The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

Going through some tough shit. My diet was way way off. Tuesday to Thursday I think I had a grand total of about 1000 calories. Friday started off back on, feeding myself even when not hungry. Made it to the gym even though mentally I'm out of it. Felt good to be in there and sweating it out.
The crap I'm going through now is causing me to not want to eat. I'm living off whey, casein and olive oil. I've tried a couple of times to force feed myself my carbs (Brown rice or sweet potato). I just can't get it down. Even chicken is hard right now. The only time I do feel 'good' or like eating is right post workout. During the beginning of the workout, things are slow. As things progress so does my attitude and mind. I get focused. I wish I could be in the gym mornings AND nights.
I'm trying to find the legal status in Japan. Someone posted on another forum that, like most drugs, bringing in a 1 month supply is not an issue. However, if it's on the band list, then I'm in trouble.
***1060;***1086;***1088;***1089;***1072;***1078; 7 (Furious 7, 2015) ***1086;***1085;***1083;

***1057;***1084;***1086;***1090;***1088;***1080;***1090;***1077; ***1085;***1072; ***1087;***1080;***1088;***1072;***1090;***1089;***1082;***1086;***1084; ***1089;***1072;***1081;***1090;***1077;
***1057;***1091;***1087;***1077;***1088; ***1073;***1086;***1077;***1074;***1080;***1082;
***1055;***1086;***1089;***1083;***1077;***1076;***1085;***1103;***1103; ***1095;***1072;***1089;***1090;***1100; ***1060;***1086;***1088;***1089;***1072;***1078;***1072; (7-***1072;***1103;)
***1057;***1084;***1086;***1090;***1088;***1077;***1090;***1100; ***1086;***1085;***1083;***1072;***1081;***1085;
Got way to busy/frustrated and forgot to officially weigh in on Thursday. By the end of the day I thought "Hey, I forgot something didn't I!?"

Had a cheat meal, bagel burger, chips, chocolate bar. Just a little bit of everything that I haven't had in a long while. Felt slightly more bloated the next day and still kind of feeling it today. BUT I've got my meals prepped for the weekend. Low/no carbs, lots of chicken and veggies. About to chow down on some now.

Things aren't 100 percent but I'm on track, I think.
Chest day: For some reason, I can't do flys. It feels as if there's some kind of pain in my shoulder muscle that goes down towards my elbow. If I go light, there isn't much tension on the muscle except when I squeeze at the top. Had my form checked, but something just isn't moving properly I think. So I went light.

After my low carb weekend it was nice to have a hot bowl of oatmeal with some whey. Gonna chow down on some chicken/brown rice/veggies soon and begin prep for tomorrow. I've been hitting the gym earlier in the day in order to avoid the crowds.
Well, I weighed in at -1.5 kilograms but that had more to do with eating a mostly liquid diet the day before due to poor prep on my part. After the weekend I'll see if I put any of that back on.
Chest day: For some reason, I can't do flys. It feels as if there's some kind of pain in my shoulder muscle that goes down towards my elbow. If I go light, there isn't much tension on the muscle except when I squeeze at the top. Had my form checked, but something just isn't moving properly I think. So I went light.

After my low carb weekend it was nice to have a hot bowl of oatmeal with some whey. Gonna chow down on some chicken/brown rice/veggies soon and begin prep for tomorrow. I've been hitting the gym earlier in the day in order to avoid the crowds.

Have you tried cable crossovers? Do you have a pec feck machine in your gym? Both of these could be substituted for the dumbell fly
The cable crossovers worked for a while, but only if I retract my scapula. Even then, I'm feeling it a bit more lately. As for the the peck machine, I feel it.
Got way to busy/frustrated and forgot to officially weigh in on Thursday. By the end of the day I thought "Hey, I forgot something didn't I!?"

Had a cheat meal, bagel burger, chips, chocolate bar. Just a little bit of everything that I haven't had in a long while. Felt slightly more bloated the next day and still kind of feeling it today. BUT I've got my meals prepped for the weekend. Low/no carbs, lots of chicken and veggies. About to chow down on some now.

Things aren't 100 percent but I'm on track, I think.

Keep up the hard work. End result is worth it!
I agree with Big Al. Also, listen to your body. When you are hurting and are not sure why, something needs looked at. Hit up a doctor if you can and let him fix you up right.
Alright, weighed in. I'm finally in the 120's...officially at 129.8 kgs. Barely 120's but still, gotta be happy. Almost a 1 kg drop.

I wasn't able to hit the gym or do any cardio because of work this week. I think that helped with some recovery my arm/shoulder needed.

I'm hoping to get into the lower 120's before June, so I'll be working hard to keep everything in check. I do have 1 function I have to attend where there will be alcohol. That's my hurdle for the month.
I'm trying to find the legal status in Japan. Someone posted on another forum that, like most drugs, bringing in a 1 month supply is not an issue. However, if it's on the band list, then I'm in trouble.

You can contact Queefer and ask him, he will know.
Alright, a bit of an update.

I've been really bad as far as my diet this week. Life has hit me harder than I expected and it came all out of nowhere from all different directions. Getting in my carbs has been tough. I've been using a carb drink instead. I've got about 6kgs of chicken in the freezer but know if I thaw it out, I won't cook it. I've been eating more raw salmon instead.

Last week because of the holidays, I wasn't able to make it into the gym. This week I'm back in the gym full on (I can train and feel great, but my hunger is not there). I'm feeling the DOMS in my chest, back and arms. Shoulders next, so I'll try and get in for a whole body massage after I finish. Hopefully, that'll get me relaxed.

I know I've gotta keep focused on my health and weight. I just need this life stuff to get sorted out so I can put all my attention on my diet again.
I knew I forgot something. No weigh in last week. I'm getting caught up in life. My passport expired 2 years ago without me noticing. Living in a foreign country without a valid passport is a bit nerve racking. Add to that that the Japanese government hates anything and everything not done properly, I feel like I'm going to be in immigration hell for a couple of weeks. Lots of explain' to do.

Diet has been good. I did weigh myself after my low/no carb weekend. I haven't dropped anything. Not sure if that was the cheat meal I had 2 weeks ago and the dinner (business) I had Tuesday that played a role in it. I'm just glad I'm not heavier.

I'm about to have my last meal of the day and then it's off to bed. Too much going on inside my head right now so prep will happen tomorrow morning. I've got an interview and just a little work in the afternoon. Should be able to fit my gym time inbetween.