The Dreaded Cloud

What temperature did you bring it up to when it was cooking?

What is the MG per ML that you were aiming for?
What is the BA, BB % that you used?
How did you calculate said numbers?

From that picture it almost looks like its around 400mg per ml and its still crystallized.

Did you use a thermometer when you were watching the temp, or did you just heat it on like a 3 for 5-6 mins?

More pictures would be good too.
it wont cause an infection unless u got some bacteria in it before capping. But it will most definately KNOT your shit right up and be painful as hell!!!!
I think you need more precise heating and heat measurements. It normally takes my test e anywhere from 15-20 min to get to my favorite temp which is 95 degree C. Once at that temp I add GSO slowly each addition waiting for clear swirls to disappear before adding a lil bit more but watching the temp to keep it in the range of 90-95. Once added I filter and all I ever get is CRYSTAL clear solution.
The pirate definately knows his biz but I only filter once with a .22um whatman at a precise temp of 80-85 degree C and works like a charm.

If you do attempt to reheat, put a needle down in the vials (just barely in so-as not to get the tip in the liquid) to vent your vial as it heats.
Got it guys, thanks.
I took the pie out of the packet and heated it back up, seemed to make it nice and soft and clear ready for some sauce.
Cheers for that guys, just needed extra heating.. was very surprised.
Got it guys, thanks.
I took the pie out of the packet and heated it back up, seemed to make it nice and soft and clear ready for some sauce.
Cheers for that guys, just needed extra heating.. was very surprised.

Why did you erase the OP???? That was a good thread to help others that might have ended up in that same boat...
Either way, glad to see you got things back on track.
Just for security reasons man, I doubt this issue will come again.. and if it does I can help them myself
Sorry if it has upset you, its just something I have to do

Original Issue was, I mixed the beef mince with the gravy, but it wasnt mixing right.. didn't turn out clear and thick like real pie beef mince does.. anyway
I stuck it back on the oven for a bit and it seemed to fold out nicely into a nice big pie.. it was great.
I just need some sauces like tomato and mustard and we be set.
The beef wasnt cooked right, so i had to re-cook it and then put onto plates again for the kids.
Just for security reasons man, I doubt this issue will come again.. and if it does I can help them myself
Sorry if it has upset you, its just something I have to do

Original Issue was, I mixed the beef mince with the gravy, but it wasnt mixing right.. didn't turn out clear and thick like real pie beef mince does.. anyway
I stuck it back on the oven for a bit and it seemed to fold out nicely into a nice big pie.. it was great.
I just need some sauces like tomato and mustard and we be set.
The beef wasnt cooked right, so i had to re-cook it and then put onto plates again for the kids.

I'm never gonna get upset about anything said or done through a computer screen bro! Not in the least bit.
I just think we are here to help each other, fuck LE fuck em' allllll ... And if they are that hard up for a user of AAS when there is so many more important things to be worried about I.E. our poor and insuficient economy here in the US then come get me. Wont be the first charge or sentence doled out to me and guarantee it wont be the last.

I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees.
I'm never gonna get upset about anything said or done through a computer screen bro! Not in the least bit.
I just think we are here to help each other, fuck LE fuck em' allllll ... And if they are that hard up for a user of AAS when there is so many more important things to be worried about I.E. our poor and insuficient economy here in the US then come get me. Wont be the first charge or sentence doled out to me and guarantee it wont be the last.

I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees.
Thank you for you share,I want to ask you some question,you can call me hereCheap Ravens