third cycle DONE, aftermath pics.


Beast in training
Just finished Dbol, Test E, Deca cycle. Today I weighed in at 203 pounds which means I will probably fall a few pounds short from my goal of 200 after post cycle therapy (pct). After I loose my water weight I would assume to be around 195ish. Here just a few pics I took about 30 minutes ago. My bicep peek is looking horrible but actually looks pretty good in person idk whats up with the cam, as soon as I let some water out I predict it to look a bit better as well.

Up for suggestions on my next cycle if anyones got any advice or ideas, being the next one will be my fourth I think I can step it up a notch.



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stop taking pics inside. get outside where there is natty light, that will help Numba.

Looking thick brother. Good job. Now have a great PCT and stay off the fucking scale. Don't do like Tony and weigh yourself every 18 minutes. lol
Now you have a good base from what I see I dont know what the wheels look like but get your diet in check keep the cals up for pct take some time off and run a lean bulk cycle of compounds like test,tren,mast and you will look even bigger at a lighter weight.Dropping your bf a bit makes you look massive even if weight drops a bit or stays the same.
All in all good work
Looking good. how did you control the bloat. I bloat up like a fish on deca, you seemed to keep it lean.

What was your diet and training like on cycle?
lookin good bro. im on week 3 of the same cycle. did you run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on? an if so what did you use?
stop taking pics inside. get outside where there is natty light, that will help Numba.

Looking thick brother. Good job. Now have a great post cycle therapy (pct) and stay off the fucking scale. Don't do like Tony and weigh yourself every 18 minutes. lol

.......dick! lol.
thanks alot guys! I'll try and reply to all questions but if I forget sorry! lol..

I dont have anyone else to take pics of me so I take them in a mirror, most mirrors around me are inside, but ill try and get some outside shots!

Nope, never tried tren, but I think after having 3 cycles under my belt im READY!

Wheels are actually decent and ill try to take a cuple pics later and post em.. You look HUGE so ill prolly take your advice and run the same cycle youve advised, thanks! Diet was strict and TOO clean for first 6 weeks and then went straight dirty and ate over 4,000 calories a day not including my shakes but dirty food.

Nice man, dbol/test/deca is a KILLER cycle! I started off with Aromasin but then dropped the aromasin and went with 2.5mg letro to get rid of the terrible gyno I started to get.. Gyno is surprisingly under control for the most part so im happy.

Not sure how I controlled bloat, religously drank a gallon of water a day and ran letro for my gyno I suppose?
I really liked the test, deca, dbol cycle and probably going to run another with a little higher dose this time. Nothing wrong with repeating a cycle or just move on to the test/tren.
what a transformation you should take the before & now pics and show them to a sponsor you might get picked to be in a magazine.
Great work bro!! Swole. The gyno will likely haunt you forever except when on with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Pull any & every trick to get your test back up!