Was zyzz's steroid cycle dosage true??

So the earlier thread about this twat's cycle had the actual cycle censored. That's why I'm not poasting it here. What you're leaving off here, Mr. "I-will-wreck-you" is the following quote:

It’s also rumored that during his time at Thailand, before passing away – that he had upped his tren dosage to around 2grams a week. Which would put him at around 300mg of tren a day! If anyone has any experience at all with tren then they would understand the serious side effects of; shortness of breathe, high blood pressure, etc. that would have most definitely had something to do with his death.

You want to find the cycle, google creatively. Try "his tren dosage to around 2grams a week" (with quotes).

Personally I can't get past the Justin Goddamned Bieber hair. Fuck.
Another zyzz thread, damn you had another a week or more ago and a mod edited the cycle info because of stupidity.
The people who typically followed this guy were asskissers and nobodies. What heterosexual man would give this much of a shit about another guy. I hate how people give so much of a shit about "celebrities" and their daily activities, get a life. I also knew nothing about princess Yyz until my Youtube wall suddenly became flooded with his barbie doll ass vidz.
Another one of these huh? Doesn't take these new young kids long to come out of the closet and "lettuce" know they are JYZZ lovers and want to be just like the skinny tool bag.
Said it before an I will say it again, if you need to take AAS to look like that just give up on aesthetic fitness and focus on something else... it aint your gig.

I have close friends that don't touch weights who look better than him and I have some who do lift but have never touched a damn supplement besides PWO whey shakes and look better than him on his best day.
Because he's aesthetic, because he went from scrawny lanky world of warcraft player with no life to jacked and smashing vag 24/7. Look at his before pics, for me it shows anyone can achieve anything no matter what your genetics are like that's why I choose him as my role model rather than some guy who was born with a good frame anyway.