This is a MUST SEE!!!

Niclipse said:
Great video. I buy into it fellas, I think it's all real. Moderation is the key and he was definitely overboard with it. 13 injectables at once... That's just crazy. 295 lbs with a gut ... he's talking about Ronnie for sure. Yeah that Growth Hormone stuff is bad news (IMO).

"You train naturally, then stop training, you will lose the muscle you had while training. You train with juice, then stop, you'll lose that as well. No such thing as permanent in this world. You are a product of your environment, period."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Stay SMART fellas. Don't be on the sauce forever.

I have to agree. I also think that were much more educated about gear now then he was when he was doing it (thanks to websites like this). Learn from his mistakes. oh yeah, nice tits in your avatar.
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I saw there were a few people who agree and disagree with this guy. I agree witha few things he mentions and a few things i definitely don't agree with...

"He also says he made some weird contraption that he strapped 200lbs to and worked out his neck, and now he blames steroids for causing him not to have full motion of his neck. And I'm not convinced that this lack of range he has isn't fabricated."

He's a dumbass for working his neck leck that. period. I think if he did, he would have some hard time mving around for sure.

"He then says that you cannot get real steroids anymore, so which is it? Is he lying or tilting at windmills."

That part was utter horseshit "you can buy it online, but it's all fake, stuff people make in their bath tubs." obvious b.s.

Other than that, there are a few eye openers, but nothing myself or any other inteligent being would need to worry ourselves with.

lift big, eat big, but most importantly ... THINK big.
pullinbig said:
his story is so full of shit its not beleivable. he may be having probs as a result of his actions but if he gonna give talks he needs to get his story straight and quit exagerating. i mean who does a 6 week cycle of gh? was he injecting clo? he said he was. he was squatting 700 and benching 500 20 years ago at 210lbs and 3% bf? give me a break. those were huge numbers for a PLer back then.

hes full of shit. he said he was doing 13 injectables at one time but couldnt name them. damn i cant think of 13 differnt parent hormones and theres more available today than 20 years ago.

my point is this guy may be valid but he needs to get his talk straight if he really wants to be effective in campaigning agaist juice use. :noway:

piss poor soldier in the battle against juice.

You just spoke every word I wanted to say....well done.....this guy is a total frigging liar!!
i agree w/ a lot of you: like anything else, you abuse it and it can hurt you. moderation is key and i dont think i'll ever mess w/ hgh and slin. also remember this was 19 years ago; we might now know how better to preserve our gains?? any vets please comment on this.

not that a total shoulder and hip replacement isn't serious, but he didn't have any life threatening reprocussions that i heard. my heart skips a beat now and again and the doc says i am healthy.

i am skeptical about his buddies getting MS and MD from juice..i find that a little hard to believe.
I can see how he lost everything having double hip replacement. That would make me depressed too! You just don't realize how hard you are on your joints when your on it. For the younger guys, you will find out sooner or later.
kojie said:
read up guys.. the man in the vid responded in AR..

Man fuck this guy and his propaganda!!! He contrdicted himself so many times. So, just like anything he goes completely off the fucking hook in everything he does. I don't care what his dosages was like, his training alone tells me he's none too bright.

He goes one way about how "it's his fault" and almost in the same breath blames the roids. Just like he did in his written reponse.
Yeah you can take and aspirin or 100 of them. WTF ever!!! Why would anyone take 100 aspirins? Probably the same reason someone could/would take 100 dbol instead of the recommended dosage= they are fucking idiots!!!

What the fuck is that list of the dead or impared supposed to do??? First of all it's a very small number compared to the amount of people who have juiced professionally and otherwise. Secondly he doesn't include their medical history, social history, or recreation drug use.
It is a cheap and easy shot to make you think what he wants you to think.

Last thing on these fuckers and fuckers of the like. Just like a weed smoker or a drinker or a guy that is a biker then wrecks and quits; THEY WANT TO DEMONIZE THE HELL OUT OF EVERYTHING BECAUSE THEY ARE NO LONGER IN THE GAME AND ARE ENVIOUS OF THOSE WHO ARE. How many of you guys feel pissed when you have to sit on the sidelines and just watch after an injury?
The fuckers get religion and everybody else is wrong. The ride atv and wreck; they should be removed from the market.

He couldn't see clearly while he was juicing(just like you guys). In other words; while under the power of the devil/steroids, his eyes were completely blinded to the reality that he is and will always be a dickhead. And that is completely seperated from whether he was big, small or just a pencil neck fag.

He's not trying to do shit about kids :rolleyes: he catching the new propaganda ride while probably getting paid.

one last word: I just loves how he admits his fucking stupidity , then blames his stupidity on roids :rolleyes: :spank:
Mudge said:
A little knowlege can be a dangerous thing, he has just enough to fool someone who wouldn't know any better.

Mudge, great point! while i believe this guy had some horrible health issues, im not really sure that he never used over 200mgs of test a week and took 6 months off every year. come on now. when this guy was using about the only ref. material was either what your buddy told you to do or the Anabolic Reference Guide, which im sure we all probably read at one point or another. While some of it is good, much is out dated. now compare that info with what we have learned over the years.

this board is why we have learned so much. without many of the experienced knowledgable guys here im sure some of us would still be using the info in the Reference Guide.

this guy made some big mistakes.
He said ,he thought he was crazy doing all the shit he was doing ,yes he convinced me he was. Certafilable !