Whitemeat said:
If everyone finds this post a bit controversial, you should've read the one on circadian rhythms. I'm not able to explain the whole thing, but it basically makes you eat only 8 hours during the day, from noon till 8 pm (if you wake up and go to bed at a normal time). Fruits were the only thing allowed during other hours since they are digested in the intestines, and would not disrupt the natural cycles. I found it pretty hard to believe at first, but actually tried it before discounting it. And I actually did feel more alert and energetic throughout the day. Probably not a great way to gain muscle, but Mallet claims he has been able to maintain size while eating this way. So something to think about if you are in a maintenance stage. I wish these articles would reappear on IFL so everyone could get the whole picture. It was a breath of fresh air for someone like me. I've always struggled trying to incorporate bodybuilding diets to fit with my goals. I'm in a Kcal range of about 2500-2800 per day to maintain my weight or grow very slightly. Eating 200+ grams of protein daily left less than 2000 Kcals for fats and carbs. Throw in post workout carbs, and the fats that come with meats, I just couldn't fit in fruits. I think many in the BB community eat very few fruits. But all the while I was following this type of a diet, I felt like I should be eating more fruits & vegs and less meats to be healthier. My family has a history of heart disease and most are overweight, as is the rest of America. I wanted to find a way to be in good shape and be healthy at the same time. These articles really helped to provide some direction towards those goals.
i was going to respond to your 1st post, but this one caught my attention.
1st i'd like to point out i am inthe calorie consumption range as you.
25k-32k my macros look like this 60-65% fat/>5-10%carbs (after i minus out fiber), 25-30% protien
but i'd like to point out the fact that i eat a large amount of veggies, and selective fruits and my protien intake is the range of 180-210g ED.
however, i do not eat oats or wheats or starches. thats leaves plenty of room for veggies and fruits.
and this whole talk of health and BB is good and all, but it you want to get down to the nitty gritty, we as humans did not evelove eatting high amounts of veggies and fruit and starches. we evolved eatting animal meat high in fats and protien.
let me make a simple statement and take it as you wish.
Fat is not created by the body, and cannot be created from any other macronutrient.
Protein is not created by the body, and cannot be created from any other macronutrient.
glucose is created by the liver, and can also be created from excess protein.
Fat and ketones are the body's preferred fuel source, and in a high fat, low carb diet, an abundance of carbs are not needed, as only a few body cells need carbs, and those can be obtained from the body.
also look at the inuits, Green Landers, adn traditional hunter and gatherer tribes still left today. heart disease does not exist, yet there diet is Laden in animal fats.
am i saying they dont eat veggies or fruit or roots. no, i am not, but there diet is not made up of a majority of carbs (in this case fruits or veggies).
and they are healthy. very healthy.