Lol its all fkd
Forgot to mention with resistance bands
Lol its all fkd
I dunno ask your twin bro above about how that pizza diet does wonders for u 2I can tell trust me
Matt, I try really hard not to poke fun or go after folks, so take this as a critique with my best professional hat on.Well i weigh my meat raw like it should be weighed and pasta cooked
So pasta is 85g dry about 1 1/2 cups pasta cooked there and equals 310 cals right there
Its simple math
Pasta 85g dry= 310 kcsls
1 cup cottage cheese=200kcals
Plus 7oz chicken breast and 5.5oz sirloin steak
So u tell me its not close to 1000kcals right there?
Wtf u judging me bro lmao
Before u judge maybe work on yourself
Looks your diet is shit bruh and u need to chop some bodyfat
Non flexed, no pump bs
85G dry pasta is rougly 1 cup bro maybe a 1 1/2 cups dryMatt, I try really hard not to poke fun or go after folks, so take this as a critique with my best professional hat on.![]()
85g of pasta is 1/4 cups dry. This does not yield 1.5 cups cooked, unless you live in a magical land where the laws of physics no longer apply in your kitchen. Almost ALL pastas and carbs yield double their uncooked volume because of water.
Simple math must not be so simple?
It's hard to argue with the cottage cheese as that should be on the label, assuming 2% - as whole fat is hard as hell to find.
The average package of chicken is about 12-16 ounces raw. Your magical kitchen must somehow shrink that down, because your plate looks like MAYBE it has 4oz of chicken and steak. But again, if that plate is really large, I can maybe see the angle playing on the eyes.
My questioning of your meal was to HELP you, as you DO have a weakness somewhere. I know you've ran with 3j before, so I've always discounted it, but the fact that the plate you posted looks nothing like the 1k cal meal you claim.
I'm going to suggest that you stop feeling attacked, and understand that some of us have made the mistakes that can be made - and try to offer advice based on what we see. You claim to leave your ego at the door to the gym, maybe you should leave it at ology's door too?
You're comparing yourself to a guy that has been hypogonadal for some time and literally just got on TRT. You however have been on God knows what for several years, and any HPTA troubles you have now were self imposed. I recall a claim to being on tren for a solid year.
A year of tren with a diet coach versus a guy that's recovering from a death sentence called low T.
Think about that for a minute, then read my suggestion about ego. Please.
Your priorities are fucked up, your training is fucked up, and you are being disrespectful to a member that was giving you solid advice regarding real life. You really need to take a step back and rethink things.
An opportunity was given to let guys that know their shit help you - for FREE. Free advice to HELP you move forward, and become someone better. Yet, you gloss over the invitation, and act all thug on the Internet. Help me understand what you think the responses are going to be.
I actually worry for you bud. You are often a great source of amusement as you and 9'ER battle back and forth, but I truthfully think it's time to reflect on things and the direction you want to take your life.
I'm not telling you to quit trying to live the lifestyle, the gym has helped me ENORMOUSLY over the years, and is why some folks are still breathing. No, that's not me acting tough, that's me stating that it's a great outlet for stress and anger. But if the point of this place is to learn, maybe it's time to do just that?
Before you demand pics, know that I will be posting some up in the near future once things allow me to without penalty. I would love to right now; just to get you to listen as I could tell guys in the gym to eat kitty litter, and they would do so because I'm much larger than they. But that's in the works, so you can fire away if you desire. (it's why I refrain from judging harshly on pics, because I cannot back it up)
My $2.00![]()
I dunno this was a few years ago but just making a point u ever cut before 49er in your life lol
As i stated i have no pump in the pics taken just standingLol whatever you say, looking at your old photos from a year ago you look the same. Never said I was special so you obviously cannot read, notice my kids are actually with me huh? Funny how that plays out (priorities?).
Point being in 3 months on TRT I changed more then you have in a year... and that's with your crazy ass cycles. Yes you could be a little leaner then me but not by much, you're by no means ripped good sir. I've never ran a cycle, barely ever lifted - I did endurance training and was super skinny in my army days. You've been on cycle forever and not anything has changed according to your pics.
