New member
Hi guys I'm a male 5'6 183.2 pds and I wanted to log my experience on doing my first cycle on April . My cycle will be test e for 12 weeks and nova and clomid for pct , on hand I have letro and stane on hand for a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . I will be running stane at 12.5 Ed from the beginnin of first pin. My test e is from big "PIN" . My dream is to be a Pro one day and I've learned that if ur going to be in this game u have to get ur diet so I'm happy to say my I signed big Brother 3J! My goal on this cycle is to get lean. I was able to drop from 201 to my current weight. It took me 5 mths doing a CKD diet. I will be pinnin delt and quad. Ahhh can't wait !