Time for an old dude to step it up

Seems like I can't find time to prep food during the work week, so a trip to the grocery supply, stuff the traeger and finally end up with a fridge stuffed with zip locks and Tupperware keeps me from falling back on shakes!
Hi reps triceps day - getting to really like these. Really strong pump and really good doms.

Add: stupid allergies! Sniff, cough. Also right shoulder achy and sciatic pinched couple times over the weekend. Spent some time on my new inversion table.

Empty gym, all alone.
10 mins cardio
DB bench: 60sX22, 70x10, 80x6, 60x10, 50x8 - every set to fail
Jumped over to cable tris with w-bar: 85#x 15,15,12. Then 85# rope for 6, 65# rope for 8 all to fail
DB Pullovers: 60#x8, 10, 10. Then 50#x16, 10 again to fail
DB tris: arms are noodles now- 25s laying for 8, 30s seated for 6, standing: 25x8, 20x16, 25x12
One arm cable pecs: 32.5x12 each side and I'm toast

Weird weight stuff - 219.5
Fri cals 3420, carbs 39, fat 32, pro 28
Sat cals 2625, carbs 44, fat 25, pro 31
Sun cals 3080, carbs 28, fat 27, pro 45

So ave cals 3040 since last weight and I lost 4.5 pounds! Small sample size, means little, but guessing at my new body comp that my TDEE is no longer 2650!!! ;-). Lol!
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Suffer with me thru another old guy pic.

Screen grab cuz I was curious about what is going on during these one arm cable pecs.... besides my heading toward Tommy-Johns surgery ;-)

I can really feel the pec tense n bulge but ya sure can't see it. Btw don't mind the weird looking fashion. I just flipped my tank over my head quick before someone walked in on me
As much as I like hi-rep arms, I hate hi-rep legs! Feels like my heart is gonna blow.... or at least I'm gonna blow chunks! :-p slept hard. Twice. Soaked another sleep shirt. Since the docs have decided my sniffles are now allergies, I'm hitting bed full of antihistamines. Always knocks me out the first few days/weeks. Also more back pinches and shoulder pain. Man, I need a deca run

Also other exciting news if you want to bypass the gory details and just skip to the end ;-)

10 min cardio
Hanging leg raises: 80
DB squats: 70sX16, 80sX10, 70sX11, 60sX12, 60sX15.... and I almost die
DB military: seated 30sX12, 35sX12. Standing 40sX10, 45sX8, 10 to finish. Ouch.
Got called back so done. It's ok. Traps are still super sore so shrugs probably a bad idea anyway

Weight 220
Cals 3350, carbs 34, fat 28, pro 38
BP 123/76

Excited to finally get to meet a fellow member from on here. Plan to move some weights with him and then dinner is on me. :-)

In other news, band practice this weekend and show prep cuz we got booked to headline the local fair. Bunch of old gray hairs still rockin a crowd :-) gonna be fun!
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Hi rep biceps day - blow dem sum bitches up!
Good sleep. Short food cuz appointments. This calorie thing ain't no joke! I used to laugh at you guys pounding 4000-5000 cals a day, thinking that just can't be. Suckers must be HUGE! I was short going into work, my go to emergency plan was sold out, and I ended up trolling candy machines:-o. Found me one of them nuts/raisins/m&m/sunflowers mixes n ate all 480 cals! More on that later.

Got in some wifee cardio but even tho she's lookin all sexy n tanned up for her Hawaii trip, I was a little mr. softy at first. Even bumped up the tadalafil in prep. Hope my bloods come soon! I bumped my caber right after bloodwork cuz I could tell I need more. Probably bump the anastrazole too. I'll know what's up soon enough.

10 mins cardio
One arm preacher DBs: 35x16, 40x8, 35x8, 30x12, 30x15. Maxed out n pumped up
80# chainsaws: 12, 12, 12, 12, 12. Trying not to yank them. Hard pull and slow let down
Cable rows: 215x12 then 10 underhanded, 250x8 then 8 underhand, 190x10 maxed out
30 calf raises

Stomach still a little wonky and back definitely not happy.... but not pinched. Thighs got DOMS bad!

So back to the cals... weight 218!!! Sum bitch I'm down 2#s! Dammit
Cals 3325, carbs 28, fat 38, pro 34

I've been so calorie conscious in the past, I'm making changes on the fly. Like no more egg whites, now real eggs. Driving my workout partner batty! I keep bitching about having trouble eating enough and losing weight. Lol! Funny as hell
OMG boys and girls, omg. Good sleep ( with one sweat out) better calorie intake, excellent mood!

Triceps PR day. WO partner talked me into doing cable presses since quaking a pair of 100#dbs above my face kinda freaks her out!

10 min cardio
Anger motivation when cleaning guy takes a break in middle of our workout to crank up the tv and watch an infomercial ABOUT GUTTERS! Grrrr.

Cable presses: 200x5, 250x5, 300x5, ....wait for it.... 350x6!!!!!! Two weeks ago pressed all time high of 335x5. Booyah!

