The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

Keep it up! Get that VISA fixed!

The visa is not an issue. I have a permanent residency visa which doesn't go into the passport but is on my alien registration card. I might have worried for nothing though, the Canadian consulate said there should be no issue unless I needed to travel suddenly. So, no traveling suddenly.

Hit back today...felt good. Right forearm still aches though. Not sure what the problem is.
Ah, read passport, but my mind clung to visa. Did you get the passport issue fixed while at the embassy?

I find back day also works my forearms pretty roughly. They always ache after back day.
The process of getting a new passport after the old one has already expired is a LONG fooking process. Lots of papers. And now it costs 260 Canadian dollars for a 10 year passport. 190 for 5 years. Plus all types of fees on top of that. What a rip off. But, it's all getting sorted. The embassy says it won't be an issue with immigration. I just can't leave the country.

My forearms weren't really aching with back day. I decided at the end to pick up some DB and do a couple of sets of hammer curls, since I had just rested over the weekend. I wanted to see if it was something I was doing throughout the week that was causing them issues, before getting to arm day. First rep of the first set and I felt it. Switched to regular curls, and the pain was gone. It's just the hammer curls. So, no hammer curls for a while.

Blasted shoulders. Was able to do side lat raises for the first time in months. I had pain there before but it seems as though that pain has gone away. My delts are weak. I never properly trained shoulders until getting with 3J. My front delts are OK. Side and back are non-existent.
3J is not gonna be happy.

I had my birthday, that was suppose to be a cheat day. Unfortunately, some serious drama unfolded and has continued to unfold over the last 10 days. I've been eating my meals in liquid form, whey, carb drink, greens drink. I think I've had 3 whole foods meals. I dropped about 3 kgs as of Monday, which is too fast. But honestly, it's taking me everything not to just go to bed. I needed to keep my mind occupied long enough so that I could stay up and get my last protein shake in.
At least you are getting a good amount of protein in - consider that a win. Always look for the wins, it will help you to reach for a second win, a third win, and so on. At least it does for me.

Glad you have not given up - that is a HUGE win right there!
Official weigh in at 125.2 kg. So in 2 weeks, down 3 kg. I guess that still has me on track, as long as that 3 kg was mostly fat. That's a concern.

My pants continue to feel looser and looser and I have to cut the belt. BUT my waist and hip measurements aren't changing that much. I wonder if I'm measuring wrong.

Today will be a short day, gym, 2 hours of work, home, meal prep, sleep. Should be fun!
have you realized how much progress you made??

youve gone from 151kg to 125.2kg in about 7 months..

youve lost 57.2lbs... and are on track to lose 100lbs in a year..

its people like you that make my job so damn rewarding syn... never forget that
Alright, I'm going to say I'm happy with what I'm about to type: I can see veins popping in my hands and arms. More in my right than left. More towards the end of cardio. I never had veins showing. When I donated blood last week, finding a vein was simple. It used to take the nurse a couple of tries on both arms. Small victories!!

The trainer at Gold's Gym also commented on the transformation. Absolutely no reason for him to do so as I don't train with him or talk much with him. Apparently amongst the other trainers they were wondering what I was doing differently. Another victory. Clothes are getting to a point where my boss has asked me to invest in some new pants and shirts as the old ones are too baggy and not looking too professional.

Hopefully next summer I can walk the beach without a shirt on and feel comfortable. That's long term talk, but I've got it in my mind.

I wish I could post photos of the veins, not that there anywhere near as good as most people. Unfortunately, no photos or videos in the gym.
57 pounds lost so far - and you are still going! Dude, that is a HUGE accomplishment, never forget that. If you keep this up, in 3 more years you will be dead from losing almost your entire body weight. I recommend stopping before you reach that point, but that is just my personal opinion - I highly suspect 3J will agree, though. ;)

In all seriousness, you are doing a fantastic job. How many people do you know now only lose weight, but do it consistently for months on end without giving up or fully rebounding? You, good sir, are an inspiration to many others. Glad you are logging this and giving it a human side, complete with failures and successes.
Last week I had a bit of a downer. I saw I gained 1.4 kilograms. I thought it was water weight because of the high salt I had for 2 nights in a row. Instead of dropping, I gained. I mentally felt like crap and thought "Eat clean and drop sodium back to normal and weigh yourself again after the weekend." I did that, and was happy to see that I dropped the water weight and regular weight.

I know they're just numbers but it can be draining at times to see the numbers go in the opposite direction that you want. Anyways, I'm on target now. I do have a stomach issue. I feel like I'm backed up. Not sure why. If it doesn't resolve itself after a high carb (Sweet potatoes) day then it's off to the doctors.
I get stopped up easily and use the Metamucil wafers as part of my carbs. They help me stay empty inside. :)

Gonna have to see about getting those.

I stared down a Snickers chocolate bar for about 10 minutes today. Not fun wanting it and seeing them everywhere. Fortunately I won and got a pack of sugarless gum instead.
Hi Syn... Just stopped by - haven't been here for a while... just want to say... YOU ROCK!

Fantastic progress buddy - you WILL be shirtless on that beach next Summer - and you will see this through.

Very impressive buddy - keep smashing it
OK. I weighed in at 124.4 kgs so I guess I'm on track. My measurements don't seem to be moving much.

Lifting has been great. I haven't moved up or down. Always get a great pump in my tris. Never seem to get the same pump in my bis. Not that it really matters much.

Cardio has been consistent. I'm not able to get my HR above 130. It always lingers around 120-25. A good thing. I've got the bike cranked to max level and keeping a steady pace.

I'm happy with myself this week.
Never seem to get the same pump in my bis.

Technique check!

Next time you curl, check where your elbow position is and see where the bar finishes up....

If the bar is up near your chin, then your elbow has drifted forward and the front delt will have helped lift the weight.

Before you start, pin those elbows in to your side, then when your curl, watch in the mirror to ensure they don't drift forward...

Explosive curl, controlled descent. Tempo 3-1-1-1

This applies with dumbbell work too - pin those elbows TIGHT!

Hope this helps
Technique check!

Next time you curl, check where your elbow position is and see where the bar finishes up....

If the bar is up near your chin, then your elbow has drifted forward and the front delt will have helped lift the weight.

Before you start, pin those elbows in to your side, then when your curl, watch in the mirror to ensure they don't drift forward...

Explosive curl, controlled descent. Tempo 3-1-1-1

This applies with dumbbell work too - pin those elbows TIGHT!

Hope this helps

I make sure my arms move like a hinge at the elbow. I contract the muscle before I move (If that makes sense). My upper arm stays put.

In the past, I use to do hammer curls with the rope on the cable machine. That would get me a good pump if I did drop sets.

I'll get someone to check my form next time I'm in the gym doing bis to make sure that I keep my form tight.
Well, a summer cold is here. I though it was just a runny nose but it's turned into a full blown cold. This sucks. I still did shoulders and sweat a lot of it out. I wore a mask to keep my germs to myself, which made things even more uncomfortable. Can't take time off work. Appetite is shot. I'll do my best to get down the rice/beans/chicken and veggies.
I swapped out brown rice for black beans today. They tasted great going in, a good change. Now...coming out...I think my body just got way to used to brown rice and sweet potatoes. Still awesome food!!

Still feeling like crap. I hope I feel better after good nights rest. Gotta get in the gym for some arms and cardio. Got my bag ready and my meals preppped. Now I just need to find a way to get myself to sleep faster.