The journey of being a future Pro part 1

Jada, what size pins are you using for the delt? I find that if I train delts right after the inject, I have much less PIP, just FYI!
Yea sassy I'm thinkin about it:) gfunky yes today was my first time I have to say it's not that hard as it seems . I pinned delt today , I woke up like 4 times last night thinkin about it and I got up extra early before anyone and pinned. hurt I'm used a 22g 1 1/2 to draw and a 25g 1 inch to pin. The drawin was a b@tch but did it. My arm right now is a little sore but it's part of the game. Funny thing is when the needle goes in like really in u feel it. My pinnin plan is delt and quad. I have alot of meat in my quads so it should go fine.
Yea sassy I'm thinkin about it:) gfunky yes today was my first time I have to say it's not that hard as it seems . I pinned delt today , I woke up like 4 times last night thinkin about it and I got up extra early before anyone and pinned. hurt I'm used a 22g 1 1/2 to draw and a 25g 1 inch to pin. The drawin was a b@tch but did it. My arm right now is a little sore but it's part of the game. Funny thing is when the needle goes in like really in u feel it. My pinnin plan is delt and quad. I have alot of meat in my quads so it should go fine.

You will be fine with that I did quad only at 3 pins a week for like 3 months before I needed to move due to added soreness from injections. Now I pin 2x a week 2 in delts one week and and 2 in quads the next then repeat. this way is pretty smooth!
Hockey u LikE the Taste!! LMFAO ! Dude so yesterday I said I'm goin to start and I took it before brushin my teeth when I drank that shit I was like WTF. I rather drink 151 proof! I brush my teeth and still left the taste
you think the Stane taste bad.....wait til you start post cycle therapy (pct) and start taking clomid! hahahahaha
Yesterday was my first day of workout after pinn for the first time . I pinned delts, so far soreness has gone down but it's a little warm and it traveled a little down , it doesn't look reddish. So yesterday I did chest and bicep . Movement was a little hard cuz of soreness but I man up. Also I had a slight cold before injection so seems it's going away. Chest excersise I did incline db 75pds 6-8 reps flat bench 75 pds 6-8 reps decline machine press 140 PDs flat bench flys 30 pd dumbbell 12 reps I could have done the 35pds but some one was using it. Bicep I did 40 pds db alternating curls 35 pds db hammer and machine bicep curl 90 pds all 6-8 reps . As the workout would progress my soreness would feel better. I hopping with the next couple of days the soreness would go away. I'm not paranoid but just keepin a eye on it. I followed all the right steps to inject.