IncreasedMyT @ ULV
I wouldnt say anything shuts you down more than anything else, shut down is shut down. 19nor compounds DO shut you down faster though.
It does. No doubts over here brother

I wouldnt say anything shuts you down more than anything else, shut down is shut down. 19nor compounds DO shut you down faster though.
It does. No doubts over here brotherLots of research to back it up too.
Testosterone has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 100/100. Tren is 10x in both categories.
OUCH sorry about the technicality.
Been a whileI have forgotten more than most of the young bucks know. Even though it is 500 it has 10x the affinity to the androgen receptor.
So if your argument has any fruit riddle me this:
In 2011 they tested 1,000 Asian men who took depot test for like 30 months. NONE were fertile except like 2.
But in 1972 when they did it on caucasian men it was only 70% effective? And they had to add doses of nandrolone to fully suppress them?
We can talk rhetoric all day, but lab work, studies and my extensive experience prove otherwise.
I wouldnt say anything shuts you down more than anything else, shut down is shut down. 19nor compounds DO shut you down faster though.
Why do people always say that 19-nors are more suppressive?
19 nors such as nandrolone tend to be more suppressive for a few reasons.
Most of us know that to be shut down you need to inhibit LH & FSH release.
Some compounds, like var & masteron, do this only by directly binding to the androgen receptor, which inhibits LH & FSH via suppressed GnRH release from the hypothalomus.
Now, 19-nors have the added suppression coming from estrogenic & progestogenic activity, which also inhibits LH & FSH by directly downregulating GnRH receptors on the pitiuary.
Therefore, compounds like nandrolone are more suppressive because they bind to the AR & PR to become suppressive through different mechanisms.
The same level of suppression will apply to test and other aromatizing steroids since they bind to the AR & ER. However, we can counter this through AIs like arimidex.
Unfortunately, their is no way to block progestin based compounds like nandrolone from activating the PR - thats why you hear horror stories & have "harder" suppression.
I am going to quote my friend MrRippedZilla from his Thread of Knowledge sticky.
Like Triptorelin? That would just make it even worse. If there is any compound that is permanently suppressive that may be one of them.
That's wild.. I experienced a much tamer animal than what most have posted about.
Yes, I sweat a lot on it. I had paranoia. I was always very warm. I was always hungry. I dreamt quite vividly. But, never experienced Lethargy, or mental sluggishness of any kind either.
Was always go, go, go. Developed strength about as quickly as I could adjust my Hypertrophy program to be a hypertrophy program.. every workout I could do more reps of the weight used previously. Every other workout I'd increase weight. Nearly lost all of my problem area fat without a lick of cardio (though I was running around at work for 8-10hrs a day)..
But never had an issue that would make me think twice about doing it again. Perhaps next time around it'll be different..
Check it out they are all over this forum. We have had these conversations about 100 times over the last 7 years.
I think your only considering TT, LH and FSH yet the HPGA is far more complex than that.
Its not just about that though, its about testosterone and estrogen derivative ratios, that mainly do not bounce right back, could take years depending on lots of factors.
rather than trying to change the subject, can you post a link to this study please?
If it's been talked about 100s of times...hopefully you can find it as googling, checking pubmed research sites and doing a forum search didn't give me any results.
Though, the study you vaguely referred to could be non-existent as your comments do convey heavy undertones of bullshit...
Seems like a quite a vauge statement.
Its not a vague statement at all and if you cant comprehend what I said maybe you should stop questioning me?
lol you don't even know what a testosterone derivative is lol
For the last time its because of derivative ratios!!!! Just like the info Megatron posted says!!
Next time maybe you wont be so condescending and I would be more than happy to point you in the right direction.