Time for an old dude to step it up

Are you doing 5x5 for all of your exercises like biceps ect?

Yeah, typical 3 day split. Back/biceps, legs, chest/triceps. I often put the word 'week' in brackets cuz I may do 4 or 5 in a row but always weekends are cardio or nothing at all. Biceps & triceps day is 4 different exercises, legs 3 different exercises.

A while back I stalled out I added this 4 week 'variable intensity' thingy to the 5x5. One 'week' regular 5x5, next volume (work my way up the scales as best I can doing 12 reps), next I call PR day where I do a couple light sets and straight to max plus, and last was super light day but ends up that's just a huge waste for me so I've changed that to another volume day
Yeah, typical 3 day split. Back/biceps, legs, chest/triceps. I often put the word 'week' in brackets cuz I may do 4 or 5 in a row but always weekends are cardio or nothing at all. Biceps & triceps day is 4 different exercises, legs 3 different exercises.

A while back I stalled out I added this 4 week 'variable intensity' thingy to the 5x5. One 'week' regular 5x5, next volume (work my way up the scales as best I can doing 12 reps), next I call PR day where I do a couple light sets and straight to max plus, and last was super light day but ends up that's just a huge waste for me so I've changed that to another volume day

I very rarely do a max day. Not sure why exactly but I may do a triple or whatever with more weight. Usually stick to 5-7 plus reps. The days I do go heavier, I'm like you, I'll warm up good.
Take bench press for example. I can usually get several with 315, so that will be the max weight I'll most likely use. But I start with 2 sets of 135 x 12-15 reps then go to 225 for 5-7( although I can probably do 12 reps) then up to 275 for 3-4. If I feel any shoulder hitches or new pain that gets worse, I'm done. If not I'll go up to 315 and do as many as I can( I'll have a spotter)
I feel I'm too damn old to max out and take the chance of hurting myself, yet I can feel how much stronger or weaker I am with sets of 5 or less.
After the heaviest set, I'll drop back down to 225 and do 3 sets as many as I can(volume)

I kind of care how strong I am but it's not the end all be all. How I look is far more important, and staying sound so I can keep refining my look is more important to me than pushing copious amounts of weight.
Definitely agree with you an the compliments from the wifey. It's easier to stay motivated when you have a cheerleader at home willing to let you play with her Pom Poms lol
Being fairly new to this growing mass thing, I'm still trying to figure out what method best creates growth for me. The volume stuff definitely gives me more serious DOMS, but is that the best measure of muscle growth motivation? Or do I get a better response by less reps (conserving my cardio) for the intensity needed to push that last huge weight just a couple times? My actual muscle growth is so minor that it's hard to really judge. Yes I'm getting leaner which shows the existing muscles more and more but actual measurements reflect very little muscle growth (take biceps as example). Not saying I have zero growth but it's really slow.

I was judging by strength increases but that has really slowed (or actually dropped) now also. I just remapped my 5x5 charts and noted that I've gone thru this routine for over 50 'weeks' now

I know that within the time I have available I need to push weights until I can't push no mo. ;-) I reach that point at the high weights every time... but I can still (and sometimes do) move lighter weights some more (think running back down the ladder) but other theories say once that max weight is reached, stop. Otherwise you start burning muscle.? So much conflicting information!
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Being fairly new to this growing mass thing, I'm still trying to figure out what method best creates growth for me. The volume stuff definitely gives me more serious DOMS, but is that the best measure of muscle growth motivation? Or do I get a better response by less reps (conserving my cardio) for the intensity needed to push that last huge weight just a couple times? My actual muscle growth is so minor that it's hard to really judge. Yes I'm getting leaner which shows the existing muscles more and more but actual measurements reflect very little muscle growth (take biceps as example). Not saying I have zero growth but it's really slow.

I was judging by strength increases but that has really slowed (or actually dropped) now also. I just remapped my 5x5 charts and noted that I've gone thru this routine for over 50 'weeks' now

I know that within the time I have available I need to push weights until I can't push no mo. ;-) I reach that point at the high weights every time... but I can still (and sometimes do) move lighter weights some more (think running back down the ladder) but other theories say once that max weight is reached, stop. Otherwise you start burning muscle.? So much conflicting information!

