Tryin to shed...


New member
Alright guys, any recommedations would help...
Im about 5'4" and weigh right around 170. Ive been attempting different diet plans for a while but to no benefit. Today my diet was as follows (usually try to eat around the same every day):
1) Breakfast-Wheat mini bagel with two eggs, roughly 4oz. chicken and
some low acid orange juice.
2) Lunch- 1/3 of a rotissere (sp?) chicken, water, 1/4 cup of mango sorbet
3) Dinner- bowl of beef/mushroom soup, more orange juice, 1/2 cup of
strawberry sorbet
4) Before bed- protein shake, 4oz applesauce
As far as stats go:
I try to work out at least 4 times a week, some basic stats:
Bench- 230
Curl- ~80lbs-preacher
I have a decent build, but i want to shed about 20 lbs or so... any suggestions on a supplement to help?
Cardio helps me. Breakfast black coffee with H G H. No sugar or aspertaine.
Protien shake very good. No booze. Just be cool and you will get there in
Thanks man... but the booze are the hard part, gonna try though... havent replied in a while, went back down for Turkey day... gonna start back up tomorrow, will post again tomorrow night..