Cable tris: 90x6, 150x6, 180x6, 200x4 - very sloppy last set

Standing db tris: 25x6, 45x6, 50x6, 55x6!
And some pullovers: 100x6, 80x6, 80x6
And finally some time on the glider waiting for newest workout guy to catch up

Arms on fire, elbows not happy but I am! :-)

In other news: the Sarmsearch sponsored RAD140 arrived today! After my weekend travels, I'll steer this thread to one with more exposure for them as they have sent me this product for free to assess, stacked on to my current run. I gotta do some dosage research 1st

Also, bloodwork results came in! Two obvious findings: one is this blend I'm running at least has the correct test dosage! Second and more important (for everyone out there too) is that what I thought I felt about prolactin and estrogen levels, based on emotionalness and sexual disfunction..... was completely wrong! My prolactin is just a tick above zero and my E2 is only 15 (8-35 range) so turning up my caber was a waste and I can actually lower my anastrazole a bit. So caber back to 0.75/ wk and anastrazole now 1.5/ wk.

Finally, proviron runs out Sunday.

Weight 219, cals 2925, carbs 32, fat 33, pro 35
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Do you think your symptoms might be low E2? I'm curious and I'm waiting on test results too, similar concerns.

Man, I wish I had the answer! I'm going to let my E2 drift up some but I'm don't expect much improvement. Traveling now, but when I get some time I'll start a thread opposite the one I saw a while ago about how, "there is no such thing as tren-dick " that argument was that the problem is actually E2 and prolactin. Wrong. At least for me!
You know it's interesting, we focus on just a few hormones - but there are many more and they are all interconnected. Here is a picture of the steroid tree that I think is interesting.

View attachment 566548

None of these compounds can existing without being in equilibrium with their nearby cousins, and as I mentioned before these are just a few of very many.

Boost one and you'll boost others too. Decrease one and you'll decrease others too.
Traveling update: awesome yesterday afternoon spent at Planet Fitness and then a big dinner with PB. The big guy gave me some good tips and we bopped around, beating the crap out of our legs and then biceps. I didn't bother dragging my log sheets with so I lost track of all the stuff we did but at a leisurely pace and 3 hours later, I was one whopped puppy and my legs are telling the tale this morning! Of course their scale shows me down 5 pounds! Yeah, wrong. Cals were a little short yesterday but I'll catch up today as I have no travel plans. Just music practice tonight.
I will now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

Continued test400/tren200/EQ400, plus 40mg Dbol kickstarter tomorrow!

Big Duff not messin' around no moe!
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20mg Dbol added to my fistful of morning old guy pills and another about an hour before gym time. Anastrazole upped from 1mg/wk to 1.75/wk. Really good workout once I got going. Touch of heartburn after I got home. Excellent cpap sleep last night. No excuses.

Triceps day-hi reps

10 min cardio
Db bench: 60x12, 70x12, 80x10, 90x5, 60x10
DB Pullover: 60x10, 70x10, 75x8, 85x5, 60x8
DB standing tris: 35x10, 40x8, 45x6
One arm cable pecs: 32.5x15,15,15
Cable tris: straight bar 60x20, 80x8. Rope 60x10, 50x14

Finally tried out plate machine
"ISO lateral press" kind of an incline press motion, seated. One plate per side: 10,8

Interesting Dbol effect. No strength boost but felt like a bigger, more volume pump without the typical pain. And the noted tums-required heartburn.

Weight 229. Cals 3250, carb 32, fat 31, protein 37(299g)
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No gym Saturday.

I was honored to be asked to sing at the funeral of a friend and 82nd Airborne vet. It was my pleasure. Hoorah, Skip. We'll miss you.

Cals 3110, carbs 28, fat 37, protein 35(270)
Grow you sum-bitches!!! Killer leg day. Serial-killer leg day!!!

Damn thighs are already aching. I'm gonna die tomorrow lol!

10 min cardio
Incline leg press: 1 pair plates x 8, 2x8, 3x6, 4x6, 5x5!
Then same machine , 2 plates, calf presses: 12, 12, 12 screaming
75# Db shrugs: 12,12,10,10
Db standing military: 30x12, 35x12, 40x10, 45x8, 50x8
Db squats for da win! 70x8, 80x6, 90x6, 100x5, 115x4 and them last two sets ached the whole time :-o

Weight 228, cals 3050, carbs 38, fat 38, protein 24(183g)
Might have to suck up another shake. I WILL NOT waste this workout!
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Bicep day. Big sweat, fair pump

10 min cardio
W bar standing curls: 60x12, 70x10, 90x6
W bar preachers: 70x8, 60x10
Cable rows: 160x10, 180x8, 200x6, 220x4
Slow Cable lat down: 80x10,8,8,6
Finally big chainsaws! 100x10,10 110x8, 120x8!
And out of time

Weight 228.5, cals 3185, carbs 35, fat 26, protein 39% (298g)