Think of it like this. Every muscle group has both slow twitch and fast twitch fibers in them. Slow twitch responds to more reps, fast twitch are power fibers, they respond to higher weight lower reps. We are all genetically different in the kind and % of each that we have. In a perfect world, say your legs are made up of 75% fast twitch and 25% slow twitch fibers. Then you could perform 75% of your sets with higher weight / low reps and the balance with the other scheme.
You might read through a stickie on the anabolic page about Zilla ' thread of knowledge' I think he has found an article about different muscle groups and how much of each kind( slow or fast) is in different muscles. All in all it's a pretty good read anyway. Conventional theory is that most of us should stay in a 7-12 rep scheme most of the time, with an occasional 20 rep day.
Tom Platz used to do higher reps quite often and his legs are still something it behold. His era was the 80's

Specifically post 28 and 34
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Now that I've finished my LGD-4033 review/recomp, ( http://www.steroidology.com/forum/p...rch-sponsored-lgd4033-blog-4.html#post3799429 ) I'm gonna drag this old rag up from the grave, Dust it off and get it going again. Time for a bulk!

Inventory stocked again. Here's the menu:
400mg/wk test-c
200mg/wk tren-e
400mg/wk equipoise-u
Ramped tren-a again to kick things off
Might go ahead and kill off my extra proviron too. Depends of how mr. winky feels
No AI, I'm on trt. (For you newbies)

Here's the why's:
1) I have leftovers to burn, to which I added purchase of a blend
2) I apparently am one of a few who not only gets a good punch from Eq, but unfortunately it makes me a pretty big azzhole too, which leads to....
3) although tren turned me into Casanova, I got very little out of it in the gym as the sides crushed my weak, puny spirit ;-)

So the mad scientist in me says, "let's put the two together! See what happens"

Blood work this week. Then it's off to the races again!
Quick add:
Well, well, well! Looks like I'll be adding one more ingredient to this soup. News to follow. Blood drawn. Awaiting results.
Bloodwork posted on LGD blog.

I'm starting this next blast with 3 days of ramping up my test, so thu, fri, sat 100mg test first. Then Sunday will start all other injectables. Page back to my previous tren-e/tren-a ramp up to see how I'm jumpstarting the tren levels. I'm also hitting the equipose a bit more heavily at first to load it up a bit faster. 4 weeks of these manipulations and I then switch to the blend for the duration. Anal as I am, halflife plots are all done and 'recipe' database printed out so I don't get lost along the way. This multi-compound ramping can get complicated.

In other news: I've been offered the opportunity by Sarmsearch to toss some Rad140 into this mix. I'm intrigued by this product as it is advertised to 'improve stamina and endurance' as this is a big problem for me and tren. I'll add the Rad once my tren levels are well up; week 4 or 5 ish.
Day 3 of test ramping. Tomorrow starts the whole soup. Yesterday I tried a new pin location. Left shoulder. No probs during except sprung a leak on withdrawal. No biggie. Then comes the ache! Can't even sleep on that side. Lol. Better today unless I reach above my head. Stupid virgin muscles!
And so it begins: Yesterday was one in the azz. Bitch to reach but gtg. Today whole 2mls in da Left V
Tonite my mini vacation ends. Back to da gym!

Also restocked the protein supply. Traeger pork shoulder, meatloaf, sweet potatoes and chicken breast
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Day -1
test400/tren200/equipose400 (ramping with tren-a and frontloaded the test
Anastrazole 2.5/wk
HCG 800/wk
Caber 0.5/wk
Proviron 25/day
Tadalafil 0.25/day

5x5 triceps day - reset my 5x5 charts. Some weights were way beyond my capability)
10 mins cardio warm up
Db bench: 50sX6, 60x6, 70x6, 75x6, 85x8
Cable tris: 75x6, 85x6, 100x6, 110x6, 120x8
Db Pullovers: 50x6, 60x6, 70x6, 75x6, 85x6
Standing db tris: 20sX6, 25x6, 30x6, 30x6, 35sX9
1 arm cable pecs: 32.5 x12,18

Little less intensity but good strength. Good sweat. Fair pump. No back issues.

Weight 218
Since its been a while, let's just look at 7 day averages
Cals 2530
Carbs 42%, fat 25%, protein 33%

I should just start calling them 6x5s lol. I never do just 5 reps unless maxed out
Got some wifee cardio in this weekend. Function excellent. Trigger pull impossible. Life of an old dude.... always something to complain about!

Ya know you are truly old when most of your conversations revolve around the prostate, what meds you are on and the last really good shit you had :-p
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Since I've mentioned this a few times, and I've posted similar elsewhere but for anyone new to this, let's take a minute to consider the half life graph below. The 'middle ' plot labeled tren-e reflects the concentration increase with a regular eod injection of tren-e. Ignore the units on the left. Units on the bottom of the graph are weeks. You can see how many weeks it takes to approach peak concentration.

Now add to those first 4 weeks of injections some tren-a. Larger amount the first week, less and less then from there. The bottom graph is tren-a concentration.

