Time to help Fyre!

supergirl said:
however my voice is playing havoc with me.. and there is slight swelling and typical sides, but nothing serious or anything that i would complain about.. and remember, i tend on keeping my feminine look!!

The effect on your voice would definately something that would concern me if I was a girl. I met this one girl at the bar who was very good looking but had a voice like mine. Is there anything that can be done to prevent that? Also how does fina affect your sex drive?
Wartime100 said:
The effect on your voice would definately something that would concern me if I was a girl. I met this one girl at the bar who was very good looking but had a voice like mine. Is there anything that can be done to prevent that? Also how does fina affect your sex drive?

it just makes my voice crack a bit and i can;t hit high notes singing anymore as it cracks too much, but if you hear me talk, there is NO mistaking i am all woman :) i am not too worried.. if my voice gets a tad deeper and raspy i think it would be sexy..
yes fina affects my sex drive.. actually in the beginning it raised it, but similar to deca, it has decreased it.. anavar bumps it up a notch though so i guess i balance out...

and to dial_tone.. transdermal can work for spot reduction meaning that where you apply it, will get leaner or reduced...
Dial_tone said:
Damn! I better stop putting it on my chest and thighs and start putting it on my big ass.

lmao.. are you a dude or what?? you are doing transdermal fina?? how much and are you using dmso or plo?
I claim to be a dude at least. heh, I just wanted to give it a try since I hadn't juiced since '86; wasn't ready for darts just yet. I'm doing the fina spray twice a day...on day 13 now.
I'll go shots for the next batch.
Dial_tone said:
I claim to be a dude at least. heh, I just wanted to give it a try since I hadn't juiced since '86; wasn't ready for darts just yet. I'm doing the fina spray twice a day...on day 13 now.
I'll go shots for the next batch.

LOL.. okok..

the fina spray?!?!? tell me more... i have to crush my pellet, dissolve it in a bit of alcohol, mix with plo and then apply...

a spray sounds easier.. details please :)
What do you need to create Finasol?

A spray bottle
A transdermal solution
Trenbolone Acetate

Where can I get a spray bottle?

The most commonly used bottles are those that were originally used for spray prohormones such as Biotest's Androsol and Ergopharm's Andro Spray. Just about any spray bottle will work if it hasn't been previously used to hold a toxic or poisoness substance.

Where can I get the solution?

Many will just use a prohormone spray as the solution. While this isn't the most efficient, it does work. It is generally less expensive and more efficient to make your own solution.

How do I make the solution?

There are several recipes that work, this is one that works well...

Combine these three ingredients in a 240cc bottle:

80cc Water
50cc Isopropyl Myristate
110cc 95% Ethanol or 99% Isopropyl Alcohol.
Dissolve 100 pellets in the solution.

How much do I spray on my body?

Spray 10cc's every 12 hours for a period not to exceed 6 weeks. Do not spray on any of your 'sensitive' parts of your body.

How many sprays is 10cc's?

Biotest Androsol - 70 sprays
Ergopharm Andro Spray - 12-13 sprays
Misc. Bottle. - Fill with water and spray into something that can measure cc's or ml's. Divide cc's (ml's) by # of sprays to determine the number of sprays per cc (ml). Then multiply that number by 10 to determine how many sprays per cc.

Where can I buy Ethanol?

From the liquor store (190 proof Everclear) or online at:

Where can I buy 99% Isopropyl Alcohol?


Where can I buy Isopropyl Myristate?



I mixed mine in Ergopharm androspray, but I just did that mainly to get the bottle. Next time I'll try the home brew. This is dosed for a man. 100 pellets in a 240cc bottle is 16.66mg of fina per CC. I do 10cc (12-13 sprays of the Ergopharm bottle) twice a day. Figuring only half of it gets absorbed that's roughly 80mg per day of Fina.
A woman may want to do 1 spray twice a day.
supergirl said:
BD... meaning British Dispensary or do you have Bratis...???

British Dispensary.
What do you think? Any other good brands out there? Any to stay away from?
thanks for your help sweetie!
Fyre said:
British Dispensary.
What do you think? Any other good brands out there? Any to stay away from?
thanks for your help sweetie!
i have heard BD is good, but i personally have not used them..
stay away from Bratis (they are Winstrol (winny) ), TTokkyo (dbol)

good ones are Loeffler, Denkall, BTG.. there are a few others i can't think of right now.. but those are the main ones :)
Fyre said:
British Dispensary.
What do you think? Any other good brands out there? Any to stay away from?
thanks for your help sweetie!

All British Dispensary products are pretty good quality. I was thinking of trying their anavar as well sometime this summer. It is a good value as far as price is concerned as well.
supergirl said:
Hey Fyre... Looks like you are good to go... You start them yet?? any feedback??

Haven't got them yet, but I'll keep you posted when I do start and I will definitely keep you posted on progress!