training on anavar -21y/5'10"/190


New member
hey - i'm 21 - going to cycle anavar - 8 weeks of 50mg a day.
i want to cut a little, but i'm guessing diet and anavar will do that itself so my plan is to train for strength and size? any suggestions, guys?
blackjack said:
diet and CARDIO will do that.

what do you recommend for cardio? i go to college, so i try to get pickup games etc., but when i'm focused on cardio i tend to do 20 min interval training... what do you (all) suggest
so, what type of training plan do ya'll recommend?

I read about the 5x5 and it is pretty appealing. I've been doing a plan similar to the book, body for life. The reps are: (12,10,8,6,12) with increasing weight and doing the last set at the 2nd weight, - for about 4 different exercise, with a 20 rep burn out after each exercise..i.e. I do the 12,10,8,6,12 on db presses then do 20 db flys.

Anyway, that was working for me, and I could keep it up, but I feel like I should probably change something as I go on cycle?
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littlebitch said:
any suggestions, guys?

yeah , hold off on the gear for a while until you have your training and diet sussed. and do some research on gear, anavar is not going to make you cut!
inked1 said:
yeah , hold off on the gear for a while until you have your training and diet sussed. and do some research on gear, anavar is not going to make you cut!

Words of wisdom indeed. Your not ready...get ur training under control.
Thanks fellas, but I've been training since I was 14 (7 years), and I have a good diet. My problem is how to change it one cycle. I know a lot about training naturally, but my questions pertain directly to the change in training/diet with the anavar. Thanks for looking about, but I feel like your responses are due to miscommunication on my part.
littlebitch said:
Thanks fellas, but I've been training since I was 14 (7 years), and I have a good diet. My problem is how to change it one cycle. I know a lot about training naturally, but my questions pertain directly to the change in training/diet with the anavar. Thanks for looking about, but I feel like your responses are due to miscommunication on my part.

I don't think you get it yet. You don't need to change the training platfrom because you are on gear. It's going to accelerate results. If you haven't already found the best exercises and splits yet, keep looking before adding gear. As for diet, it really depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to lose'll need to keep it very clean and very strict. For bulking, you can be a little less worried as long as the calories are coming in.
Train hard, and try and set prs constantly. Try and add weight to everything, and make the compound moves your meat and potatoes. Good luck.
littlebitch said:
Thanks fellas, but I've been training since I was 14 (7 years), and I have a good diet. My problem is how to change it one cycle. I know a lot about training naturally, but my questions pertain directly to the change in training/diet with the ana Anavar (var) . Thanks for looking about, but I feel like your responses are due to miscommunication on my part.

Not being funny but if you had been training for 7years you should weigh more then 190, unless ur 5ft7 or something...if your asking does anything change when your on Anavar (var) and should u change the way you train and eat then yeah sure it changes...u can train more often and u will find u have lots more energy and will be able to lift more weight you will also need to eat more if you want to grow. Just get a cast iron diet and training program, once on Anavar (var) add larger portions and lift more weight...simple :D
i really appreciate this guys. very helpful. What do you mean by "set prs"? I'm not on the boards often, so I don't know the abbreviations/lingo.

Lucky13: You're right I probably should be more than 190, but I've had a huge amount of sports injuries that have made it difficult for me to maintain lifting at all times. I am 5'9" - 5'10", and while I am only 190 now, I used to weight 220+, which is not bad for my height. I honestly, don't want to ever be bigger than 200 though.
littlebitch said:
I've been doing a plan similar to the book, body for life. The reps are: (12,10,8,6,12) with increasing weight and doing the last set at the 2nd weight
If I'm reading this right, you're getting 12 reps at the end with the same weight you did 10 with on the second set. Sounds like you have a large gap between the weights you use for each set, or are not getting the most of your lower rep sets, which should be your "work sets", and could benefit from upping the intensity of your workout, maybe going heavier and to failure on the 8 and 6 rep sets, and/or throwing in a 3-4 rep set.

I'm assuming you chose anavar to help increase your strength, so consider that changing your routine to one focused more in that direction might help you make better use of it. My idea of training for strength has always been sets of ~4 reps. Haven't tried the 5x5 that I read about here, though it sounds similar(actually sounds better) to something I did years ago, which gave excellent results, and have been preparing to do again. I'm going to try the 5x5 this time, though.