Add them together for the top graph and see how the total tren concentration comes up so much faster. After all, it's all about the area under the curve :-)

Let me add this is not about tren nor is it tren specific. It's about the esters. Ramping a long half life with a short one to get up on the peak faster. Also, of course, running just a short ester alone gets you up there super fast too, but I like to run long esters so I can get down to twice a week pins asap. I'll have to do eod for about 4 weeks. Then I can shift to twice a weekers
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Day 2
5x5 legs

Stuff forced me to gym late and a bit short but still got me sum!
10 min cardio warm up
Db squats: 60sX6, 70x6, 80x6, 90x6, 100sX10
Db standing military: 25sX6, 30x6, 30x6, 35x6, 40x11
Db shrugs: 100 pounders for 8,8,8,8
40 hanging calf raises

Weight 219.5
Cals 3065, carbs 39%, fat 31, pro 30

Off tomorrow for appointments. Retirement planning and such
Im back! Headed to gym but wanted to post this up first. Minor calculation error on my test volumes for the first couple pins but once plotted I'm happy again and caught/fixed the error. Stupid math. Stupid old man doing math.

What you are looking at (ignore the top graph. It's a sum. I cant remove it or I would) is a comparison of normal test-e eod injections (lower graph) vs the frontloaded test-e graph in the middle.

Also note that at week 5 it changes from eod to twice a week.
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Day 4
5x5 biceps day

Friggin sleep, my kingdom for time to sleep! Woke up both nights roasting but that's not an issue. Appointments tho.... dish install, taxes, take wifee to a concert, music practice, banking, trash, hot tub maintenance, salt water aquarium maintenance, blah, blah, blah. I barely have time to work :-p. Lol!

10 min warmup
Standing db curls: 30x6, 35x6, 40x6, 45x6, 50x6
Chainsaws: 100sX6, 8, 9, 10, 12
Cable rows: 180x6, 210x6, 240x6, 280x6, 300x9
Hand full of chins

Good pump , decent intensity but it dropped off pretty quick

Weight 219.5
Cals 2770
Carb 47, fat 24, pro 29
Day 5
No workout - stuck here at work. End of quarter so really busy!

Cals 2610
Carbs 47, fat 17, pro 36
BP 126/67

For some reason my back is just reminding me today that it can eff me again at any time. Vengeful sob. Slept decent 6 hours. Finally a nice day outside. Washed car. Washed Harley. Went for a little spin. Other house chores before work. Pins are on schedule. My workout partner returns Sunday so I'll hit it hard then!!! Need to start researching 'outside of workplace' gyms as I won't be here in a couple months. Woohoo!

I have to admit I miss that LGD intensity/kick I was riding
One week in. Test and tren levels close to peak due to preloading. Eq will take a while to catch up. Note up front: as wifee said she would do, she let me know that my fuse has shortened already. Once she pointed out that I was flipping back n forth between ahole and Romeo, I could see it clearly. Good times :-/ lol!

5x5 hi rep triceps day. No partner. Empty gym.
10 mins cardio
Db bench: 50s X20, 60sX12, 70sX12, 80sX4 and already pumped some
Cable triceps: 75x12, 90x10, 80x12, 70x10 and pump getting really tight
Db standing tris: 20sX15, 25sX10, 20sX14, 25sX12, 30sX8 and the tris are screaming!
Pullovers: 50x12, 60x8 now my grip is so weak I'm feeling unsafe with these
Cable flys 27.5 x15
One arm cable pec: 27.5x15

Toast. Still tight as I type this 2hours later

Weight 221 - drifting up. Too much weekend crap food
Cals 2840 (friggin pizza weekend)
Carb 36, fat 33, pro 31

In other fun news, did our 1st two-up on the new Road Glide. Went really well. Finally a few days of not torrential rains! Back is still acting up a bit. Retirement day getting closer :-)
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Also of note: cardio is feeling the tren already some, waking up frequently overheated but not yet sweaty, and with broken sleep (for me anyway) comes the vivid dreams. Nothing freaky, just vivid.

I'm rethinking my theory about how Eq effects my personality vs tren. Not enough data points for a conclusion, but short fuse duffer came during Eq, high test and low estrogen (under 20). Romeo duffer came during high tren, low test and high estrogen (43)

Initial conclusion: Eq=ahole, Tren=Romeo
But maybe high test =ahole?
Or really low estradiol =ahole?

Not enough data but thinking about easing up on the anastrazole. I had zero ill effects from the estradiol in the 40s

Final note: ya know that commercial with the warning about erections lasting more than 4 hours? ..... damn good thing I have someplace to put this beast. It just never completely let's up! (At least not for long anyway)
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