thinking about my first cycle


New member
Heya guys,

ive been looking into it for a while and ive decided i would like to try out a cycle ..

most of my mates down the gym have done roids and they all have shown impressive gains ..

im not to fond of the idea of injecting however ...

would it be wise to cycle to orals at the same time

as the strain on the liver may be heavier ..

or would it be an idea to use dianabol & a non 17 AA Oral Steroid ?

21 years old, 78Kg's, dont know my bf ..... lifting experience .. ive been lifting weights for about 2 years ... maybe 3 but back then was on and off
Height? 78 kgs isn't very big, do you know how to eat and train? If not, gear won't help you. Oral only cycles are dumb too.