Time to help Fyre!


New member
Okay ladies, my turn to ask for a little personal help. Just for reference my stats to start are: 145lbs, 5'8" and 13% bodyfat.
Now, you know that in another thread I was saying how I was thinking of doing my first cycle. I can't find any anavar:( , so I decided to try a little Winstrol (winny). My girlfriend is doing so well on it, I thought I'd give it a go. I have 50mg tabs, so I thought I would split them in four and take a quarter of a tab every day, or maybe even every other day to start. What do you think of that? I know Winstrol (winny) is a little harsh on the joints, so I was thinking of upping my joint formula dosage. Did any of you ladies experience any joint problems with Winstrol (winny)? I already have shoulder problems from gymnastics, so I'm a little concerned with it affecting my joints. I was also wondering if any of you ladies used a liver formula such as Milk Thistle while you were on?
Now, if I for some reason can get my hands on some Anavar, what would you think if I did Winstrol (winny) for 3 weeks and then hopped on the Anavar? Or should I run the Winstrol (winny) for 6-8 weeks, take a break and then do the Anavar? You know this is my first cycle and as you can tell, I'm very excited!!! So, I just want to makes sure I have all the bases covered before I start.
Thanks in advance for your help!:D
although im not one of the ladies i have some input for you , the 50 mg tabs if they are from ** are supposed to run about 46 mg per pill which is respectable but the pills are inconsistent if you split them up the winnie and filler are not spread evenly throughout the pill a quarter of a tab might be all filler or all winnie which could be a real problem for a lady , and im not an expert on lady cycles but i would think your liver would be fine on these doses if you lay off the booze and over the counter pain meds [ tylenol etc. ] which are all also rough on the liver , i hope this helps you and i also hope you dont mind me jumping in on your thread to the ladies PEACE :)
Of course I don't mind u jumping in, all feedback is appreciated. I haven't started anything yet. Hmmmm...good point on the splitting them up issue, are they all inconsistent? They are not from **.
I don't take many pain pills, the occasional Advil but no Tylenol.
Please feel free to jump in anytime, it's much appreciated.:)
Hey girly.. so you are coming over to the darkside eh :)

ok.. if it were me personally, i would toss the tabs you have and cough up the money for some zambon tabs which are 2.5mg or even some Denkall Stan 6mg tabs... that way you can start at 5mg ED for the first week to see how you fend (this will be your 1st cycle remember) and then you can bump it ou to 10mgs ED...

However... if you are set on those damn 50mg tabs...spliting it 4 ways will get you roughly 10mgs a day, but accuracy is nill here... however you can split it in half and do 25mg E3D for a cycle... you should be ok and that will make it easier... when i ran injectable Winstrol (winny) i did 25mg E3D and the sides i got were achy joints and ACNE!! but i got leaner and more vascular...
If you get the anavar.. stack it.. that would be a great cycle!!! drop the Winstrol (winny) dosage down a bit and run the stack!! when and if...

As far as your joint suppliment, considering the fact that i had problems with Winstrol (winny) and my joints! My knees and elbows were killing me, YES i would keep up your Glucosimine and condroitin (sp) to try to counteract the drying of the colaganese...

I ALWAYS use silymarin aka milk thistle when i run an oral.. me personally i would rather be safe than sorry and orals can be harsh on your liver and kidneys... i also drink come of that awesome new white cranberry juice.. that too helps cleanse...

Another note.. keep an eye on your cholestrol (esp if you are prone to high) as Winstrol (winny) tends to raise it a bit...

so there ya have all my $.02 :)

PLEASE keep us up to date on your doses and progress

luv super
Yep, I'm coming over to the dark side!
Well, a friend is getting the tabs for me so maybe I can see if he can get me the other ones instead. I never thought of the inconsistencies with dosing with the larger mg tabs. See, I knew u guys would be helpful. Thanks.:D
yup, definitely go with some ALA and milk thistle for the liver, glucosamine and chondroitin for the joints and you may want to run some b5 for acne. im like super, with Winstrol (winny), the acne is a BITCH!!

dont be cheap on the ALA and gluc/chon. mix, i know you've got access to some top notch stuff at great pricing! ;) and you just may have access to Anavar (var) and dont even know it!
Hey Doggy. I use Elasti-joint by Labrada. It's a powder form and it contains 3grams Collagen, 2grams Glucosamine, 1.5g of Chondroitin and I think 1.2g MSM. It's a really good product.
Okay, I'm really not liking this acne talk. I'm getting a little worried here. Hmmmm...what to do? Keep the feedback coming everyone.:)
If you are planning on running Winstrol (winny) tabs I would try 5mg stanabols. They are good quality at a decent price.
I have to say that I have heard more women disliking Winstrol (winny) then liking it. My gf has used a lot of different compounds and liked Winstrol (winny) the least of all. She actually said she actually gained too much weight on the Winstrol (winny). She also said that the last time she used Winstrol (winny) she felt her voice start to scratch a bit and stopped right away to avoid any permanent deepening effect. Her top 3 are Anavar (var), primo and Eq. Eq believe it or not is her favorite of those. She loves it because it doesnt put an ounce of water on her and she still gains solid muscle from it. Shes never felt a bad side effect from it other then a little extra sensitivity of the "special region" (Trying to be polite here on this forum hahahaha)

