Time for an old dude to step it up

A pic. Pull down. Screen grab. God I look wimpy ;-p

Don't be so hard on yourself bro. It takes years to build muscle. Genetics plays a big part as well. Try not to compare yourself to others on these boards, just month my month do what you can to stay strong, get stronger, leaner, whatever your goal may be
From the vids I've seen its pretty apparent you've outgrown your work gym, but hey, it's better than not going at all. The dumbells sitting on the weight stack is borderline dangerous. Too much weight modified preacher curl, be careful you don't pull a muscle. Glad you like the deca. It's almost mandatory for us old guys.
Kudos for getting labs done. It's something one needs to keep on top of. Why is the last time you had psa checked? I've heard a lot of older dudes get prostate cancer before they die, yet only a small percentage die from it. So early detection is the answer.

No disagreement on any. Yes, I need to get my ass over to the 'real' gym. Yes, I'm abusing the cable machine at significant risk. One thing I do there is make sure no one is around in case a cable let's loose.

PSA checked by doc 6 months ago or so. It's been running higher than I like so I'm watching it closely. Next check is in March I think. One of the reasons I'm cleaning up and going back to trt levels for a while.
What do you do for triceps?

Yesterday was triceps - my high rep day.
10 mins on elliptical warmup.
I did 5 sets of dB flat presses. Looked like 40sX12, 45sX12, 50sX12, 60sX8 and 65sX6
Then I did standing db tris. Overhead. Whatever it's called. Arms were on fire by then! Only got 4 sets done
Then I did single db pullovers on the bench. All 5 sets
Did a 3 sets of dB flat bench pecs

Gym was weirdly busy. Couldn't get on the cables for my cable tris. Had to leave then. Spent.

Still dropping weight. Down to 216 now.

Today high rep leg day. I hate high rep legs. Heart attack city! :-)

Forgot to add that my donation didn't happen yesterday. Drove all the way in and no one was here. Blood drive was canceled for some reason. Try again next week
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Leg day - hi rep.
Example: did my cable squats. 250x10, 295x8, 6, 6
Then walking lunges with 50# Dbs for 12, 10, 10, 10. Kill me now.
3 sets of shrugs with 100# Dbs. 7, 9, 9. Done. Leaving sweat trails all over gym floor.

Weight 217
BP 123/69
Weekly cals 2440
Carb 39
Fat 31
Pro 30 !!! :-)

Legs status pic:
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Legs are SORE! LOL

Hi rep biceps day.
Bunch of standing db curls, chainsaws n cable rows. Plus warmup cardio

Weight 214.5. :-)
Another pic. Dang, old bastard needs a haircut!
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Good times! Chinese Buffet. Lots of protein! Breaded, saucy, yummy protein! Followed by a looong nap and then hot tub time with wife's.

Maybe later some cardio too ***55357;***56841;
No pct. I'm a trt old effer. I started thru a men's clinic and they helped me ultimately set my test at 100mg/wk which puts me mid range.

Then I went solo
Lol! I couldn't slow the fork down enuf! Sorry.

I'll tell wifee we need to go back so I can take pics! Lol!

I used to love Chinese buffets. I just can't eat enough anymore to make it worth it. Plus, there is too much fried stuff. You have to be judicious with what you out in the plate. I also have a weakness for Mongolian stir fry. Better choice imo.

Having said that, tonight at a local charity event , I'm having all you can eat dungenous crab. Yummm. I usually shell for 10 min into a little clam chowder dish then add some butter, black pepper and gorge. Then it start over again shelling...
Love me some crab! Don't get it much which just shows what a dumass I am since I live practically ON THE PUGET SOUND! One of wifee's talents. She hates seafood but will crack crab for me all day long. :-)

She is a good one
Love me some crab! Don't get it much which just shows what a dumass I am since I live practically ON THE PUGET SOUND! One of wifee's talents. She hates seafood but will crack crab for me all day long. :-)

She is a good one

Definitely a keeper I'd say. We go salmon fishing at the mouth of the Columbia in August. Dodging crab pots is a nuisance while trolling. We should take a few days and set some of our own. Last season sucked rocks for salmon. I was working anyways then
Welp, we all know some days are better than others. Last weekend was excellent. Got a ton of shiz done around the house. Band practice. Restocked foods. Lil cardio with wifee. ;-) good sleep. Just one adult beverage.... boy does that woman make a stiff drink! Lol.

High rep week left me sore for days and days. Very good. Legs n pecs especially. This week is PR week. Quick warmup and straight to maxes or above.... except today was triceps day and strength was down. Bench was horrible. I just couldn't find my intensity! Happens. All good. I just lowered the weights and put in the work anyway.

Not too surprising, what with my T levels falling fast and my weight still dropping. Nice comparison tho; trt strength vs blast strength!

Weight Friday 214.5! Back up to 216 today.
Week cals 2650
Carb 42
Fat 26
Pro 32

A comment about tracking my food on my phone app. I don't try to be super accurate anymore, but having done this now for quite a while it is really cool to hone in on my TDEE. At my current body comp, 2700 will keep me even. 2800 -3000 will gain weight. 2600 n under will lose. Almost immediately. It's not perfect. Neither am i. Pretty sweet tho. I don't know where I'll end up but I've still got belly fat and moobs to trim off.

