deviltrainer its really ur cjoice but u dont need to give gear to ur dog to get him jacked .look at mine .u can start working himlittle by little ,get hima workin harness and attacha a chain and a tire to it and lett him drag it along for a while after a while , fill it with cement ,also get a slap or a carpet mill and runn the shit out of them ,get thir diet down ,when ur working him u can give him peak perfomance dogg supp ,it really helps .also my show doggs are all raw fed choped raw skinless chicken mixed with dry dog food ,dog food is uselss for protein other then nutrints and minerals thats it ,in 2 weeks u see a difference in muscle ,coat , et u do decide to raw fee him ,start him liitle by little so they dont egt the shitts ,back whn i was 16 ans stupid i started breeding and training (im 27 now )i use to do that to my pitts to get them ready for a fight ,these are all the guidlines basicly ,but i was very fuckin dumb ,now i cant beleive i did that,im so against that.good luck and fun !