true or false. orals are much more dangerous


Test E. baby!
A DR. told me to always avoid oral AS's as the injectables would buy pass the liver and kidneys making them less harmful. true/ not so much?
however stacking with these orals seems to be a recomended must for overall effectiveness or synergy.

Example: drugs that do not bind well to the A/R and
thus achieve their effectiveness through other
pathways are Anadrol-50, Dianabol, and winstrol, tbol.
they are a little more dangerous/toxic but the toxicity is REALLY REALLY REALLY over stated. Im not saying go bannanas with them but dont believe the hype that you can only take orals for 4-6 weeks or your liver is fucked
Skarhead is right. Orals are generally more harmful due to the strain that they put on the liver but it is true that the harm that they cause is overstated.
Anadrol is the only one shown to cause liver cancer. The others can just cause liver values to change and is also dosage dependant. If you use liver detoxificants (Liv-52, Milk Thistle) during use with plenty of h20, most values will return to their normal levels once stopped. I have heard ppl doing 100mg and over of stan and for 12 wks and nothing changes, so it would also depend on each individual persons response to that particular oral. If you are using a moderate dosage like 50-75 mg per day with like stan, tbol, dbol, i see no problems with a normal healthy male with no past liver issues. Overall tho, it is true that orals are harder on the hepatic and renal system then IM. Most older vets do only IM. What you have to worry about once you get close to 50 is arterial problems, like plaque and hardening. You need to maintain normal balances in ph levels and with blood platlet flow.
It all depends on dosage and duration. In other words, paracetamol at 5 grams a day for 12 months will also do some internal damage.

This is why its called an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) "cycle", because the time off lets your body recuperate.
I agree with what pretty much everyone else has said...way over-rated...
I have run dbol at 80mg a day for over 6 weeks, then got a blood test, and my liver enzymes werent even elevated
thats not to say go nuts, but the media doesnt know what they are talking about
I do know that orals and injects such as Winstrol (winny) or other 17-a's, etc hurt my lower back more, so that leads me to believe, at least for me, they are taxing the liver more. I just stay away, why risk it?