Total Newb Really Needs Advice Please

Hello thank you in advance for your help, first about me then my situation. I am 30 years old 6’0 250lbs 34% body fat. I work out 3 to five times a week doing cardio and free weights. I don’t eat terribly but I don’t diet. I have worked out since high school I am confortable in my skin however I feel that no matter what I try gaining strength is next to impossible for me so I have decided to plunge into a cycle this is what was recommended to me and where I could use some advice on how and how much to use of this or not to do it there is another option so what I have, 10ea of Trenax 1ml vials Trenbolone Acetate and 30ea of 50mg Winstrol tabs I’m not sure the brand. So what I need to know is how to use this combo and how much more I will need. Also I could get a bottle of test 400 if that would be the better option, but I didn’t really want to gain to much I just want the strength and maybe the cutting potential. thanks again for your help
Hello thank you in advance for your help, first about me then my situation. I am 30 years old 6’0 250lbs 34% body fat. I work out 3 to five times a week doing cardio and free weights. I don’t eat terribly but I don’t diet. I have worked out since high school I am confortable in my skin however I feel that no matter what I try gaining strength is next to impossible for me so I have decided to plunge into a cycle this is what was recommended to me and where I could use some advice on how and how much to use of this or not to do it there is another option so what I have, 10ea of Trenax 1ml vials Trenbolone Acetate and 30ea of 50mg Winstrol tabs I’m not sure the brand. So what I need to know is how to use this combo and how much more I will need. Also I could get a bottle of test 400 if that would be the better option, but I didn’t really want to gain to much I just want the strength and maybe the cutting potential. thanks again for your help


First off: Read the stickies about a first cycle. Tren is a fucking no no;

Second. Your 34% BF. Way too high. Get on a good diet and re-examine your workout routine. Go see 3J in the diet section. You will be surprised what a real diet will do for your strength.

Seriously man. Get the diet dialed in and I don't mean Jenny Craig I mean a real diet through 3J and your strength should improve.

Don't use tren man. You are NOT ready for that.
to be honest you need to drop some fat before jumping in a cycle. AAs are no joke and can fuck you up if you dont know what your doing. First cycle should be test e or test c @400-600mg a week for 10-12 weeks. Read and learn as much as possible. Get you post cycle therapy (pct) down and take your time. 1st get dedicated to getting body fat below 20%..Save all the other gear for another cycle.
No Doubt Thanx

Well Ido thank you guys for the advice maybe 34% is a bit high I may be lower then that but not where you guys want me lol 20% I wouldnt even need to cycle but thats not really my goal Im more trying to get the quick strength involved with the cycle I dont care so much about the cuts I like the way I look but I guess its not going to work out so Ill use the test 400 like you said. what would be ideal use for the tren and winni then ? why is it not a good fit for me? im still taking your advice im just trying to understand how it doesent work for me
Tren is a very harsh steroid and has alot of side effects. It is more for an advanced user. For a first cycle Test e or Test c at 500Mg a week is recommended. People aren't saying that you shouldn't use at 34% because you aren't cut enough. health wise at 34% aas could be dangerous for you (your blood pressure will go up, etc). Whatever you decide good luck to you. Read some of the stickies on here about if you are ready.

If you are not eating right and training right then AAS are a waste. Whatever "Strength gains" you get will only be temporary and they will go away when you go off. Good diet and training base is important. Reach your natural limits then use aas....
thanks man

thanks man for real you guys have made this easy for me and I will def take your advice. Its really awsome that there is a place where good info can be had from people with experience
Also... Let me tell you something from my experience. I am in no way shape or form a vet on here nor an expert. This is just from my experience. When I was about 34 (5 years ago) I was 6 foot and 250 pounds with a plus 30% bf. I, "worked out" and I thought I ate ok. Was going through a divorce and I just felt like shit. Always tired, weak in the gym ,etc. I went to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doctor and was diagnosed with Low T. They put me on a very low dosage of Test C (200MG a week). After a few weeks, "I felt better." Maybe a little more energy, felt a little better in the gym. I thought I found the magic juice.... I did NOT change my diet at all and I too thought I looked ok.

I did this for 4 months. After the 4 months I was 6 foot and 270 pounds with an even higher BF%. My cholesterol was higher. Blood pressure was higher, and my natural Test levels were pretty much shut down after I stopped using it.

I then started eating right and working out like a bitch. Naturally got down to 190 with 16% bf. I then turned the training up a notch. Went on AAS when I was at about 205-210. Finishing up a cycle and I am at 228 with an about 13-14% bf.

Steroids do NOT offer any quick fixes. When you go for the quick anything it will damage you more then anything. Yeah I feel great now, look better, but from my 4 month testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) experience, I am sure I will be on test for the rest of my life. Not a bad thing, but if I did it right who knows???

Be careful and good luck.