upping deca dose any advantages?

Chicks dig a dude that stays half ass lean in the process of a bulk not a all out eat everything in site and get fat like yourself bro

You dont look like a bodybuilder you think i dint notice you never post a clear pic? Never full body, never yoir stomach? Never your legs? Your not as lean as you think you never have been you have pointy tits and flabby belly. I do too but my bidy is filled with muscle and you are severely lacking muscle your diet is not enough and i know for a fact you dint work hard enough anybody in any diet can build a ton of muscle in 4 years especially the way you use to blast tren.
Lmao my weight doesnt lie and i am not 300lbs with with 50 percent bf
I would rather do it as lean as possible unlike yourself that has no disipline diet wise what so ever
Like fuck ami going to go out to eat and order 4 big macs and have people and my girl stare at me like are u kidding me
You just have no disipline at all when it comes down to food choices like a fat person in a candy store
Lmao my weight doesnt lie and i am not 300lbs with with 50 percent bf
I would rather do it as lean as possible unlike yourself that has no disipline diet wise what so ever
Like fuck ami going to go out to eat and order 4 big macs and have people and my girl stare at me like are u kidding me
You just have no disipline at all when it comes down to food choices like a fat person in a candy store

Ok lets lay ot out in the open ill put up my fat ass full body pic up against yours? Dont talk avout it be about it you been hiding the real you for too long and avoid my questions you saw my back right? You have no definition whatsoever so lets compare bodys then you can talk
Chicks dig a dude that stays half ass lean in the process of a bulk not a all out eat everything in site and get fat like yourself bro
Just one sexy motherfucker 49er :)
Chicks dig a leaner bigger dude then some dude thats all flabby and eats pizza everyday
View attachment 565333
Lmao with the same pics tgis one is older i am way bigger now my upper body puts you to shame every part of me pits you to shame im not embarassed of my stomach i dont hide it at all. I dont take selfies anymore but i will if you want to compare you lack thickness and you are so far behind in what you should have achieved in 4 years. You started juicing before me and stsrted tren 1 year earlier than i did you know what i mean about straight pics dont act dumb i use to do the same pics from high at an angle so u cant see the chest drooping
Okay how do u figure
Not trying to argue but here it is

7oz chicken breast
5.5oz sirloin steak
1 1/2 cups pasta weighed cooked or 85g pasta dry
1 cup cottage cheese
Close to 1000 cals bro
And reason being i eat like this cause i can suck down a wack of food at once so i fast for 16 hours then have a 8 hour window to eat


I think you need a new scale bud, or your camera angle makes a GINORMOUS plate look small. That's almost a pound of meat, and it looks like a quarter to half that. While the pasta is only about 111 cals for 85g, it looks like so much less.

Why on earth would you fast for so long?
Bro u look like a powerlifter not a bodybuilder keep to your stupid ass 2 rep lifts and keep to your shit ass diet pizza plan
One that doesnt count calories but says above thats only 300 kcals what a fn joke bro
U dont know how to bulk properly as u are a pl and look likr one too with tons of body fat on ya
Never once cut in your life and just eat like a fat person taking tren and lift

Pretty sure you do some stupid powerlifting shit too bra

I think you need a new scale bud, or your camera angle makes a GINORMOUS plate look small. That's almost a pound of meat, and it looks like a quarter to half that. While the pasta is only about 111 cals for 85g, it looks like so much less.

Why on earth would you fast for so long?

I've been wondering the same thing... I'm not seeing a pound of meat so either you're not weighing right or it's a weird photo/angle.

Isn't it a little redundant to eat a pound of meat at once too? Doesn't seem like the body can utilize that much protein in one serving.

What's up with the giant pissing war too?
I've been wondering the same thing... I'm not seeing a pound of meat so either you're not weighing right or it's a weird photo/angle.

Isn't it a little redundant to eat a pound of meat at once too? Doesn't seem like the body can utilize that much protein in one serving.

What's up with the giant pissing war too?

Its all about the illusion bro its actually 2000 calories
What's up with the giant pissing war too?[/QUOTE]

You see, Matt is trying to be a bodybuilder. That is, cuts then bulks then changes his cycle month by month to try and eek out more gains. In fact, he does everything but train hard and with enough intensity to build muscle.
He started aas 4 or so years ago. And now the the newbie gains are already had, he doesn't know how to change his training (read, posing) to progress any further. And apparently he likes to e-fight with anyone who will stoop to his mindless banter..
Ya, that about covers it me thinks.
This sgit is entertainment its happened since 2012 i believe. We generate tgousands of views usually so its a win win