Tips on how what to cruise with into my body recomp?


New member
My cut is almost done, right now I'm sitting at 211 and 9-10% body fat.
I have 4 more weeks, hoping to drop 1 or 2 more points in body fat (I'm yet to get on the clen and T3 so I'm sure it's possible)
I'm pretty confident I'll end at 8% and I want to cruise into my bulk which will be a body recomp.
I wanted to do Test P at 350 a week for 4 weeks
BUT I also wanted to add something like Var? I never tried Var, will it be worth is at 70mg a day for 4 weeks?
Also do you guys think I should run clen through my cruise to keep any fat gain down? (Which will be a total of 8 weeks on clen. last 4 weeks of my cut cycle and 4 weeks of cruise. t3 will NOT be ran during cruise because I want my thyroid to recover properly before my bulk)
Should I just keep Test P at 500 a week if Var would be useless?
My goal is to stay fairly lean through the cruise (my diet is very much on point with 3J)
Small dose of test with a med-high dose of primo isn't a bad cruise IMO .. Have you ran primo before?
May be worth looking into,, it doesn't aromatize, it can be ran at high doses with very little sides, water retention isn't normally an issue, it'll keep you anabolic and gaining lean, hard, grainy muscle, even in a calorie deficit while cutting .. Very very similar to mast.. (It's dht so mpb is a concern if your prone to it)

Also, I mentally feel all around good on it,, feeling good and positive is a bonus while cruising
May be worth looking into,, it doesn't aromatize, it can be ran at high doses with very little sides, water retention isn't normally an issue, it'll keep you anabolic and gaining lean, hard, grainy muscle, even in a calorie deficit while cutting .. Very very similar to mast.. (It's dht so mpb is a concern if your prone to it)

Also, I mentally feel all around good on it,, feeling good and positive is a bonus while cruising

Sounds much better than Var then... And plus I know a bottle will probably last me more than Var.
Sounds really good actually... What do you think about primo instead of EQ? I'll be using EQ for my bulk right after the cruise... Looking for mass gain while staying lean.
Sounds much better than Var then... And plus I know a bottle will probably last me more than Var.
Sounds really good actually... What do you think about primo instead of EQ? I'll be using EQ for my bulk right after the cruise... Looking for mass gain while staying lean.

Primo is not liver toxic, and lipid toxic like VAR is.. It's much cleaner. You can run it for long cruises without worrying about being toxic the whole time. Can't do that with var.

Primo isn't a "bulking" compound,, eq is often used in a cut cycle or a bulk cycle (because it aromatizes very little.. It's actually chemically the same basic structure as Dbol,, yet without all the aromatizing).. Compounds that traditionally thought of as "bulkers" are usually compounds that aromatize a lot and thus add water weight and thus "bulk" and fill a guy out,, but that's mainly estrogen related, higher estrogen adds to the bulk .. But that's the beauty of having AIs now a days,, we can bulk and cut on various compounds,, cause it's all about keeping e2 and diet in check.

Personally I'd cruise on primo,, not EQ,, but that's cause I'm on trt and really have to keep an eye on my RBC getting to high,, something EQ definitely causes
Another thing to consider adding to any cruise is SARMS. -- Gw-50, S4, LGD-40,etc..

Non toxic and will help keep building muscle and loosing BF while not on a huge blast
Stay lean not gain fat while you cruise and stay lean while you bulk hmmmm......sounds like golden potion but you didnt here that from me lol
Stay lean not gain fat while you cruise and stay lean while you bulk hmmmm......sounds like golden potion but you didnt here that from me lol
LOL I'll try my best during the cruise!!

But I do expect to gain some minimal fat during a bulk... Hence why I want to get as lean as possible. Better to bulk at 7 or 8% and get to 10 or 11% BF instead of bulking at 12% and getting to 14 or 15% BF. I've always bulked at 12-14% body fat and while I made great gains on the upper half of my body, my stomach was a let down lol it'll be my first bulk at single digits idk what to expect :(
LOL I'll try my best during the cruise!!

