Time for an old dude to step it up

Hi rep biceps day
Still sniffing- doc says "allergies " ...my azz! Whatever

Sore chest! Sore triceps! Sore thighs! A little more winded n tired today. Sleep was broken.

10 mins warmup cardio
Db preach 1 arm curls: 25x22, 40x5, 30x7, over to cable machine: 50x12, 40x16 . HUGE pump! Had to spend some time stretching biceps as they started cinching down on me :-o

Cable rows: tris are so sore n pumped that I'm just weak. 200x6, 140x12, 120x12, 100x16

100#db chainsaws: 12, 10

Really incredible pump again but feeling exhausted and lacking intensity. Damn this cold!
Worked extra hard pushing up the cals. Definitely not hungry!
Cals 3260, (600 over tdee)
carbs 35, fat 30, pro 35%

Weight 218
BP 110/72
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Some days are just..... friggin awesome! :-)
5x5 triceps PR day

Sniffing a little less. Hit my cals yesterday n today nicely. Energy and strength thru da roof. Doubled up on wifee cardio. Noted she was intently running her hands over all of my new shoulder/arm growth; discovering and then inspecting each bulging muscle group like a kid in a candy store! Followed by her huge, quaking, rolling wave after wave of shaking ' big-Os' that I didn't think would ever stop! ....then later she lectures me again, "not to get TOO BIG" lol! As she is cooking me up yet another huge, protein heavy meal voluntarily! ;-). She is a funny one. And she is mine. Coming up on 33 years now. Plus dating time. Man are we old!

Workout partner also locked n loaded

10 mins cardio

Here's where it gets fun. Decided to do PR cable bench press. Have not done these in months. Damn workout partner pushing me. So: 200x6. Good. 250x6. Tough. Rest. 300x6. Wow. (Flashback-best ever was 320# way back there somewhere) 335# .... X 5!!!!! Shoulder a lil sore but no damage

Standing db tris: 25x6, 30x6, 6, 35x6, 40x6
Db Pullovers: 60x6, 70x6, 75x6, 85x6, 95x6. Barely.
Some cable triceps: 140x6, 6, 125x6
One arm cable pec: 42.5x6, 6

Done and strutting!

Weight 219.5
Cals 3335, carbs 31, fat 28, pro 40
No gym today. Too much stuff. Long time friends wife had heart attack.... at age 36! ICU now, no answers yet, wifee is helping sit their 3 kids so hubby can live at hospital.

Also band practice this weekend.

Really impressed at how wifee has gotten on board my journey now. I'd never manage these cals myself. She was very hesitant at first, but now that she is discovering she likes the results, I'm pulling her in as part of 'the team'. Wifee, workout partner and myself, all working together to make me a bigger, better, stronger man! Having wifee 'on board' makes this journey sooooo much more enjoyable and she has discovered that she reaps benefits from it :-)

Cals 3680
Carbs 34, fat 31, pro 35

Band practice/travel days tend to eff my diet but I'll do my best! Getting smart and packing a cooler with necessities that I can't buy at the quickymart
Sorry to hear brother unfortunately getting fucked in the ass by life has no age limits hope everything works out ok
I only air this stuff out to remind myself and others that no one knows how much sand is in each of our hour glasses, so don't piss it away.

Funny ol thing, life
5x5 legs PR day - but with no partner I took it a bit easy

Weekend update: traffic sux. I'm NOT over this crud so voice sux. Didn't turn down 12 yo whiskey, so cals sucked. Once back home lots of sleeping and better eating.

10 mins cardio
DB squats with pair of 100#ers: 12, 10, 10, 10, 8
DB standing military: 25sX12, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 45x6
Shrugged 100#ers x8 and 80#ers x 12
40 hanging calf raises

Weight 219.5
Fri: cals 4120, carb 41, fat 35, pro 21
Sat: cals 3280, carbs 44, fat 29, pro 27
Sun: cals 3240, carbs 44, fat 28, pro 28

Cooked up a bunch of meats for the week. Can't complain with all the extra weekend cals weight stayed 219.5 I'm about 5 weeks into this run now btw. No more weird dreams. Still hot flashes. Wifee cardio but trigger pull now completely impossible in this situation. Teared up for wifee recorded movie. Stupid Kevin Bacon. Stupid estrogen! Lol. Bloodwork later this week.
Story time (yup, bored again)

Driving the 4 hours to the band practice/overnighter. It's FINALLY sunny and almost warm here so I'm wearing a tank. Got the flattop at attention. Wifee says I look like a retired Marine. I wish. Anyway, hit a rest stop. Lots of tourist looking folks lunching and hanging out... at a rest stop. Go figure. So I head the guys direction while wifee heads the dolls direction. Two things happen. One, I feel like folks are staring at me. I'm on a mission, so I don't see it. Just feel it. Second, upon leaving I round a corner into the path of a dude my age, shaved head, good 4 inches taller than my own 6'2". We lock eyes. we do the dance. 1st left, then right, then the dude kinda folds, looks at my shoes and gets all apologetic and let's me pass! File that under, 'that shit don't happen to me'

Get back to car and tell wifee about that feeling of being stared at and she says, "you were. Gals are checking out your ass"! Pfffttt. What ass? That went out with the 70s!
Ok, still bored. I gotta tell ya a wifee story. Good thing she don't read this forum ;-) lol

So a few of you folks who have been along for my entire ride from TRT to now (what's that been, a couple years now?) will remember that wifee started against even TRT. Fears that I would instantly some monster, road raged huge bodybuilder guy.... and then leave her. As I worked with the TRT doctor, she eased up just a bit but not much. Then I did my first blast, turned into a prick and just about blew the whole deal. That was a close call. All this time tho I'm dropping weight and building muscle. She pretends not to notice except to tell me I'm getting too thin.

