Time for an old dude to step it up

Also of note: cardio is feeling the tren already some, waking up frequently overheated but not yet sweaty, and with broken sleep (for me anyway) comes the vivid dreams. Nothing freaky, just vivid.

I'm rethinking my theory about how Eq effects my personality vs tren. Not enough data points for a conclusion, but short fuse duffer came during Eq, high test and low estrogen (under 20). Romeo duffer came during high tren, low test and high estrogen (43)

Initial conclusion: Eq=ahole, Tren=Romeo
But maybe high test =ahole?
Or really low estradiol =ahole?

Not enough data but thinking about easing up on the anastrazole. I had zero ill effects from the estradiol in the 40s

Final note: ya know that commercial with the warning about erections lasting more than 4 hours? ..... damn good thing I have someplace to put this beast. It just never completely let's up! (At least not for long anyway)

That commercial came on while I was watching tv with my uncle. "Call your doctor if you experience an erection lasting longer than 4 hours." My uncle turns to me and says "You don't call your doctor, you call more women".
Day 8
Hi rep leg day

My sciatic is still giving me just enough rope to hang myself so I decided to give it a break this go. I did 20 brisk, resistant minutes on elliptical. Then another brisk 10 mins on stair climber. That had my legs shaking.

50 hanging leg raises
Sitting db military: 25sX15, 30x15, 35x10, 35x10, and 40s standing for another 10
Right shoulder started bothering me on top of everything else so I quit for today. Listen to the body. Especially when I don't want to!

No RAD yet, but that's ok. I want my blood levels well peaked before I start adding it anyway.

I'm making a few minor adjustments also:
Dropping anastrazole from 2.5/wk to 1.75/wk - will see how that affects my fuse length
Dropping HCG from 800/wk to 500/wk. been meaning to do this for a while. Time is now.
I'm turning up the cals. My last bulk did a lot of 'damage' to my waistline, but I proved to myself that I could cut it back down and that was my most successful blast so.... ima gonna quit screwing around with this 'lean bulk' diet and just feed the beast. I mean, what's the worst that can happen! ;-)

Couple more side notes. Seeing a bit more acne. No surprise there. Also had my first acid reflux episode, just like last tren blast except I hardly ate before bed. Annoying.

Cals 2925 - we know my tdee is about 2650. Gonna shoot for 3000/day. I'll let ya all know when I break out my 'fat jeans' :-o

Carbs 44, fat 18, pro 38
Damn those brookside dark chocolate covered fruit things!
Day 9 - hi rep biceps day

Man, I gotta quit being lazy and wear my cpap like I should every night. It's just a pita to clean but once I'm out, I sleep soooo much better! Woke up at the typical 4hr mark overheated. Take a leak, suck some fluids, back to bed. Stupid dogs would not shut up. Finally up for an awesome music practice.... which usually means the gig will suck. Lol! Also had 1st 'uncomfortable ' tren dream. I hear that train a comin' , its rollin round da bend, 'cept I'm not stuck in Folsom prison....

10 mins cardio warmup
Workout partner. Nice, in more ways than one.
One arm db preachers. Slow and focused: 30x15, 12, 10, then 25x10, 6
Cable rows. Overhand: 185x20, 215x16, 245x16, 275x10, 6
Assisted chins: -50x6, -100x13, -80x10 (you can tell I have not done these in forever. Totally lost on where to set weight)

Major, major biceps pump and serious vascularity. Really good energy and no lack of stamina. Good day. I love these kind of days. And no back pain. And no shoulder pain.

So with the major announcement that I was bumping my cals to 3000-ish and about that many cals yesterday, and breakfast with pulled pork/cheddar quesadilla, lunch shared cold pizza with dogs and smoothly with a bit of vanilla ice cream, couple protein drinks and dinner with BBQ chicken breast Greek yogurt and meatloaf..... and by gym time only made 2400 cals!!! And LOST 2 pounds ! Lol!!!

When i try to hold lower cals I always go over. Plan to increase and end up short! Laugh. I'm still eating tho. I'll get it up.