And back on the Winstrol (winny) subject, honestly, your a female and absolutely cannot add any more risk then you already are going to as far as sides go, so IMO stay away from any kind of underground labs winstrol. Use a 100% legit brand that has been around and has established a solid reputation. Zambon Winstrol (winny) tabs, Stanabols, those would be my real only choices as far as Winstrol (winny) tabs go for females. Its all fun and games until someone develops an unnaturally deep voice with bad skin and an oversized.............you get the drift.
Thanks for the feedback Biggie, i really appreciate it.
Okay, I'm going to see if I can get some Zambon or Stanabol tabs, the 5mg tabs. I really would like to start with an accurate lower dosage so that I can monitor myself better. I don't like guessing with anything, especially with my health. Isn't Primo one of the easier counterfeited drugs? I'm really favoring Anavar (var) right now, I just need to find some. As I've said before, I'm very new to the AS scene and I really appreciate all the feedback. Okay, so Zambon or Stanabol it is or even better, I'll try to find some Ana Anavar (var) . I'll keep you posted. Thank you to the guys that hopped in here as well, I shouldn't have really addressed it to just the ladies because any feedback is appreciated.
Okay, thank you soooooo much for your feedback(even though I thought I'd get more...hehehehe). Well, anyway, I decided not to run the Winstrol (winny), I'm too scared of all of those lovely side effects that you mentioned. Looks like I got my little hands on some Anavar (var), so I will definitely keep you posted on my progress. Yay, I'm excited!!!
Thanks again, you saved me from I think what would have been a mistake on my part with the Winstrol (winny). :kiss: to everyone that helped me on this one
Fyre said:
Okay, thank you soooooo much for your feedback(even though I thought I'd get more...hehehehe). Well, anyway, I decided not to run the Winstrol (winny), I'm too scared of all of those lovely side effects that you mentioned. Looks like I got my little hands on some Anavar (var), so I will definitely keep you posted on my progress. Yay, I'm excited!!!
Thanks again, you saved me from I think what would have been a mistake on my part with the Winstrol (winny). :kiss: to everyone that helped me on this one

IMO.. good call.. esp for your first cycle.. go light, see how your body responds and then in the future you can always try Winstrol (winny), but then you can get the good ones :)

what brand anavar did you find??? 5mgs the first couple of days to see how you will react and then 10mgs peaking (if need be) at 15-20mgs...
Wartime100 said:
Man I envy you girls. You get to run the cheapest cycles.

2btls of var... $360
2 kits hologram gh $1000
fina $200

total cycle $ 1560 not cheap to me... that was alot of personal training sessions LOL...

plus i bought R-ALA, protein powder, and trying to get bromo... even more moohlah LOL

beauty at a steep price!!!
supergirl said:

2btls of var... $360
2 kits hologram gh $1000
fina $200

total cycle $ 1560 not cheap to me... that was alot of personal training sessions LOL...

plus i bought R-ALA, protein powder, and trying to get bromo... even more moohlah LOL

beauty at a steep price!!!

LMAO!! You are a riot SG!

fyre- Im sorry Im late to this post- but take the words of the wise Biggie and SG!! I ditto what they said!!
supergirl said:
IMO.. good call.. esp for your first cycle.. go light, see how your body responds and then in the future you can always try Winstrol (winny), but then you can get the good ones :)

what brand anavar did you find??? 5mgs the first couple of days to see how you will react and then 10mgs peaking (if need be) at 15-20mgs...

BD is the brand I believe and, I'm pretty sure they are 5mg. I don't have them yet though.
I hate to recommend another board but there are a few ladies at fitnessgeared using Anavar (var) and EQ. Some really good ladies' reading over there.
supergirl said:

2btls of var... $360
2 kits hologram gh $1000
fina $200

total cycle $ 1560 not cheap to me... that was alot of personal training sessions LOL...

plus i bought R-ALA, protein powder, and trying to get bromo... even more moohlah LOL

beauty at a steep price!!!

I was more referring to the low doses you get to run. All that gear you have listed proply will last you 3x's as long as it would a man. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought you are running 2iu of gh ed. If that is correct then those two kits would last around 18 weeks. The gear you do run is very expensive but your effective doses are so much lower. BTW- how are you reacting to the fina? I haven't heard of many girls that run it.
Wartime100 said:
I was more referring to the low doses you get to run. All that gear you have listed proply will last you 3x's as long as it would a man. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought you are running 2iu of gh ed. If that is correct then those two kits would last around 18 weeks. The gear you do run is very expensive but your effective doses are so much lower. BTW- how are you reacting to the fina? I haven't heard of many girls that run it.
true true LOL.. ok you win :) costs alot but does last longer.. and yes i do 2ius :)

the fina is awesome... i am a fan.. however my voice is playing havoc with me.. and there is slight swelling and typical sides, but nothing serious or anything that i would complain about.. and remember, i tend on keeping my feminine look!! so no worries :) but transdermal is also spot reduction, so that is a big plus...
there are 3 of us currently on fina... me, torchy and nubianbeauty..
low doses it is better than prop...