Things That Make One Want To Kill People in The Gym

I hate waiting for a piece of equipment, usually the squat rack this happens at, and the guy who is using it does a set, then a 5 minute break, another set, another 5 minute break. It drives me nuts, my wife and I can both do a warm up plus 5 working sets in around 20 minutes, there is no need to take half an hour to do 3 sets.

I also hate when someone asks to jump in with you, pull down machine for instance, and changes the bar I am using for their set, then when they are done and just walk away without switching the handle back to what I am using. Hey douche bag I just let you jump in, and you can't be courteous back and put the handle back on that I am using?

I haaaaate a group of like 5 guys around the equipment I need to use and not one has lifted a weight in like 5 mins. So I ask if theybr using it and they say yesn3 more sets for everyone
I hate the" personal trainer "fucks at the gym they make me sick

Not more than i hate the one here. Doing crossfit upside down pushups in an area that gets very crowded.

I also hate when people decide to play sudoku or some time consuming bs activity on their cellphones while im waiting patiently. Or when a trainer who has a client asks how many sets you have on a machine like they own the gym.
1) people that stare! I want to beat the shit outta people who just stare. I usually don't get pissed about it, but I guess that dbols working haha!
2) people that follow you in an attempt to stalk you. This butt faced lady literally followed me everywhere I went today. Waited a few minutes for her to drive off, cautiously making sure that weird fuck wasn't going to follow me to my house.

These happened today, but many other times as well.
Cell phone, texting pricks that won't even get off the station for 15 minutes. In the 15 minutes they complete 3 of the most ridiculous waste of time sets I've ever seen.

Fucking pissheads!
When I'm lifting and looking in mirror at same time usualy when doing seated lat raises or front raises and some faggot stands infront of me to do curls, blocking my view.
It bothers me when you be on your cell like it's your own personal office.

It bothers me when you don't wash your hands after you take a shit.

It bothers me when you wear those gay ass maroon A&F sweatpants with the string hanging down and think everyone's looking a you.

It bothers me when you do situps on he the only decline bench.

It bothers me when you smile.
I used to go to shitty 24hr fitness, I was doing cardio on an elliptical machine and this fuck face dropped a barbell on my calf. He was walking up and down the rows of cardio equipment doing lunges.... While throwing a 20lb barbell up in the air - catch it - lunge - and repeat. Of course when he walked past me the fuckin wannabe baseball player dropped the barbell and it hit my leg. I was so fucking pissed I almost took the barbell like a bat to his head. I bitched him out, then I bitched out all the employees at 24 hr. for allowing him to do that shit. At least I made a few friends after that, people were glad I said something to douchebag and staff. ..... O and people reading fucking books at the gym.... WTF???
1) When some fat mulleted douche asks me how many sets I have left the second I set up in the squat rack. "I have as many as I have, depending upon what I'm doing, and I'm not going to give you an arbitrary number because you're obnoxiously impatient. When I'm not in here anymore, you'll know I'm done."
Ahaha! Best reply ever man! I'll have to remember that one.