Make sure you're cycle is planned out fully, on cycle support even though its not methylated, a good pct(none of this over the counter bs) a serm should be fine, I would also look into caber or pramipexole due to tren's progestin sides raising you're prolactin.
Better safe than sorry, no one wants to be breast feeding
Not 100% but I think it converts to trenbolone at approximately 40%. So it's definately potent and shouldint be ran longer than 6 weeks for most people. Watch out and prepare for
Acne, back pumps, night sweats and insomnia.
I've seen plenty of people put on anywhere from 5-15 pounds in a typical 4 week oral cycle depending on you're goals and workout/eating habits.
Obviously most are against oral only cycles so id also suggest getting a test base,
Will definately help retain gains in the long run.
Best of luck man! I'm hoping to run some test/tren in the near future.