Walking into TJ or Driving?

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whaen driving across they ask what you were doing in mexico "what was your business" and then they will ask you your nationallity. besdies that they let you go right through IF you seem ok to them.
Are'nt the custom agents American custom agents coming back across and not Mexican customs??

Is sounds like the custom agents in the above stories are Mexican officials(?) that are interacting with people on their return to the US

After futher reasearch, I found that getting steroids in Mex usually requires a Mexican RX(not a big deal) but getting it back usually requires an RX from a US doc. If you are working with the Mexican customs, I do not think they would care if you had an RX that "resembles" a US script, but if working with the US officials, I think it could get ugly.

Finally, what has happened to people that get searched and found with the goods. A fine? A fine and no meds, jail? All the above?
Usually they take down all your info. Maybe let you sit in a cell for a while. Then you are issued a ticket then probably have a court apperence.
Not me, It was my hommie. Happend in Texas. I have crossed TJ about 100 times. Nothing to worry about. I like taking the bus across. Cheap and they dont really care.
You guys are really out of line on this one. Walking shit across is no longer a safe bet. I lived in SD for 10 years and things are much different post 911. The metal detectors are sooo sensitive now that a lighter will set them off. Don't take your own car. Rent a car. And I won't give my tips away but you should be able to figure out some good ways to hide shit. Do not hide anything in the trunk or seats cause that is the first place they will look. Be sure and buy some nick nacks and say you spent the day shopping.
Bro I just walked across from TJ just last month with 3 bottles with metal tops in my underwear. No problems with the metal detector or anything else. I also carried it onto the plane in my underwear, no problems there either.
VegasBoy said:
lol, whats wrong with my advise.


oops, i meant to say your advice sounded good, dont know how i ended up wording it that way. too many shrooms maybe. laters.
moldytwig said:
You guys are really out of line on this one. Walking shit across is no longer a safe bet. I lived in SD for 10 years and things are much different post 911. The metal detectors are sooo sensitive now that a lighter will set them off. Don't take your own car. Rent a car. And I won't give my tips away but you should be able to figure out some good ways to hide shit. Do not hide anything in the trunk or seats cause that is the first place they will look. Be sure and buy some nick nacks and say you spent the day shopping.

I just got back last weekend. I walked through the metal detector with a metal belt buckle, keys in pocket, and change in pocket and it didn't go off.
wow. you guys are damn lucky. i talked to a friend before i went and he said a lighter in his pocket tripped the alarm. plus the airports are extremely tight. if i had it in my pocket or underware i would have gotten popped. they pulled me aside because a pen i had tripped the alarm. they had me spread eagle with a metal detector on my balls. all i know is i was very thankful i had nothing on me. glad to hear about the walk across though...i might try it but there is no way in hell i would take anything into an airport these days.
moldytwig said:
wow. you guys are damn lucky. i talked to a friend before i went and he said a lighter in his pocket tripped the alarm. plus the airports are extremely tight. if i had it in my pocket or underware i would have gotten popped. they pulled me aside because a pen i had tripped the alarm. they had me spread eagle with a metal detector on my balls. all i know is i was very thankful i had nothing on me. glad to hear about the walk across though...i might try it but there is no way in hell i would take anything into an airport these days.

You are right about the airport shit. On the way down to SD they searched my check baggage and I wasn't even around to watch. They left a note in my bag saying they inspected it. I mailed the shit back home to myself when I got back across.
no shit!! i am serious about the airport stuff. They went thru my entire bag. They even took the lids off of everything I had like shaving cream, deodarant. I don't know what airport you guys made it thru but Phoenix is not playing around right now.
on spring break i was in south padre, brownsville TX and walked across the boarder. on the way back they asked if we had anything and then that was it for me, i paid a dollar tax on my tequila. but a fraternity brother from another school got stripped all the way down and even made him squat to see if anything fell out. they said they were tipped off of someone buying gear and trying to smuggle it.

if i went i would take my wrangler across and stuff shit inside the spare tire, dismount and remount or behind my cd player or in the frame. taped down and sealed off. i heard of one guy stuffing vials into his gas tank and other spots throughout his car, antifreeze container, windshied washer container. easy places like that that are cheap to replace and easily disquised. behind the dash would be the best i would think. whos going to unscrew the dash?

the locals get money if you get busted and they tip the boarder patrol off. and they are overpriced near the boarder knowing that people will pay to smuggle.