What the hell is that hump under my bicep? Never noticed that before ;-)

Late update: got my blood donation done today too!
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High PR biceps day. Good day :-) still weaker but good intensity and better cardio. Not winded so bad during reps n sets.
DB curls, then cable lats, then cable rows. Incline sit-ups. Some cardio. Then got an itch to do a some cable curls. Just a few but finished emptying the tank.

Weight 217.5
Today carb 43, fat 21, protein 36%
Cals 2480
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Some thoughts on this 'variable intensity ' experiment I've been on, as i applied it to my 5X5 routine....

I'm not happy with it. I think I'm on my 3rd time thru and although I expected losing strength due to cutting and my recent shift to cruising... I don't know. I'm sposed to be heading into my 'super light or nothing at all' week and I don't see any gains from this. Just losses.

This leads me to my larger point. (Directed at nubee folks like myself) I read routine n exercise articles and advise ALL THE TIME! and I've come to realize that most of those do not apply to wimps like me ;-) for example: this variable intensity-taking a week off every month makes perfect sense for a big guy who is in the gym 6 days a week, pushing big weights and probably hitting the gym twice a day to boot! HELL YEAH that guy needs a week off every month! But a guy like me who can't push big weight (yet) , who only gets 3 or 4 days a week in and is only there for an hour at a time once a day DOES NOT need a week off for recovery!

So let me talk about the other 3 'weeks' while I'm at it

One is my normal 5X5. I got really good gains from that for about a year and then kinda got stuck. Weak day... then strong day... then back to weak day... etc. I still like it but DOMS is only part of next day and not very intense anymore.

One is what I call high rep day. (Volume day) although this kills me in the cardio arena, I get DOMS that last two days and is killer! Ibuprofens required.

One I call PR day, which is warm-ups and straight to max or over max weight. This is fun for the data (or depressing depending!) But I feel almost zero muscle impact if DOMS is any guage. Last PR day I started repping 'down the ladder' from max weight just to get some workout. I think this max weight, minimal reps workout only works for you big guys who have the muscle to move the kind of weight that can actually damage the muscle. Kind of a theory of mine. Takes muscle to build muscle. I know it's a diminishing returns kind of thing and it gets harder to make gains as you close in on your genetic max, but when one 1st starts out, it's tough to even work enough to get sore. The 1st time I ever hit a gym I was about 40 and I was benching the bar. JUST THE BAR. No plates at all. That's how weak I was.

I guess what I'm saying is just that until I have the free time to spend serious time in the gym, (soon, very soon) that the high volume routine feels to be my best bet. (If one can judge by DOMS) I'm more than pleased with the size I've gained in the last year spent with you'all (and thank you btw) but I'm always improving, always optimizing, always learning and always trying to get max gains for my efforts out of this crappy old busted pos body of mine! Lol

Your mileage may vary
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As noted above, today started my 'week off' week. Screw that! Did high rep triceps day again instead.

Of note I did db flat bench: 40X12, 45X12, 55X12, 60X8, 65X10. Really feeling that in the pecs
Did a pile of cable triceps and standing db overhead tri thingys
And some cardio

Weight 217
BP 117/68
Days Cals 2430
Carb 45
Fat 25
Pro 30

No longer feeling negative effects of blood donation.

Funny wifee stuff: when started this journey, she said, "don't get big. I think that's gross" of course I explained genetics, old age and don't worry honey. Now she is feeding me heavy protein meals, comments positively about 'the feel' of my muscles wants me to wear sleeveless shirts and tight-ass jeans and (as some of you can attest OMG I need a haircut!) She says a Flattop would go good with my tank tops and muscles ;-) time to get my hair cut! Hahaha

Oh yeah, there's that thing where she think she is 19 again in the romance department!

One more funny: she DID NOT want me to go on gear. Then said equipose turned me into an asshole. But then... the tren blast imparted 'the Romeo effect' and the Deca continued that effect. And she did not want me to stop! That's not the funny thing tho. I was telling her how miserable I was on tren and how much better my workout intensity and muscle volume was on Eq as I was doing inventory of my leftovers for next blast and she says, "maybe you should try the Equipose again" ...... imagine that! !!! :-)
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My weight a week ago was 214.5
Then it jumped up unexpectedly, but today it was like I lost a limb! Ha! 213 before workout. Supps n workout n sweat got things moving and after a pitstop... 212! I don't know what weight will finally get my shrinking moobs and belly where I want them but wifee isn't gonna let me drop much more! Hey, it's all just prep for the next blast right? :-)

Today was 'very light leg day'. I decided to just cardio n sweat. Elliptical, stair climber, etc. Gonna try real hard to hold this weight thru the weekend (where I typically slip up some) and hit it hard again Sunday night!

That's damn good for me. Hit the gym 5 times this week!

Day cals 2100 (yup, just too busy to eat and not regretting it)
Carb 37
Fat 25
Pro 38% !!!

Ps: test SARM arrived. I'll link from here to my review thread once I get started. According to half-life calc, deca should now be down to 25% of peak, while test is about 30% of peak and really close to having returned to TRT levels. I don't want residuals of my last blast to impact my pending LGD4033 review (as best as I can anyway)