Total Newbie who just bought 10ml of test cyp @ 100mg/ml

Whats funny is , of all the forums I've been to..Poker forums , Mustang forums , and now this forum...hilarious how sensitive the posters are LOL..lady-like really..who really cares if I post what I paid for it ? Who really cares when people ask where to buy it ? Are you THAT afraid and paranoid of the law ? lol Relax bro , it's the internet..don't take it so , enjoy life a little more

Reason no price talk is because someone might come up to you (PM you) and be like Yo Dog whats good I got this TEST C Dun, wanna buy of me 50 bucks dude, I beat all the prices. Its Sustanon when its really Suxstainon 250 and instead of 250mg a mil it will be like 50 mig a mill. Or you wont get anything and he will be gone wit da money. Then you will be complaining to the site that you where scammed.
I mean im guilty of it too cuz I love to save.
Man I feel bad, this was smokey's very first post, i honestly thought it was a troll post, sorry to offend! Those that know me know I'm not that much of a dick!!

Sorry again Smokey!!

Cycles less than 10-12 weeks are a waste of time (unless you are a vet, and you cruise & blast. If you don't know what that is, then you are NOT one...). By the time you START seeing the effects of the cycle on a short cycle like that, you're stopping and getting ready for post cycle therapy (pct). get yourself enough for about 500mg/wk for 12 weeks, and then come and talk....and for god's sake: buy your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct) gear BEFORE you start....

Geez....nothing against the op, but why does it seem like there are SO many people out there that have ALL of the info about this stuff that they might ever want, but instead if actually reading it: they take (quite literally) their life & health into their hands an try and throw it off a bridge!?
I wont drop exact prices but I get my test for less than 25 $ a vial. Tren for less than 30. Dbol for less than .20 . He got ripped off.
Whats funny is , of all the forums I've been to..Poker forums , Mustang forums , and now this forum...hilarious how sensitive the posters are LOL..lady-like really..who really cares if I post what I paid for it ? Who really cares when people ask where to buy it ? Are you THAT afraid and paranoid of the law ? lol Relax bro , it's the internet..don't take it so , enjoy life a little more

It's true I really don't see what telling us how much you paid for it does but I completely agree with this forums policy on source information. So John Doe will tell us where he got so and so from and then LEO posing as muscleman123 sees that and shuts down an otherwise good source. But to answer your original question you should be running at least 500 or 600 mg of test a week for at least 12 weeks. That is of course if you want to get results and of course run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and proper pct.