But then came the next blast. The one which turned me into Casanova. And she changed. Because I changed. And she started commenting on the muscles in a positive way. Call it a trick if you choose, but I'd get her to rub stuff on my sore muscles. Then I got her to jump in the shower with me to "wash my back". And the sex got better. Way better.

And pretty soon she is running her hands over my bis and tris and shoulders in bed all on her own. And she is making sure I don't forget my injections. And she is cooking massive, protein heavy meals for me. And I hear her talking to her gal friends about my 'muscle growth'.

So last week, I set the hook. I start referring to my journey as "our journey to build a better me, for her" and talking about how I can't do it without her and how much she is helping me in my gains. She is no longer telling me "not to get real big" which I've figured out means something between these photoshopped balloon pics she sees pop up on Facebook and the zero percent body fat beef jerky lookin sum gums that are competing these days.

Slowly, patiently the attitude has come around. Good thing it's gonna take me a whole 'nother lifetime to get anywhere near 'big' ...... but who knows? ;-)
Biceps PR day

Woke up (after some night sweats) feeling really motivated. Couldn't wait to get to the gym.... then lifted arms over my head and holy moley I beat the hell out of my traps yesterday! A few IBUs later and it's gym time!!!

10 mins cardio
Cable curls: 110x6, 5, 100x5, 90x6, 80x8. Slow and intense!

Cable lats: workout partner impacted: 400x6 kinda short but pulling hard and letting up real slow. Here's where the w.o. Partner steps in and says, "you should max the machine"
so: 420x4! Two decent, two just .... well.... gave it my all let's say

Then some chins. Amazing how much lighter 220#s feels after that 420# go: 14, breather then 8, breather then another 8

Love me some 100# DB chainsaws! 10,10,10,10!

Toast. Done.

Weight 220
Cals 3640, carbs 34%, fat 39, pro 27
BP 118/76

Not that clean, but cals anyway. Left over General Tsos for breakfast, double quarter pounder lunch, clean eats dinner n later
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Dude, you are a hero and a goal. Figure I got 10 years to catch up to you :-) lol

Think how big you'll be at 75! It's just numbers, right!!!?
Thanks ... I wish. Been at it a long time , however had many years wasted on drugs for several years.

Good to be clean and in the gym ! But the age thing... getting a little tough.
Be cool man , OMM
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Stacking up the good days! :-)
5x6 triceps day

Interesting note: I've been doing some form of this 5x5 now for 73 'weeks'. Straight 5x5, 5x6, rotating intensity 5x6, changing exercises intermittently

More night sweats. Otherwise all good.

10 min cardio

Another BIG bench day for me. DB flat bench: 60sX6, 70sX6, 80sX6, 90sX5 (saving some for last set as I've NEVER done a pair of 100#ers) 100sX6!!! The weirdest thing happened here. Not sure if I should be freaked out or in awe. I'm sitting with my 100s on my knees, psyching up for this last lift, wo partner staring and coaxing. I roll back on the bench, take the full weight of these DBs, think for split second that the weight might be too much.... and suddenly I get this wave roll thru me. Kinda fuzzy headed but stable and everything gets really light feeling! Kind of floaty! The DBs go up with ease, I do my 1st rep easy, then everything goes back to normal and I rep the next 5, difficult and straining and wondering if I'm gonna have to drop em at the end but kept control to carefully place then back on my lifted thighs and finally roll back upright. Heart rate fine. Stomach fine. Head fine. Feel no ill effects at all. WTF WAS THAT!!! And how do I do it again ;-)

Standing db tris: 25sX6, 30x6, 35x6, 6, 40x10
Cable triceps: 85x6, 100x6, 115x6, 130x6, 140x10
Pullovers: 60x6, 70x6, 80x6, 90x4. Exhausted
One arm cable pec: 32.5x12, 12

One damn fine workout!

Weight 222
Cals 3715, carbs 33, fat 35, pro 31%

With workouts like these, I'm cranking up the cals!
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Good days don't last forever... lol!

5x6 leg day - with partner and tag along - busy gym tonite
Sleep decent. Up mid way for bloodwork. Results will be posted once received

10 mins cardio
Cable squats: 200x6, 250x6, 310x6, 360x6, 420x6. Back tightness
Seated db military: 30sX12, 35sX6, 40sX6, 45sX8. Right shoulder achy
80# Db shrugs: 12, 10, 8
50 hanging calf raises and some back stretching exercises

Weight 223
Cals 3300, carbs 42, fat 28, pro 30%
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5x6 biceps day - biceps pizzing me off!
Empty gym :-)
Kinda late with the preworkout so felt kinda tired n flat, but it is end of week for me too. Sore everywhere but feeling pretty good still :-) had my 1st side, similar to last tren, of restricted throat yesterday. Body a furnace almost constantly now.

10 mins cardio

Standing db curls: 35sX6, 40sX6, 45sX6, 50sX6. Last two sets faster n sloppy. I'm pissed. Took the 60s to the preacher for 4. Bis are growing but strength advances are none. So....

Beat the crap out of cable rows!: 210x6, 6, 260x6, 8 underhanded, 300x6, 10 underhanded. Then back to more biceps work...

Cable curls: 100# 3 sets of really slow negs, then set 50# - 15 narrow grip bar, and rope for 10, 10

Cable lats wide grip, 270#: 12 behind head, 12 in front, 12 behind, 12 front

Another good pump and ultimately a good workout once the ball got rolling.

Weight up again - 224#
Cals 3470, carbs 33, fat 20, fat 47%

Also discovered I let my mailbox overflow... so I take the blame for the RAD140 hold-up. My bad! It's on it's way now. :-)