Carbs 29%, fat 33, pro 38
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Just to update first, yesterday's cals ended at 2560. Carb 28, fat 32, pro 40

Today is triceps PR day
10 mins cardio
Db bench: (a personal friend just blew up his shoulder benching recently so I'm trying to be more cautious with my own sore right shoulder) 55sX6 , 95sX6!, 90x8, 85x7, 80x6 and the shoulder is gtg

Then standing db tris: 40sX6... and the shoulder pain returns, 35x7, 30x8, 25x12

Stretch. Stretch

One arm cable pecs 42.5x6, 6
Pullovers: 55x6, 100x4, 90x7

Weight 222
Cals 3060, carb 29, fat 35, pro 36
BP 120/72

Slept whole time with Cpap. Much more energetic tonight!
Way too much wifee cardio due to trigger pull issues, which I finally gave up on; sweaty and pumped! (Sorry babe) :-p. Welcome tren-train.

Also had third crazy dream in as many days. Still drifting between ahole and Romeo, but I'm able to catch ahole quick and kill it before it gets out of hand.

Feeling BIG today. Nice
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Day 11 - leg PR day
Still nursing back so carefully.....

10 cardio
Cable squats: 250x6, 340x6, 420x8
Shrugs with 85# dbs x20
Standing db military: 45sX12, 8. Then seated: 45sX10, 50sX7

Went to do hanging calf raises and right palm starts screaming at me! Wtf. Don't know what that's about.

General aches n pains. End of my week so feeling pretty beat up. Palm sore, shoulder sore, back sore, elbow sore, bis and tris doms sore, waah, waah, waah. ;-)

Man, decent sleep is becoming huge. Today was down for 3 hours, up for 3hrs appointments and eat, down for another 3, up for chiropractic. Stamina definitely down today! Wouldn't it be nice to just eat, sleep, shit and work out?

Weight 219.5, cals 3270, carbs 30, fat 38, pro 32
Day 14 - biceps PR day
10 min cardio
Preacher db curls: 30x6, 55x6, 45x8, 35x12
100# Chainsaws with my new straps :-) 7,8,10,11,12
Cable rows: 190x6, 260x6, 310x5, 230x8, 200x7
Cable lats: 220x6, 260x6, 300x6

Good weekend. Didn't wreck my marriage or my bike ;-) weekend wifee cardio is getting pretty strenuous! I'm not the one who is s'posed to get sore lol!

I didn't think it would be a problem jumping from 2650 cals 3000+ but I'm Never Hungry!

Weight 221
Fri: cals 2820, carbs 39, fat 26, pro 35
Sat: cals 2790, carb 43, fat 32, pro 25
Sun: cals 2514, carb 24, fat 33, pro 43

Meat restock time again. Been leaning way too much on protein drinks this weekend.
Day 15-5x5 triceps day

Crappy sleep day again but feeling surprisingly good! Man, I missed my glute mark on my last pin. Big, painful knot. Grrrr. So let's get to it

10 mins cardio
DB flat bench: 55sX6, 65x6, 75x6, 85x6, 90sX6
DB standing tris: 25sX6, 30x6,6, 35x6, 40sX6
Pullovers: 55x6, 65x6, 75x6, 85x6, 90sX6
One arm cable pecs: 32.5x12, 12
Cable tris: 80x6 with bar, then 80x6 rope
Done. Painful pump, but not winded at all and feeling good

Weight 221
Cals 3125, carbs 32, fat 31, pro 36%

Good day
Day 16-5x5 legs
God, I hate leg days. Especially on tren. Heart feels like its gonna explode!

Spent before bed sitting on a hot pad. Then anti-inflammatory cream. Feels much better now.
Tren-a taper is just about done so I just quit it. Vial was getting just a bit cloudy. Don't need it. Not gonna risk it. Poof, gone. Next week I switch to the blend. It'll be nice to not be filling barrels from 4 different vials every pin!

10 mins cardio
DB squats: 65sX6, 75x6, 85x6, 95x6, 100sX6
Busy gym. Hanging calf raises: 60
DB standing military: 25sX6, 30x6, 35x6, 40x6, 45sX9
100# db shrugs: 8,8,8

Weight 223.5
Cals 2810, carbs 35, fat 24, pro 40%
BP 115/67

and wifee cardio. Every injection day (eod) the soldier salutes severely and she 'takes pity on my condition' lol! Funny.... she seems to be getting the majority of the O's out of my medical condition! Hahahaa!
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Day 17 - 5x5 biceps day

Decent sleep. Dreams have eased up but hot flashes continue.
Dropped $900 on new rubber for wifee commuter :-o. God, I miss the olden days

Workout partner skipped again..... morning sickness :-/ and no it wasn't me. Gym was just me and 'whistling guy'. Annoying becomes good motivation. Lol! Yeah tren!

