Value of a good training parter....


New member
Over the years I have learned a lot.

Never forget how important....

Great training partner is, I have had a few great guys I have worked out with. It really helps you grow when you are pushing each other. Plus with the spots you can always go heavy.

I just got an old partner back after about 2 years on my own.

I has a sick workout last night.... now I am pumped for the next workout.

god bless all the great partners out there.
i agree 100 percent the drive you get when someone is pushing you is awesome.

a good partner is priceless.

there are 4 in our group, you can tell when we are there lol
I have to agree. I moved out to California and lost two of my training partners, eastarr69 and taboo74, who are members of this board. It has definitely affected my workouts. It's always good to have someone to motivate you for the one last rep.
Ditto, trained with my younger brother for some months, wish I had a partner currently.
Conan69 said:
Over the years I have learned a lot.

Never forget how important....

Great training partner is, I have had a few great guys I have worked out with. It really helps you grow when you are pushing each other. Plus with the spots you can always go heavy.

I just got an old partner back after about 2 years on my own.

I has a sick workout last night.... now I am pumped for the next workout.

god bless all the great partners out there.
no shit. I love working out with someone. or at the least having a really hot girl to encourage me on. :D
Stop it you're making me cry!!!!
But yes I agree, these days there hard to come by....

You know you got a good one when your standing over him or her and you drop sweat in there eye and we just keep on going!!!
Rocket Man said:
Stop it you're making me cry!!!!
But yes I agree, these days there hard to come by....

You know you got a good one when your standing over him or her and you drop sweat in there eye and we just keep on going!!!

stings doenst it????. LOL
The only thing a partner is good for is so you dont have to ask a stranger to spot you. Asking strangers to spot me kinda pumps me up because its always more than they can lift. :D

Im friends with all the regulars anyways, so there is ALWAYS someone there to spot me.

I go throught training partners like toilet paper, and I use ALOT! :D
I've never had a good training partner. They just A.) Can't Keep Up or B.) Motivate me, So i've enlisted my women for the last year. Yeah she can't keep up with me but she motivates me more than anyone i've ever trained with. Plus she also knows how to properly spot me. None of that pussy shit where you get to a sticking point and your spotter does all the work to rack it. She knows exactly how much to touch it just to get it moving so I can do the rest.
The best training partner EVER just moved deep south into the United States. :(

Now I'm training with a 19 year old that hasn't worked out before, but he's pretty big, he should do quite alright.
Good partners can make a huge difference. I'm a powerlifter and trained more or less on my own for almost two years, came to college, joined the powerlifting team, put 200lbs on my total. Needless to say I would say partners, workouts and atmosphere can make a huge difference.