But I do expect to gain some minimal fat during a bulk... Hence why I want to get as lean as possible. Better to bulk at 7 or 8% and get to 10 or 11% BF instead of bulking at 12% and getting to 14 or 15% BF. I've always bulked at 12-14% body fat and while I made great gains on the upper half of my body, my stomach was a let down lol it'll be my first bulk at single digits idk what to expect :(

For sure id be a monster if i would have started when lean steroids work better lean either way im getting there just gonna take longer lol
LOL I'll try my best during the cruise!!

But I do expect to gain some minimal fat during a bulk... Hence why I want to get as lean as possible. Better to bulk at 7 or 8% and get to 10 or 11% BF instead of bulking at 12% and getting to 14 or 15% BF. I've always bulked at 12-14% body fat and while I made great gains on the upper half of my body, my stomach was a let down lol it'll be my first bulk at single digits idk what to expect :(

Good idea. Cruising on test and another mild compound will definitely allow you to cut down bf and lean out while still maintaining and building muscle , til you get to that low bf and ready to bulk again.

Way better then the traditional bulk, then cut (without gear) and loose a lot of the muscle you gained cause your in a calorie deficit cut... Simply using your cruising time as a cutting time makes a lot of sense
Good idea. Cruising on test and another mild compound will definitely allow you to cut down bf and lean out while still maintaining and building muscle , til you get to that low bf and ready to bulk again.

Way better then the traditional bulk, then cut (without gear) and loose a lot of the muscle you gained cause your in a calorie deficit cut... Simply using your cruising time as a cutting time makes a lot of sense

Yeah def. you sold me on the Primo. I'm guessing... primo Ace at 500 wk and Test Prop 250?
Yeah def. you sold me on the Primo. I'm guessing... primo Ace at 500 wk and Test Prop 250?

Depends on how long your cruise was gonna be for.. If it's a short cruise then short esters would work. But personally I see a cruise as a little bit of "time off" , including time off from pinning all the time, so personally I'd run long esters , test cyp and primo e.. It's nice to have a break from pinning ..

If your gonna be back on a blast soon, and your just basically gonna "bridge" into your next blast,, then run short esters to get the most out of the compounds in the short time.

I'll use test c and primo e,, then starting a new blast would use test Prop to front load and get those test levels up fast.. But wouldn't personally run test prop on a long cruise.

As for the Primo - it shines at 600 mg a week with little sides.. Make sure your source is really good cause primo is often faked
Is it against the rules to post brands you guys have experienced to have good primo?

(Not askin for a source) just the brand names, u used, quality when it comes to primo...and peoples experience with the primo???
I don't understand your question
Your plan is to cruise but in return u are adding other compounds to a cruise dose after a blast?
Running 500mg/week test and then adding in another compound on top is just staying on your blast, It's not cruising!
A typical cruise dose self medicated is 200mg/week test, and u can preserve muscle while on that cruise dose as u are with 3j diet wise so your diet will be dialed in anyways preserving as much muscle as possible while leaning out!

The reasoning obviously behind a cruise is to give your body a much needed break after, not adding in a so called mild steroid to a cruise dose, it's not giving u a break it's just furthering your blast that's all
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I don't understand your question
Your plan is to cruise but in return u are adding other compounds to a cruise dose after a blast?
Running 500mg/week test and then adding in another compound on top is just staying on your blast, It's not cruising!
A typical cruise dose self medicated is 200mg/week test, and u can preserve muscle while on that cruise dose as u are with 3j diet wise so your diet will be dialed in anyways preserving as much muscle as possible while leaning out!

The reasoning obviously behind a cruise is to give your body a much needed break after, not adding in a so called mild steroid to a cruise dose, it's not giving u a break it's just furthering your blast that's all

Whoops. Should've called it a "bridge" then.
Why don't u just drop down to a low dose of test say 200mg/ week test c or e while u are in a caloric deficit, should be enough needed to preserve muscle your body a much needed break
Small dose of test with a med-high dose of primo isn't a bad cruise IMO .. Have you ran primo before?

Primo is so fucking expensive and is one of them most commonly faked compounds. Faked compounds in order: HGH, Primo, Var, mast, and tren.
Yeah def. you sold me on the Primo. I'm guessing... primo Ace at 500 wk and Test Prop 250?

Primo ace is an oral and not very effective... stick to Primo E, minimum 600mg per week for 16+ weeks... and add in 250mg test e or test c (no reason to run prop and inject eod, one inject per week is way more convenient and just as effective)