10 mins cardio. Heart rate higher than normal. With a preworkout I don't usually hit 150 in 10 mins.
Db 1arm preacher curls: 30x6, 40x6, 45x6. Then duals: 50x6, 55x5
Cable rows: 195x6, 225x6, 260x6, 280x8, 305x10
100# db chainsaws: 7, 9, 10, 11, 12

By now, whistler has stretched, run, did a pile of these hi intensity, short stroke push-ups and a ton of different types of violent crunches/sit-ups. .... and I can feel him staring/walking by to verify that this old dude is in fact stroking 100# DBs. Over and over again ;-)

Weight 219.5
Cals 3150, carbs 33, fat 33, pro 34

6 weeks to retirement. Time does fly. Feeling good. Looking good. Think I'll post some pics. :-o.
Never thought I'd say that. Lol!

Also still awaiting RAD sample.....
Gone for Easter but not forgotten. Cals up and fairly clean too so far. Hotel gets me free pass to gym in town.... but no staff there because of holiday! :-/

So got some hiking in earlier and just returned from laps in the pool. Calf cramping some, knees screaming. Legs got some work. Wifee cardio of course too. Maybe gym access Monday. Will be back to routine Tuesday night :-)

Monday pin switches over to blend and twice a week instead of eod. Will be interesting to see if there is any difference.

Happy holidays!
On the road back home. Wifee got hit with a nasty cold! So ya know what that means.... my throat is already getting touchy. Grrrr.

Waddaya gonna do? Spring cold. Work thru it!

1st blend pin went very smoothly! Knock on wood

Edit: home safe, sick as heck. Stupid cold!
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Made it to work today but just don't have any umph to hit the gym. Fluids n rest. This crap sucks! Get light headed just walking a flight of stairs. Grrrr. Spent huge amounts of time in bed so cals are all kinds of screwed up. Apparently I'm cutting this week lol

I shall overcome! Just not today
Ok, time to dust this thing off and get it in gear again! A friggin week 'on my back' trying to kick this sinus cold plague. Back at work, back at gym. Light sinus headache and still sniffly but good day :-)

I tried to keep up my cals rather unsuccessfully with all the sleeping but kept up on the supps. Vacation over! Grrrr!

5x5 hi reps triceps day
10 mins cardio
Db bench: 55x18, 65x12, 75x7, 60x8, 45x10. Good burn. Unexpectedly not winded at all. Snif, snif
Db tris: standing 25x20, 25x13. Burns! Laying 30x8, 25x12, 20x18. Tris really pumped up
Over to cable tris: s l o w l y; 50x12, 12, 12. Right tri so pumped it locked up once!
Db pullovers: 55x10, 55x10, 45x15, 50x10
One arm cable pecs: 22.5x20, 20

Arms really tight and pissed off but even with the constant nose blowing, not winded at all. Just the light headache and the Niagra nose flow

Weight as expected down a lot: 218
First to catch up, weekly aves up to gym day: cals 2600, carbs 40, fat 32, pro 28
Gym day: cals 3160, carbs 36, fat 31, pro 33

Notes: has one acid reflux night. Had first actual profuse night sweats. Might have been cold related. Still lots of hot flashes tho. Also wifee relations good. Keeping the prick at bay! Started pinning blend. No pip to complain about.

Bloodwork soon as I feel more well. Ordered supplies for future. 5 weeks til retirement. Scary shiz.

Oh yeah.... no RAD yet either. Not buggin them tho. If it shows in time, I'll run it.
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Hi rep leg day
Still sniffling and minor sinus headache. This crap is gonna take a while to clear up.
With workout partner today, she who is fighting 'morning sickness'. Still gonna get er done!

10 mins cardio
80 hanging calf raises
Db squats: 65x12, 75x12, 90x8, 80x8, 70x10. Breather in between but not too bad
Db standing military: 25x16, 30x12, 35x12, 40x12, 45x8. Back n shoulder feel good
80# db shrugs: 20,16,16
Couple minutes on stair climber and she is done.... so I am done

Weight 217.5
Cals 2930, carbs 32, fat 26, pro 42

I think for the 1st time in my journey, I feel like I can continue to turn up the cals without loosening my belt. My first bulk was not this way. Muscles got fed and grew then but stupid body insisted on trying to refill the fat cells I had so recently emptied. Half my weight gain went to my belly.

But not now. It's hard to explain, but I can feel it. And I like it!