The journey of being a future Pro part 1


New member
Hi guys I'm a male 5'6 183.2 pds and I wanted to log my experience on doing my first cycle on April . My cycle will be test e for 12 weeks and nova and clomid for pct , on hand I have letro and stane on hand for a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . I will be running stane at 12.5 Ed from the beginnin of first pin. My test e is from big "PIN" . My dream is to be a Pro one day and I've learned that if ur going to be in this game u have to get ur diet so I'm happy to say my I signed big Brother 3J! My goal on this cycle is to get lean. I was able to drop from 201 to my current weight. It took me 5 mths doing a CKD diet. I will be pinnin delt and quad. Ahhh can't wait !
I personally don't start runnin an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until/if I see the need for it. How much test are you running?
Good luck man! If I were you I'd read along with Hockeyplaya18's cycle log as it resembles yours a lot. DaHurt also has a similar test cycle that has a lot of good info in it I believe he ran Dbol for the first few weeks to kickstart.
Good luck man! If I were you I'd read along with Hockeyplaya18's cycle log as it resembles yours a lot. DaHurt also has a similar test cycle that has a lot of good info in it I believe he ran Dbol for the first few weeks to kickstart.

I believe he did too ;) muah haha
Thanks guys for the replys:) I'm 30 yrs old and I will be runnin 500mg of test. Sorry I did add it. My training style is some what like Dorian Yates 3sets 6-8 reps 4-5 exercises. I didn't want to run dbol cuz off all the extra water it gives plus I've beek readin people logs and I've noticed the most of there sides on there first cycle is the dbol. I want to eliminate as much of a headache as possible. I will post up a pic of before cycle. Thanks all for reading my log:)
Thanks guys! So I have to admit I'm fking nervous Tom is my first time injecting! I'm goin to go with delt. I know the whole process and have seen videos online like zillions of time . Lol I can't believe the time is here. My diet with 3j is official ! Any one that reads this log I swear they should hit up 3j if ur diet is not to sound proof . I'm at 181.0 and I swear I feel fuller and muscles feel harder! This guy is a GURU!
Yo Jada look ready for this cycle brotha and with 3j`s on your corner this will be very interesting to follow..wish the best...