You are correct that my diet needs some changes and I'm working on cutting for a bit before I need do my first ever cycle.
You can put me down all you want and use your goofy lingo but if I were you I wouldn't be so cocky... being humble is best, especially with all the gear your using for such little change... so in all wtf is the point of being on a gram of gear? You can't stand behind your AVI forever, you just happened to get photogenic in one pic.... all the other pics you post don't look remotely close to your AVI.
I do request to see your double back bi pose photo tho.... not your facebook photos or one AVI photo you swear by.
Lmao bro i am sitting at 227lbs at 5'11
Bodyfat unknown but not that high
U telling me i have no gains huh lmao
Whats your stats big guy?
85G dry pasta is rougly 1 cup bro maybe a 1 1/2 cups dry
I weigh 170g for for pre/post wo and split the difference
And i agree water obv makes the pasta bigger cooked forsure
But i weigh my pasta dry at 85g that give me a total of 310 kcals
The pic looks fucked up cause its reversed
And always weigh my meat raw so obv the meat is gonna shrink when cooked
Matt, I try really hard not to poke fun or go after folks, so take this as a critique with my best professional hat on.![]()
85g of pasta is 1/4 cups dry. This does not yield 1.5 cups cooked, unless you live in a magical land where the laws of physics no longer apply in your kitchen. Almost ALL pastas and carbs yield double their uncooked volume because of water.
Simple math must not be so simple?
It's hard to argue with the cottage cheese as that should be on the label, assuming 2% - as whole fat is hard as hell to find.
The average package of chicken is about 12-16 ounces raw. Your magical kitchen must somehow shrink that down, because your plate looks like MAYBE it has 4oz of chicken and steak. But again, if that plate is really large, I can maybe see the angle playing on the eyes.
My questioning of your meal was to HELP you, as you DO have a weakness somewhere. I know you've ran with 3j before, so I've always discounted it, but the fact that the plate you posted looks nothing like the 1k cal meal you claim.
I'm going to suggest that you stop feeling attacked, and understand that some of us have made the mistakes that can be made - and try to offer advice based on what we see. You claim to leave your ego at the door to the gym, maybe you should leave it at ology's door too?
You're comparing yourself to a guy that has been hypogonadal for some time and literally just got on TRT. You however have been on God knows what for several years, and any HPTA troubles you have now were self imposed. I recall a claim to being on tren for a solid year.
A year of tren with a diet coach versus a guy that's recovering from a death sentence called low T.
Think about that for a minute, then read my suggestion about ego. Please.
Your priorities are fucked up, your training is fucked up, and you are being disrespectful to a member that was giving you solid advice regarding real life. You really need to take a step back and rethink things.
An opportunity was given to let guys that know their shit help you - for FREE. Free advice to HELP you move forward, and become someone better. Yet, you gloss over the invitation, and act all thug on the Internet. Help me understand what you think the responses are going to be.
I actually worry for you bud. You are often a great source of amusement as you and 9'ER battle back and forth, but I truthfully think it's time to reflect on things and the direction you want to take your life.
I'm not telling you to quit trying to live the lifestyle, the gym has helped me ENORMOUSLY over the years, and is why some folks are still breathing. No, that's not me acting tough, that's me stating that it's a great outlet for stress and anger. But if the point of this place is to learn, maybe it's time to do just that?
Before you demand pics, know that I will be posting some up in the near future once things allow me to without penalty. I would love to right now; just to get you to listen as I could tell guys in the gym to eat kitty litter, and they would do so because I'm much larger than they. But that's in the works, so you can fire away if you desire. (it's why I refrain from judging harshly on pics, because I cannot back it up)
My $2.00![]()
Nice I've been waiting to see a pic of you brother
And what brand kitty litter do you recommend haha?
Mike...... raising deca will do absolutley nothing for you. Zero. Zip. Zilch.Nada
Just proving a nutritional point*sigh*
Well, I can't say I didn't try. Folks can only accept help when they're ready. I guess you're just not there yet.![]()
Just proving a nutritional point
How am i wrong here halfwit
Not trying to argue but here it is