Tren at 200mg per week ( any results) ?


New member
Hey guys so I am thinking of adding some tren into a current test e cycle at 500mg per week . This is my 3-4th cycle and was considering adding about 200mg TREN A . What are your guys opinion on only adding 200mg of tren for a first time user for maybe 8-10weeks . Would there be any gains at that dose ? Just trying to see if there are any benefits from a low dose like that for a first timer
Hey guys so I am thinking of adding some tren into a current test e cycle at 500mg per week . This is my 3-4th cycle and was considering adding about 200mg TREN A . What are your guys opinion on only adding 200mg of tren for a first time user for maybe 8-10weeks . Would there be any gains at that dose ? Just trying to see if there are any benefits from a low dose like that for a first timer

Which is it, your 3rd or 4th? :p
How far in are you?
Do you have any experience with a 19-nor?
How do you react to a dopamine agonist (prami/caber)?
Are you in a good place mentally right now? (Yes, I bolded this on purpose)
How's your liver/kidneys doing?
Do you have good control over your estrogen?

These are all questions that you should have solid answers to before touching tren. I wouldn't go that low, but it also depends on your body mass and goals. I enjoy the hell out of tren, but it's one nasty compound if not taken seriously.

My .02c :)
OP.My man hw bolded that for a fkn reason...

Way back when,
in a galaxy far away

I wrote a thread called " My tren nightmare..."

If it s still in this data base look it up I m a tech dinosaur and would not know how. Someone pull it up for me huh ?

Synopsis---I was a bad mo fo in my day...20 yr s ago. 215 ripped...had to hand out band aids when I bumped into folks.

While waiting on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) meds and an order I was tossed a bottle of tren by a :" friend" gym guru..he meant no harm.

And given my full speed ahead approach that has both served me well and just as bad both in love and war...

And after 10-20 cycles...over a 6 yr cycle..1 that lasted 28 months.....20 yr s ago.

I shot 200 mg s of tren-a in my quad on a monday and again on a thursday and it was un fucking cool in a the worste way.

The cough almost tore my sphyncster, the sweats, nightmares, paranoia...then I did it again...

Moral....I salute your low dose approach and if your not stable mentally...
AND I AM NOT keep tren off your plate.

Go slow lil bits...

(I will admit I got 3 vials of 50 prop 50 mast 50 tren a...and I m tempted...)
but scared...yeah I said it...scared..
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I was a tren addict but after this past cycle I'm done with it. Its just to harsh on your body. My new protocal is test and gh from now on.
Hey guys so I am thinking of adding some tren into a current test e cycle at 500mg per week . This is my 3-4th cycle and was considering adding about 200mg TREN A . What are your guys opinion on only adding 200mg of tren for a first time user for maybe 8-10weeks . Would there be any gains at that dose ? Just trying to see if there are any benefits from a low dose like that for a first timer

if u wanna cut/recomp you could do it with 200 mg tren/ 100 mg test week. diet should be pretty good for that of course. i was 185 15% bf and went to 185 9% bf on that dose. so yeah i gained a good amount of muscle and burned fat. up the tren if you wanna be able to cheat eat more. of course there will be more sides..
Swim ran Tren A for the first three months of his second cycle that he is about to stop now in month 5. After the three months swim switched Tren A to NPP because of the side effects. SWIM was depressed suicidal and never got a pump like he did on cycle one when he ran Test Mast and NPP. Swim was scaring himself with what was going on in his head. He was training twice a day for a total of four hours, eating like a horse
(4000 cal a day) @ (H:5'7 BF:12% Weight:195 Age:22) but swim was not having significant gains, in the three months swim ran 1000mg Test E 300 mg tren 150mg Mast he only gained 4 pounds. Although bf % did go down 1%. The Tren definitely did not agree with Swim, he coughed, had nightmares, night sweats, was highly depressed, any anger that he had was directed at himself and no one else. Swim will never touch Tren again.
Random weird event: Swim still coughes every so many pins...even though no more tren. Swim still feels tingling from thighs moving up to lungs followed by heavy coughing.
Whenever I cycle tren I have a reoccurring dream of Dennis Wolf raping me. Can't even look the man in the eyes anymore. The boys are right though, tren has it's benefits, but it also has it's costs. If you're looking to add something deca or npp wouldn't be a bad choice so long as everythings in order and you can keep your levels under control.
Hahaha, Dipking - yes, your tren nightmares/dreams are definitely worse than mine LOL.

IronPrimate: Swim should know that ANY oil that enters into your bloodstream via blood vessels can cause a cough. Tren just happens to pack a whallop when it does. Same metal taste in the mouth (more so with tren), same tickle in the chest, same coughing spasms. Not quite sure why tren is so nasty in this regard, I've read a few different theories - but nothing that I would call concrete imo. :)
Swim understands Halfwit(I feel like im a bad person using that name lol). Swim just never experienced it to the degree of Tren A, and now its almost always on par with the Tren cough :/
Swim understands Halfwit(I feel like im a bad person using that name lol). Swim just never experienced it to the degree of Tren A, and now its almost always on par with the Tren cough :/

Strange. I can see it though as I always get a mild hiccup every time I cough now lol. I had a mild case of bronchitis that somehow lasted long enough to train my body into doing that apparently. Yes, I get teased about it relentlessly by the wife. :(
no need to fear tren. try it at 200/week and see how you feel. a lot of guys exaggerate the sides. if you go into it expecting to feel all these sides, you most likely will. the mind will play tricks on you. relax, pin some tren, and enjoy all of its benefits.
...had to hand out band aids when I bumped into folks.

The cough almost tore my sphyncster, the sweats, nightmares, paranoia...then I did it again...

Funny on the bandaids.

I'm on 300mg Tren right now with 250mg Test cyp. Still just in the fourth week, , but the only sphincter I'm worried about tearing is my wife's, lol. The combo of caber and cialis is wearing her out.
Funny on the bandaids.

I'm on 300mg Tren right now with 250mg Test cyp. Still just in the fourth week, , but the only sphincter I'm worried about tearing is my wife's, lol. The combo of caber and cialis is wearing her out.

How are you doing on that cycle? I'm thinking of doing something similar.