Trenavar information for use


New member
Just got 60 Trenavar caps the other day, has anyone had experience with this pro hormone?
How should it be used?
Supposedly it converts to actual Tren (nearly mg/mg) but I always have doubts.
Watch out for protect your balls and nipples. From what I hear it takes around 2-3 weeks to start working with some serious sides.
Make sure you're cycle is planned out fully, on cycle support even though its not methylated, a good pct(none of this over the counter bs) a serm should be fine, I would also look into caber or pramipexole due to tren's progestin sides raising you're prolactin.
Better safe than sorry, no one wants to be breast feeding ;)
Not 100% but I think it converts to trenbolone at approximately 40%. So it's definately potent and shouldint be ran longer than 6 weeks for most people. Watch out and prepare for
Acne, back pumps, night sweats and insomnia.
I've seen plenty of people put on anywhere from 5-15 pounds in a typical 4 week oral cycle depending on you're goals and workout/eating habits.
Obviously most are against oral only cycles so id also suggest getting a test base,
Will definately help retain gains in the long run.
Best of luck man! I'm hoping to run some test/tren in the near future.
Cheers :)
Make sure you get some test. I ran trenabol with super dmz and was incredible strong but felt like shit most of the time bc of the isoma. Was always always on edge. I could not stop eating i mean uncontrollably non stop all day and night. I went through fast food like it was air on top of all the healthy foods I had prepped. Big time meals every one to two hours and still cut alot of fat with almost no cardio. I only had over the counter pct but I ran pct with two different test boosters the hole cycle and post. Then just weaned off the dmz and tren. It all worked great but I was uncontrollably horny for the first 17 days I would say then there was 100% limp dick tell about a week into the weaking off. Which is not so bad for not having real pct. But anyway I would never do this again find a source for test and pct. I do still have a leftover bottle of trenabol that I will be running with my next test cycle but only bc I have it left over. Theres so many other phs out there that work just as good if not much better with almost none of the sides.
Make sure you're cycle is planned out fully, on cycle support even though its not methylated, a good pct(none of this over the counter bs) a serm should be fine, I would also look into caber or pramipexole due to tren's progestin sides raising you're prolactin.
Better safe than sorry, no one wants to be breast feeding ;)
Not 100% but I think it converts to trenbolone at approximately 40%. So it's definately potent and shouldint be ran longer than 6 weeks for most people. Watch out and prepare for
Acne, back pumps, night sweats and insomnia.
I've seen plenty of people put on anywhere from 5-15 pounds in a typical 4 week oral cycle depending on you're goals and workout/eating habits.
Obviously most are against oral only cycles so id also suggest getting a test base,
Will definately help retain gains in the long run.
Best of luck man! I'm hoping to run some test/tren in the near future.
Cheers :)

Thanks, much appreciated;) now I see my pct may not be as well-prepared as I probably will need, also I was looking into 200mg Test cyp as base, (little worried about extra aromatization).
200 mg/week of test cyp won't spike estrogen much, it will definately keep energy/libido up. Split it into twice/weekely injections of 100mg and you'll be good.