The ultimate Low/high estro side thread


New member
Just got bloods back , and I've bottomed estro out ...

Noting my "low estro" sides to hopefully help some people out

Feel free to add your low or high estro sides and I'll add them in

As my bloods came back with low estro I'll only be giving my low estro sides , I'll let you's give some high sides

My low estro sides
-Dry lips
-Random Anxiety (usually at night)
-Relationship paranoia x10
-Low confidence
-Bloat (not as much as high estro)
-DONT have sore Joints
-No pump
-Random morning wood (but not strong)
-Soft dick during sex
-Finding it hard to hold conversations
-destructive thoughts
-short tempered
-negative (almost depressing)

These are mine, feel free to add yours .. Either high or low sides

also note, the only way too know 100% is by a blood test, this is more for reference purpose

Hope this can help in some way.
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Not a mess at all... No joint point at all m8, just letting you know this is previous sides from before plus my sides right now... Just all the sides I've had with confirmed bloods .. Just want to put it out there to hopefully help out some lads... Knowing that my estro is low makes it heaps easier on the mind
Here's the problem with such a list; low estradiol and high estradiol are VERY similar with side effects. Joint pain and water retention (edema in the peripheral tissues like ankles or face for high) are really the ONLY significantly different sides I can think of. I've been 100% certain that I had one or the other, only to get results telling me I was 100% wrong. Sadly, only a blood test will be able to give the real answer.
this is true, and i think dry lips is a huge indicator too. . . yeah i should also note that bloods are the only sure way of knowing, but no harm in throwing heaps of symptoms out to get a broader range
Its good to have this out for us, and keep adding/subtracting from it. Better to get this info here where youll get the truth from knowledgeable members.