too...hopefully it's just something wrong with batteries and everything being wet. Otherwise, I'm looking to get a scale before heading to the BBQ. That'll suck to have to carry around. Better get a better scale this time.

Also been looking at a proper blender to make my protein smoothies. My food processor style blender likes to spill over and through the center piece.
Finished out this week strong. Walked out of the gym with a great pump in bis and tris.

Had a fellow foreigner in the gym 'teach' me proper lifting and why what I was doing as far as my workout was wrong. I smiled, said thanks, and continued on. I guess we all have one of those moments.

Had to get new suits and shirts today. Got stuff that fit properly and look much smaller and less clown like than I do with my current clothes. I got all the summer stuff that went on sale so my wallet wasn't too badly hurt.
Zero carb day and what am I craving...carbs!! I think I'm going to bed early just so I can get up early and have some oats. Tomorrow is high(er) carb day.

I've got some unexpected work early afternoon so it looks like it'll be an early morning workout session. Time to get my meals prepped and ready for the long day tomorrow.

I started adding black beans and kidney beans to my food line-up. A mix of that and brown rice reminds me of those days when I lived in Brazil as a kid. Another food I wish I had never let go of growing up.
Just waiting for some chicken to finish cooking in the oven then it's out the door and to the gym. I have a rare day-off this day and I'm going to make the most of it.

Order some RUI products. It's sitting there in the 'Custom Clearance' for 2 days now. I hope that's just something that doesn't get regular updates and everything shows up just fine at my door in a couple of days. The products are completely legal to purchase but dealing with customs will not be fun as I have to explain everything, in detail, at their office, in Japanese.

It's hot as fook in Japan and I don't have an air-conditioner. I sweat like a mofo at night and constantly drinking water throughout. Probably not too healthy. Gonna have to look for a used one. The fan sitting at the bedside isn't enough.

It's OBON in Japan, a time to honor ancestors. That means less work, more gym time. I wish I could hit the gym twice a day...
I had 2 weeks (2 days) where I had to be out with clients and then one night where I was stuck out with clients (Unexpected). Then I was way off with sodium that night. SO...I weighed myself and was up almost 2 kilograms and was disappointed. 3J pointed to the sodium throwing me off. Next day I was down 1.4 kilograms. So...less unhappy.

Well, back on track with diet. Was always on track as far as training. Added core workouts at night before bed (Planks and crunches). Planks suck...but in a good way. I also put legs back in as my meniscus tear isn't hurting when doing leg presses/curls etc. No squats or deadlifts but still wobbling out of the gym on leg day.
I love your ability to move past hurdles... Having a all or none policy would leave you in ruin.. You brush it off and get back to work! That's what counts!

1. Set goals

2. Dont be afraid to fail

3. Work your fucking ass off!

4. When you fall, stand your ass right back up and work harder

With this formula you'll always succeed.. Youre proof my friend!
I love your ability to move past hurdles... Having a all or none policy would leave you in ruin.. You brush it off and get back to work! That's what counts!

1. Set goals

2. Dont be afraid to fail

3. Work your fucking ass off!

4. When you fall, stand your ass right back up and work harder

With this formula you'll always succeed.. Youre proof my friend!

I've got an awesome coach
I weighed myself after my low carb weekend. Saw the scale drop again. Decided to weigh myself after my high carb day (Following day) and saw a 1.5kg increase. Damn, them carbs carry plenty of water with them.
I weighed myself after my low carb weekend. Saw the scale drop again. Decided to weigh myself after my high carb day (Following day) and saw a 1.5kg increase. Damn, them carbs carry plenty of water with them.

which is why i tell you to stay off the scale unless its weigh in day lol... it will fuck with your mind
Felt like crap most of last week, even with everything on point.

Had a crap weekend, mentally more than physically. Decided to get a massage (Cheap where I work on the weekends, company discount). Had my mind on too many other things to really enjoy the massage. So that was a waste.

Got into the gym today, Monday, and now I feel good. I wish I could hold onto this feeling right now. The physical and mental. Now I've gotta make sure I get my meals in, to bed early, and back in the gym tomorrow morning.
Great weekend. Made protein fluff for the first time. Great stuff!!

I'm craving carbs so I'm going to bed early, get up early, eat early and get to the gym early. Tomorrows carbs of choice: black beans and brown rice. Can't wait!!